Pursuit Commences

Even in an environment where enemy detection via radio waves and visuals is difficult, a battleship in the middle of combat is still very much noticeable. The Calencian recon striker, the [Twilight Eye] detected the muzzle flash and immediately reported the sighting to the main recon unit.

Naturally, as the Calencian army is in the middle of a search and destroys mission, such a thing can not be overlooked. A pursuit unit was formed with highly mobile vessels and quickly sortied to the reported location.

“This is…….it’s an infighting isn’t it.”

Schleer shouted in the cockpit of [Mistilteinn] which is currently flying through a raging storm. Her sub-monitor is displaying the image of the enemy ship taken by their recon vessel. Although the storm, dust, and general darkness make their visibility very poor, they can read that [Prussia]-class ships are engaging with a group of [Renions].

“My [Prussia] is waiting in the rear after all. There’s no way that my ships are in a place like this so it’s probably safe to say that it’s infighting.”



Valentina replied while stroking her control stick. The environment was much tougher than this right after the satellite fell but the current storm is still fully capable of blowing away their strikers if they are not careful.

“It’s bitter to admit but I have to say that Diaroze’s plan worked out very well. Honestly, regardless of their chances, I never thought that they would betray the Empress so readily.”

“Umu, it’s all according to the plan. Even so, there are still 3 questions left. Is the Empress still alive? Which side is the one loyal to the Empress? And whether this is truly infighting or not?”

Diaroze, who had already yielded the control back to Kisei, said while leaning sloppily back in her seat. It seems that she was tired from her long battle.

“The first two we will find out once we arrive at the scene but the last one would be tough to discern…….”

“It’s also possible that they’re faking it to lure us in. it won’t be funny if they pretend to side with us and shoot us from behind after all.”

“This is Diaroze’s mother we are talking about after all. I wonder what she’s up to here.”

Diaroze puffed up her cheeks at their serious remarks. She finds it hard to refute since it’s the truth but even though it’s a fact, she still doesn’t like it.

“Anyway, it’s best that we be careful.”

With a wry smile, Kisei said that while waving his hand dismissively. Dropping a satellite on top of a fleet is a very unconventional tactic so both their enemies and allies are in confusion. In such a situation, going about this by the book would be unwise so they ought to be more flexible.

“Right, let’s be on our guard as we judge the situation. With the visibility so poor, the battleships should not be able to exert their full potential. Our destroyers should be able to take them.”

“Whether we choose to advance or retreat, our vanguards are still the key players here. This is getting exciting isn’t it.”

As Schleer said, the visibility is too poor for large ships to move around carelessly. That’s why their vanguard unit consists of a squadron of strikers centered around a destroyer. Their main force will come in once they ascertain the situation.

“Umu, Umu. That’s right. But….”

Diaroze seems to agree with their plan but her face clouded over when she gazed at the sub-monitor. The status of their ally vessels is being displayed via the data-link system.

“Are Tersis and the others doing okay? If possible I want them to hang back in the rear for the time being though.”

Yes, she’s worried about the 3 who engaged the new 4 heavenly. Of course, none of them was shot down but their strikers were severely damaged. Some of them even got their arms and head blown off completely. Usually, you would hull such a machine back to the rear and assess whether they should repair it or scrap the whole thing. For Diaroze, she firmly believes that they shouldn’t be on the front line like this……

“No, we also damaged their strikers. As a knight, I can not withdraw yet.”

“In the first place, it was them who withdrew first [DESUYO]? If we leave the last blow to others then we won’t get the credit for taking them down [DESU]!”

“Yes, exactly! My pride as an aristocrat is in question. I won’t back down until I shoot them down with my own hands!”

That’s their argument. It’s nice that they’re enthusiastic about this but it’s still dangerous. The three had been cornered to the point that it wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that their lives were in danger. However, from their perspective, they can not let the clone soldiers mess with them like that and get away with it……

“We plan to have fun together after the war so don’t push yourselves okay? We won’t get to do that if you die after all.”

“…..Uhh, seeing Diaroze worrying about us felt kinda new [DESU].”

Originally, Diaroze was famous as a ruthless commander. Nora may snort at the fact that she has become mellowed but she has a point.

“Shut up! Seriously…….”

With a sigh, Diaroze brings up a tactical map. They are just a bit away from the location where the enemy was sighted. It wouldn’t be strange if they encounter some soon.

Thinking so, Diaroze gazes at the back of Kisei’s head with worry.

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