Su Shi saw the inspection report that Gu Zikai had forged. He learned that everything was normal, and his hanging heart was quietly put down, but according to Gu Zikai, In order to be on the safe side, it is more appropriate not to eat the crystal nucleus in the short term. Although he is not happy, he does not dare to violate the man’s entrustment.

I thought that this thing had passed, but one night, he was once again woken up from his sleep by Gu Zikai. When he opened his eyes and saw it, they had already left the base and were in the suburbs outside the city.

Su Shiba blinked his eyes and wondered: "So late, what do you take me out to do?"

Gu Zikai has a complex face and Shen Sheng: "I didn't bring you out."

Didn't he bring it, did he still come out? Su Shigang wanted to say how this was possible. I didn't have sleepwalking, but I stopped at the mouth because he remembered that he had unconsciously bitten Gu Ziyu a few days ago.

He walked back half a step in a panic, fearing that the dangerous himself would hurt Gu Zikai again, but the man pulled his wrist hard and fixed the person firmly.

Gu Zikai also had a little panic and breathed a few breaths: "Do you think the body is abnormal?"

When he asked this question, Su Shi thought carefully. After thinking about it, he couldn't think of anything wrong. He said: "I don't know. I haven't eaten the nucleus these days, and I am still hungry."

Gu Zi changed his face and asked: "I am very hungry?"

Su Shi nodded his head and said: "I don't know if this is hunger, but I really want to eat. When I want to eat it a little bit, you will give me a nucleus. It has never been like this one. Heaven doesn't let me eat."

Gu Zikai is very distressed in his heart. Of course he is willing to take everything he wants to satisfy the child's wishes. It is only this time that the situation is special. This is no way to do it. As a result, he is still miscalculated.

He forgot that even if he did not provide energy to the little zombies, this small thing would follow the instinct to hunt food, and long-term hunger would make this instinct stronger, which led to late-night behavior.

He held the face of a small zombie and confronted him with frustrated eyes. The eyes that had once been carefree were full of worries, and no one could bear to blame him. Gu Ziyu kissed and kissed his eyebrows. Road: "Sorry, this time I am not thoughtful, go back and eat nucleus for you."

Su Shi’s eyes were bright and bright, and he was almost flattered. “You are serious, you are not going to lie to me.”

Gu Ziqi squeezed his chin and smiled: "It is serious, but you are in a special situation and should not be overdone."

Su Shi also knows that he is no better than before, some have to eat, where to dare to bargain, and nodded and said good.


Gu Zikai's so-called not excessive, in fact, but a few secondary nucleus, the best is only three levels, Su Shi is like drinking a few glasses of water after eating, the hungry or hungry, the chance of sleepwalking at night is increasing.

And because of his level of improvement, Gu Zizhen sometimes finds it difficult to see that he has disappeared, and has to put the two hands together, so that he can detect his movements in the first time.

Su Shi shook his hand on the wrist and felt that he was now a labor reformer. He couldn’t eat well, slept and slept well. This day, he couldn’t go on!

Gu Zikai is naturally uncomfortable, but his summer and summer are a zombie. For the time being, no one knows about it. These things are not humane. No one can discuss the method of coping, and they can only explore it step by step.

Su Shi muttered: "It is not that no one knows that I am a zombie. The uncle who met last time will know."

Gu Zikai raised an eyebrow and asked: "Which uncle."

"When we first arrived in the city of W, there was a very interesting uncle who was going to eat with us. Then he gave me a strange note and said that I had to collect it. He could see that I was a zombie. ”

Gu Ziyu lived in God. He stared at Su Shi’s face for a while, and he was pleasantly surprised: “Baby, how can you be so smart?”

The little zombie was exaggerated, and reached out and scratched his head. The man untied his handcuffs and turned to the study.

Su Shi blinked and followed the past, and found that Gu Zikai turned the books on the bookshelf all over the place, and the house was also messed up by him, as if looking for something.

Su Shi found a clean place to sit down and asked without heart: "Are you looking for that note?"

Gu Zikai did not stop the rummaging action, and said: "Yes, since that person can see your identity, then it is certainly useful to leave the character.... Damn, I will give it."

With Gu Zikai's super memory, this kind of thing can never happen to him. It is just that for the sake of a small zombie, his energy is too much, and he is exhausted, and his memory is also seriously degraded.

Su Shi walked behind him, hugged his waist and whispered softly: "You don't worry, you are so smart, nothing can stump you."

Gu Zikai dragged him to the front and kissed the two pale pink lips. When the kiss was over, his face was filled with a confident smile that Su Shi was familiar with. He said, "I think where it is."

He went to the end of the bookshelf and opened the exercise book that had been assigned to Su Shi in the past.

Su Shi took this spell and vented: "Although I found it, how can I use it?"

Gu Zi said: "This is not difficult. Although the Xuan disciples are few, they have not reached the point where they are rare. Don't forget what your man is now. Find a few people who can be a good person. It's hard to beat me."

As Gu Zikai said, the city of W is now the headquarters of the alliance. All the people in China who have the ability and desire to show their ambitions are all close together. Individual Xuan people are no exception.

Gu Zikai personally met these people, similar to the strange uncle who was seen last time, but it is obvious that these people are not as god-like as that person, and they look much more reliable.

