After the shock, all of Xiaoyi's fans were very happy! They thought Xiaoyi was going to lose badly.

But then a 2,000-level boss suddenly appeared from nowhere. Of course, they were very excited. They were all happy for Xiaoyi.

This is a 2,000-level boss.

"He is coming. He is coming."

"He came on a colorful cloud"

"I was so moved that I cried just now, believe it or not?"

"I couldn't help crying, thinking of Fairy Zixia"

"This man really seems to be coming on a colorful cloud."

"The big guys are here, it’s a done deal!"

Xiaoyi’s fans sent comments one after another.

Those were excited voices!

They were all extremely shocked and surprised.

From the moment Ye Yi arrived, they knew that

Xiaoyi had won!

Meiqi’s face darkened.

She thought she had won. Who could have thought that the wild rich man was here again?

Who on Douyin doesn’t know the super big guy called Happy Fat House Water?

He was the one who gave two million in rewards at a time.

She was still very self-aware.

How could these ugly guys fight against the other party?

So of course her face darkened.

She was about to win, but suddenly a Cheng Yaojin showed up.

Now it was her turn to despair!

Ye Yi also saw the live broadcast room at this moment.

Seeing that there was still time, he was relieved. breath.

Quickly reward Xiaoyi!

Ye Yi directly rewarded 200 rockets.

That is one million gifts directly!

Although the opponent only has 100,000.

He can win with 200,000.

But Ye Yi is not short of money.

So directly decide the winner with one million!

This is the easiest way.

He wants to make the opponent completely desperate!

Desperate to the extreme.

He dare not even struggle.


Two hundred rockets flashed all over the screen.

Once Douying rewards hundreds of thousands at the same time, the whole network will be barrage.

What's more, it's one million!

The whole network was barrage in an instant.

All the anchors knew that the wild local tyrant was here again, and rewarded the one named Xiaoyi with another one million.

They were envious to the extreme!

Even envious and jealous.

How can you not envy... Envy?

Why aren't they so lucky?

The audience saw the barrage and entered the live broadcast room one after another.

So Xiaoyi's fans soared again.

It directly reached more than 100,000 fans.

Seeing Ye Yi directly rewarded her with one million.

Xiaoyi was shocked.

Originally, she only needed 110,000 to win.

But the rich man directly rewarded her with one million.

And it was a casual reward.

How rich must this rich man be?

It means he is not short of money at all.

Maybe he has assets of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions?

She suddenly didn't dare to think about it.

After being shocked.

She was deeply moved.

How could she not be moved.

She was about to become a joke.

Ye Yi suddenly appeared and saved her.

At this moment, she no longer liked Ye Yi.

Instead, she completely became Love!

She completely fell in love with Ye Yi.

This kind of love was not because Ye Yi rewarded her with a lot of money, but purely because Ye Yi saved her.

So she was moved.

So she completely fell in love with Ye Yi!

Xiaoyi's fans were also shocked!

At this moment, they were completely shocked by Ye Yi.

A reward of 110,000 yuan would win.

But the big guy just rewarded one million?

How rich does he have to be?

How could they not be shocked.

At this moment, they were completely stunned by Ye Yi's wealth.

They were really shocked.

How rich must this big guy be to be able to reward one million yuan? He doesn't even take it seriously.

He must be worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions.

Of course, all the fans were shocked!

After being shocked.

They all sent out barrages.

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling down to look at my phone, and I said I was scared."

"This is terrible. I will give you a million."

"You can win with 100,000 yuan, and you can directly reward 1 million yuan"

"Is this the legendary billionaire?"

"The pattern is too small. To be able to easily give a reward of 3 million, the minimum assets must be 10 billion."

"You guys are all scared."

"Now it's the other side's turn to be crushed"

"Big Boss 666666"

"Is this the light that belongs to the big boss?"

"Two thousand level means two thousand level, it's really awesome."

In Xiaoyi's live broadcast room, fans were shocked.

The screen was full of 66666 bullet comments.

They were all stunned by Ye Yi's wealth.

All fans worshipped him completely!

How could they not worship him?

More female fans looked at the happy fat man Shui, their eyes were shining!

They wished they could become the girlfriend of the big man right there.

Not to mention the audience.

Even the female anchors came in secretly to watch.

They were envious and jealous. They wished they could become Ye Yi's girlfriend.

At this moment, Meiqi was completely stunned.

Her face was full of embarrassment of being slapped in the face.

She thought she was going to win.

And she won for sure!

They were all thinking about how to abuse Xiaoyi better.

As a result, the other big man returned as a king.

He directly rewarded her with one million!

Meiqi also has many big brothers on her side.

But the maximum reward she received was 500,000.

How to fight with the other big brother?

One big brother on the other side can abuse dozens of her big brothers hundreds of times.

So of course she was embarrassed at this moment.

Just now, she was watching I can't stand Xiaoyi.

Who would have thought that I would be slapped in the face so soon?

Her face was extremely embarrassed.

After being embarrassed to the extreme, Meiqi was not a fool.

Of course she knew that she had already lost.

The other party's random reward was an amount that she could not afford! She had already lost.

But although she lost.

But obviously she still had to say some polite words.

She said some nice polite words.

Then she hinted at Happy Fat House Water Boss!

Such a public hint.

It was clear that he wanted to poach Xiaoyi's top brother.

When Xiaoyi saw this scene, of course she was very angry.

Who would have thought that this anchor was so shameless?

He actually came up with such a shady trick?

Xiaoyi's fans were also angry.

This anchor is so shameless.

He actually wanted to poach Xiaoyi's big brother.

And Ye Yi also saw this Meiqi and was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Not to mention that Meiqi looked mean.

Even if she wasn't mean, he wouldn't bother to pay attention to her.

He is now for the task��

Who has the time to care about these women with powder on their faces?

So just ignore them.

Meiqi saw that the boss didn't pay any attention to her.

Very embarrassed.

The third pk was won by Ye Yi's arrival!

Soon the game started.

But in the next few pk games, Ye Yi came up and spent one million! He spent one million in every game.

Those small anchors were scared.

They couldn't beat them at all.

So there was no need to compete!

In this way, Ye Yi led Xiaoyi to seven consecutive wins!

Xiaoyi was stunned by Ye Yi.

She just begged the boss to help her win three games.

Just don't lose so embarrassingly.

Ye Yi came up and spent seven million for her.

It was different from what was agreed.

Although she could get half of the money Ye Yi gave her.

She was equivalent to taking an extra 3.5 million.

But she didn't want Ye Yi to spend money recklessly.

She was not the kind of gold digger.

It's not that the more money the better.

So she was stunned. She quickly sent a private message to Ye Yi on WeChat.

Expressed gratitude to the boss.

Winning so many games was enough.

Don't spend money on me anymore.

But Ye Yi ignored it directly.

Now it's not Xiaoyi's problem.

It's a system task problem!

I must help Xiaoyi win the championship.

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