The Routed Empress

A few hours later. The Empress was flying through the gaps in the ridge of the icebergs with a paled face. Her striker, [La Grume], is covered in scratches and only a few of her guards are left accompanying her. There may be others who survived but they are the only ones who managed to join up with the Empress.

Their state was so terrible that no one would think that they are the Empress’s personal guard. The moment she saw the satellite falling, the Empress immediately decided to run. As a result, she’s now separated from her subordinates and it’s a situation where she doesn’t even know if they are still alive or not.

“G, Gnununu……”

The Empress groaned. With only the subordinates she has with her right now, she can’t possibly engage the Calencians. If possible, she wants to leave this rock immediately and return to her country.

Naturally, she also wants to take revenge against Diaroze and the Calencian army but she was not stupid enough to stay around and entertain such a delusion. The Calencians do not possess enough strength to chase her back to her homeland and the smart thing for her to do right now is to recoup her strength in safety and launch another invasion.

However, she can’t even afford to do that right now. If she flies high, the enemy will be able to detect her easily. It’s shameful to admit but it would be very difficult for her to escape this planet with only the guards she has now.

“Aren’t there any ally units nearby!?”

In a harsh tone, the Empress asked her ally, a small-class cruiser, the [Orbit] that’s flying ahead of her. It was constructed as a recon ship with superb detection capability incomparable to that of her and her subordinates’ strikers. It is also capable of wide-range communication so it is an assuring ally to have in a situation like this.

“It’s no good, Your Majesty. The dust cloud is obstructing our visions and the radio interference still hasn’t let up yet…….”

The reply was filled with noises and was terribly difficult to make sense of. Dry ice particles are scattering in the atmosphere and they are interfering heavily with their laser communication.

Hearing the reply, the Empress clicked her tongue. She then turned toward her guards. Since the sky was covered with dust clouds, their surroundings were almost pitch black. Without their night-vision, even strikers would have a hard time seeing ahead of them.

“Only 20-ish huh……..”

The Empress sighed at the small number of escorts she has. Even though they are elites, they can do little with this number.

The ones she can count on are probably only the new 4 Heavenly. Fortunately, she managed to join up with the Heavenly Blade and Heavenly Thunder since they issued an early withdrawal order before the impact. Right now, these 4 clone soldiers are the Empress’s only trump card.

“For the time being we need to join up with our allies first but………Arghh, this is annoying!”

If she can’t muster up a sizable force, she won’t be able to escape this planet. However, she definitely wants to avoid splitting her already small group to look for her surviving allies. It’s a terrible dilemma.

“Vessel detected to the northwest!”

Suddenly, one of the guards shouted in a tense voice. A chill ran down the Empress’s spine.

“Is it enemy or ally!?”

That’s the question. If it’s an enemy, they will have to handle it somehow with what little force she has with her right now. With their radio filled with noises, their IFF system is down as they can not take a look at their identification code. Moreover, the dust cloud has rendered their optical equipment pretty much useless.

In such a situation, there’s no choice but to approach and check them up close. Judging so, she had the Imperial Guard who first detected the vessel approach it with a wingman.

“4 [Prussia]-class ships, they are our allies, Your Majesty!”

The Empress stroked her chest in relief at the Imperial Guard’s joyful report. [Prussia]-class is a class of battleships that boast its sailing speed. It’s the same class of battleships that’s under Valentina’s command but Valentina only commands two of such ships. If they are flying in a formation of four then it is highly likely that they are her allies.

However, her relief was soon drowned by the sudden sound of an explosion. After a moment of delay, a strong shockwave followed. Obviously, it was the sound of a turret being fired and an impact. Since both were heard at about the same time, it is safe to assume that the shooter is in their immediate vicinity.

“Wh, What happened? Who fired!”

“T, The [Prussia] ships are pointing their turrets at us! It’s them, Your Majes–……..!”

Another shot was heard and almost at the same time the communication was cut off. The Imperial Guard was shot down. With that realization, the Empress hurriedly connected a comm line with the ship that opened fire.

“Do you know who you’re firing at!? If you don’t cease this right now I’m going to take it as treason, fools!”

Normally, she would have put the offender to a guillotine blade immediately but with her allies being so few in number, she can not afford to do that. While praying inwardly that it was simply a mistake, the Empress patiently asked.

“Hmph, I guess a fool’s mother is also a fool huh? Isn’t it clear enough that I already know who I’m shooting at!?”

However, the reply was simply merciless. The Empress could taste the mockery that was carried in her attacker’s voice.

“You bastard has already run out of luck! The Empress’s head should serve well as a gift for my new master. So just sit still and die will you!”

“Wh, Wha, Wha, Wha~~t…….!”

Her ally has turned coat. The Empress’s vision turned pitch black for a second.

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