
“……….finally, some clues.”

It wasn’t until 10 minutes after they began their search that they found the trace of propellant from the Empress’s striker. It might look like they have found their first clue relatively early but in the vacuum of space, this residue gas disperses to the extent that they turn unobservable very fast. For those who are actively looking for it, the tension made 10 minutes feel like an hour.

“Judging from the rate of dispersion, it probably wasn’t too long ago that she passed through here.”

Looking at the calculated data from the spectral sensor, Valentina stroked her chin. It was originally a device for checking the composition of the atmosphere but it can be used here as well.

That said, they can not analyze it very thoroughly. They can not be sure whether it was from a striker or other small vessel. However, since the rescue team had already withdrawn from this sector, the fact that they found such newly emitted gas made it safe for them to assume that it came from the Empress.

“…….for the time being, shall we follow the trail?”

Even while they are talking, the residue gas would continue to disperse. They can not afford to waste time now. Since they finally detected some clue, they have to make full use of it.

“Let’s proceed with caution. It’s going well so far but that woman is most certainly not incompetent. If we show an opening, she might ambush us.”

There is no way an incompetent woman would be able to outsmart her many sisters and reach the throne of Nored. The advantage they gained over her so far was due to how they exploited the Empress’s overconfidence and lack of information. At this stage, expecting the Empress to be careless would be idiotic. On the contrary, if they grow complacent, it’s very possible that the Empress might turn the table on them.

“Of course.”

Schleer nodded and slightly increased her speed. The [Mistilteinn] accelerated forward leaving a trail of jet flame behind while Kisei followed after her.

The group proceeded cautiously through the dark space. Traces of the propellant gas weaved through the debris such as the wreckage of a destroyer and a huge chunk of iron that seems to be a part of a battleship’s main turret. It’s a dangerous path that a single mistake would make them collide with these debris.

“This is……….isn’t it look like she’s purposefully using a dangerous route?”

Kisei groaned while avoiding the floating debris of various sizes. There were small ones such as chairs and beds to very small ones like hair brushes and pens. The big ones aside, the small ones can not be avoided so they often collide with the armor plate making loud sounds on impact.

They probably got blown out from the destroyed ships. A ship that still has a functioning engine would be able to deploy an air shield to maintain the atmosphere inside even in the case where there’s a hole in its outer shell but when the engine stopped working, that function would be lost.

“She probably knew that we were chasing after her. Do you think she’s trying to lose us?”

“True, if she wants to scavenge a ride booster then she would be looking for a ship that sustained light damage after all.”

If her goal was to scavenge then she doesn’t need to enter a place with so much debris like this. After all, she would be able to find what she’s looking for much faster if she utilized her radar and heat sensor from a good vantage point.

“That is possible but…….is that truly all? It’s strange but I have a bad feeling about this……”

It was when Diaroze muttered that a thin wire caught the [Mistilteinn]’s shoulder. At that moment, the wreckage of a destroyer that was drifting nearby exploded. Scattered pieces of armor plate rain down on them like shrapnels.


Even while she was screaming in surprise, Schleer was quick to react. She moves in front of the [Ex-Caliburn] that’s flying behind and shields Kisei. Several armor pieces collided into the back of [Mistilteinn] and part of her thruster was damaged, leaking the propellant inside.

“Are you okay?”

Kisei raised his voice in panic at the loud clashing sound. In space, these kinds of debris can travel even faster than a bullet. Even a striker won’t come out unscathed with a direct hit.

“[Mistilteinn] is not that fragile you know!!”

Kisei was relieved hearing Schleer’s smug expression. However, there are explosions occurring all over the place, scattering large debris around them. At this rate, they might suffer some bad hits.

“Let’s take cover over there!”

Valentina pointed at a floating large armor plate that seemed to come from a battleship with an alarmed voice. It’s big enough for all three of their strikers to hide behind.

“That’s too convenient……..!”

If it’s a battleship’s armor plate then it won’t budge even against the debris. A perfect cover for them. With Kisei in her arms, Schleer used her remaining thrusters to propel them toward the armor plate. Valentina follows behind them while watching their backs.

“O, Oi! Stop! If we get careless then…….”

In a clearly panicked tone, Diaroze raised her voice but it was already too late. The moment Kisei and the others went behind the armor plate, the bomb planted there exploded. The bomb itself was an improvised one made from a battleship’s turret’s round.

Crimson flame burst and covered the whole area…….

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