Impromptu Space Reef

The geostationary orbit where they can travel at sunlight speed aside, the low orbit which is very close to the planet itself forces the group to travel slowly using only their standard propulsion engine. As a result, it took a while for Kisei’s group to arrive at their destination.

“Hmmm…….this is……..”

Diaroze groaned as she looked around. Surrounding them are strikers’ limps and armor plates that seem to have been blown apart from a warship. Furthermore, there is a large amount of small and large debris floating around such as a battleship that has been split into halves. The rescue operation for the pilots and crews has already been completed in this area and there were no rescue vessels in the area. There was not even an SOS signal of any kind.

With only the wreckages around and no sign of life, the place felt like a desolate graveyard. Even Kisei, who’s familiar with the battlefield couldn’t help but feel a chill run down his spine.

“This place was so empty before the battle started.”

“Well, even if it looked like this, the actual damage done was already minimal. The Noredians ended up surrendering so quickly after all……”

In truth, the wreckage here belongs to the Noredian forces that refused to surrender. The Angel force that made up the majority of the Noredian noble army surrendered themselves before their army fell into disarray so they managed to avoid unnecessary damage.

“But the question still remains…….where’s the Empress? It’s a shame that we couldn’t catch her while she was transitioning the orbit. We can’t even confirm that she’s actually here too.”

Valentina’s worry is valid. In the end, they only came here trusting in Diaroze’s prediction. It’s not unlikely that she might be wrong too.

“It hasn’t been long since the battle ended. The wreckage here still retains residual heat so our heat sensor wouldn’t be of help. Moreover, with this much debris, our radar is probably useless too.”

Valentina said in a sarcastic tone.

“We finally escaped the storm below but our situation hasn’t changed at all huh? Seriously, what a pain isn’t it?”

“Anyway, we have no other clue to go on. For the time being, let’s search through this place.”

Certainly, the environment made it difficult for them to perform the search and the situation wouldn’t improve even if they keep complaining but here they have Kisei, a human radar, with them. It’s probably better than nothing.

“Come to think of it, the Zenith that attacked us earlier was completely translucent isn’t it……do you think the Empress’s striker also has that kind of camouflage installed? Also, do you think that the Empress still has that kind of escort hiding with her?

Many strikers are equipped with active stealth devices to deceive radar, or mass and heat sensors but perfect optical camouflage is simply not cost-effective for conventional weapons so the tech is not that widespread.

Its drawback is that even while the stealth system is completely activated, if the striker raises the engine to combat output, the heat from that would be detectable by a heat sensor. With a striker’s size, you normally wouldn’t have to be wary of invisible strikers but………

“If we can not use our eyes then we will have no choice but to rely on Kisei’s senses. Please keep that in mind.”

“Even I didn’t notice the earlier guy after all……..”

The already faint presence of the clones coupled with the optical camouflage was a troublesome combo even for Kisei. Since it already happened once, there’s no guarantee that it won’t happen again. Kisei knitted his brows as his gaze wandered around.

“Since we just saw the 5th unit of the new 4 Heavenly, it wouldn’t be strange if the 6th showed up now…….well, don’t worry too much about it. Even though their strikers were constructed with multiple productions in mind, those things are ultra-high-performance machines. Even a big empire like Nored can not produce that many of such a thing.”

Well, it doesn’t mean that we should let our guard down though……….Diaroze added and paused. She gazed down and searched her memory before raising her head again as though she remembered something.

“The Empress’s striker…….[La Grum] doesn’t have optical camouflage. It’s the Empress’s personal striker after all. If she installed such a cowardly device to hide in battle then she would lose the respect of her subjects. She certainly is fond of that kind of equipment but……..well, she still has her reputation to consider.”

“I see, that’s great to hear.”

Schleer caressed her modest chest in relief. After all, if she’s completely hidden by the optical camouflage then it would be harder for them to find her.

“Very well. Shall we start with this area? If possible, I want us to split up and search but…….”

“Considering the possibility that we might get ambushed, it would be better for us to avoid being alone huh. It will lower our efficiency but it’s probably better if the three of us stick together.”

The three nodded at Valentina’s words and moved out.

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