These mysterious people were greatly surprised after reading the spell. "This is a very rare spiritual spell. We have no ability to make it. I don't know where you came from."

Gu Zikai only said that once the passer-by had a meal, the person gave this spell as a thank-you, but he never knew what was useful, so he asked them to come and ask.

One of them said: "According to what the younger generation knows, this is an evil spirit, which can suppress evil spirits."

Gu Zikai frowned and said: "What do you mean?"

The humanity said: "The so-called evil spirits are the ghosts of the victim. It can also be said that it is a monster that can't be seen but will make people lose their nature. Carrying this spell with you can keep the pure heart from being disturbed by the magic."

Gu Zikai’s surprise, unconsciously raised the tone, said: “What do you mean by carrying this spell on your body? This spell can be used for a period of time, will it fail?”

The few people were asked by him, and they kept shaking their heads and said no.

Gu Zikai has a total of under his heart. These people obviously do not have the singularity of the last time they met, or they still have to find the talent, but it is safe for the time being.

He came to the craftsman to create a jade, with a mechanism button in the middle, which can be put into the spell, so that Su Shi must carry it with him, even the bath is not allowed to be taken off. Sure enough, from that day, he was not unscrupulous at night.

On this matter, Su Shi also asked the system why he would make so many inexplicable things. The system explained that after human beings become zombies, the instinct and consciousness of being human will all dissipate and become a complete walking dead.

Even if the senior zombies have wisdom, they will never have humanity. This is the essential difference between humans and zombies. Every upgrade of zombies is another evolutionary process of the body. For example, the sensitivity of auditory olfactory vision will have a qualitative leap. And those unnecessary attributes, such as pain, such as human nature, will be deprived to some extent, and the actions are all instinctual.

Su Shi naturally does not want this kind of thing to happen. He still wants to attack himself for a long time. If he does not want to wake up and find that the pillow person is eaten by himself, then he will definitely scare the collapse.

At present, the best solution is to stop absorbing energy. To put it bluntly, you should stop eating nucleus. Anyway, he is a zombie and he is hungry. Most of his energy is exhausted and he loses his mobility. At that time, Gu Ziyu is old, even if he leaves the world. Will not leave regrets.


In the fifth year of the last days, Gu Zikai released the agents to improve the contaminated soil and water sources. In addition, the antibodies released against the zombie virus, the second generation of antibodies, and the latest three generations of antibodies have solved several major problems facing humanity. It also ended the end of the crisis.

However, the human crisis has not been completely lifted, there is no threat of zombie virus, there is no threat of lack of resources, but some people have acquired special abilities, and others are still ordinary, which has caused the imbalance of the world.

Unbalance will inevitably lead to turmoil.

Under this circumstance, the peacekeeping headquarters standing in the city of W is the pillar to maintain this balance. Many people know that the chief of the peacekeeping headquarters, Gu Zikai, is a terrible man. He is not only the savior who saves the world, but also the world. The strongest abilities.

However, some people hold objections because it is said that some people have seen it with their own eyes. Gu Zikai and his wife, Zuo Xia, have started to learn from each other. They call it a cloud of discoloration, and the world is shaking. Finally... the world’s first Gu Ziyu loses very ugly.

This incident is true or false. So far, there is no conclusion. However, I heard that there is a strange strange uncle who frequently enters and leaves the family. It seems that he has a close relationship with his family.

Gu Jia.

Su Shi held her own big dog and sighed with sighs: "I found the uncle very hard, and thought that I was saved. It turned out to be a liar..."

Gu Ziyu touched his head and smiled: "How do you know that he is a liar, maybe he is all true."

Su Shi, "The strange uncle said that he and Gu Yu are the fate of the previous life. This life must have a result. Can this kind of ghost be able to believe?"

Gu Zikai did not say whether he believed or not, but just pulled the golden retriever in his arms and pulled the person into his lap. He said, "Baby, if you think about it, if he is a pair with my brother, it is not necessary to ward off evil spirits." How much is there, I believe that there is nothing."


Su Shi licked his lips and said: "I suddenly felt a little sympathy."

I am entangled in a strange uncle who is a **** god, and this kind of casually selling my younger brother is simply worthy of sympathy!

Although Su Shi is very sympathetic to Gu Yu, but these two shameless men joined hands, the combat power is undoubtedly amazing, and finally the straight brother Gu was still won by a strange uncle, Su Shi also has a variety of Easy to use spells, old attacks no longer have to worry about it!


r galaxy main star, the highest military medical office.

There was a handsome boy lying in the repairing cabin. His eyes were closed, and the drooping eyelids looked extraordinarily well-behaved. His face was pale and terrible, and it was very affectionate.

The man in the military uniform went to the hospital bed and looked at him for a moment, with a sly smile on his lips. He said, "It’s been a year since I woke up."

The man next to him respectfully said: "Yes, the sir, according to the data, Su Shaoye will wake up tonight."

The man held his cuffs and said nothing, "Tell the Sujia to pick up people. Before the person wakes up, arrange everything."

"Yes, sir."

"Adjutant, I am looking forward to the next good show, you know."

The adjutant did not know what he thought of, his face turned pale, but he did not dare not answer. He said: "Yes, sir."

After the man left, the boy's fingers in the repair cabin moved gently.

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