r The galaxy is in an era of high civilization development, but this era is not peaceful, but because of the excessive exploitation and abuse of weapons, many ordinary people’s lives are disturbed, even It’s not a small number of people who have suffered a lot in their lives.

Before the binding system, Su Shi was photographing in the ancient jungle. As a result, the aircraft was inexplicably attacked and wrecked. The staff in the aircraft all died on the spot. Only his life was big, and he waited for the rescue with a sigh of relief.

This era itself is in constant chaos. In order to plunder resources and open up land, the military will not give up the development of new weapons, and can only use the various excuses to perfuse the people.

However, all this caused a great rebound after Su Shi’s accident.

An ordinary person is accidentally injured and killed by mistake. He will be sad for him. In addition to his relatives and friends, the public's attention is limited, but this time the injured is the national idol, the superstar, the young master of the Su family. There are thousands of people who love him, who can endure their own love beans and suffer inexplicable harm.

During the time when Su Shi was in a coma, the military had been overwhelmed by this incident and even revised the bill to limit the use of weapons by the main star and surrounding galaxies.

However, this move has not calmed the public anger. The question on the star network is higher than one day. It is expected that if the boy is really dead, the military will inevitably encounter more attacks, but in desperation, the patient will be transferred to the highest. The military medical office is being treated.

Horsini caressed his son's head and whispered: "At that time, your situation was in jeopardy. The military has the most advanced medical equipment. In order to help you recover, the mother has to hand you over to them. Fortunately, you will come back safely. I am almost unable to continue."

The voice has been a little choked.

Su Shi did not answer, but she looked at her palm and looked at it with a few scars.

Huo Si Ni only said that when he left his scars and thought that his son had always loved the smell, he made a statement: "It doesn't matter if the scars are needed. Just let the beauty doctor open some skin care medicines and it will fade in a few days."

Su Shi looked up at her and said, "Who am I?"

Huo Si Ni blinked in surprise, and the next moment she was flushed. She took her son into her arms and said, "Son, what is wrong with you? You are my baby son Su Shi, or who else." ”

It’s Su Shi, not someone else.

Su Shi was really cured by the word "Su Shi". He is no longer a stranger. He is no longer a stranger who has nothing to do with him. He is Su Shi, the palm of his mother, the whole piece. The hearts of thousands of fans of the galaxy love, he is himself, just himself.

The system kept its promise and sent him back.

He had a sore nose and said to Huo Si Ni: "Mom, I am back, I am really back."

Huo Si Ni whispered: "Yes, son, you are back to your mother, don't be afraid, everything is gone. After that, the mother will not let you take such a dangerous film again. You are the heir to the Su family. The only grandson, who used so hard work, used to be a mother who was wrong, forced you to push too tightly, and will not be in the future."

Su said with his mother, feeling the warmth of the moment, but no matter how warm this person is, no matter how warm it is, he always feels empty.

He is back, but where is the man who says that he wants to be with his life?


The son took a life back, and Huo Si Ni pushed all the notices of affairs, and took care of her son at home all day, becoming a full-time mother.

Su Shi’s father was not in the main star because of a public performance. Since Su Shi’s accident, the famous movie star has completely withdrawn from the film, like praying for his son, and he has frequently attended various public welfare activities, only wishing for one day. The child can return to his side.

Couples who used to have very strict requirements for their children have changed their minds since the accident.

Su Shi also had some discomforts. When he started small, he learned all kinds of talents at the request of his parents. He learned to cope with various people and various situations. He never thought that one day his mother would seriously ask him to go back to bed. Do not get out of bed within three days.

This feeling is really novel, Su Shi could not help but laugh, said: "My injury is already good, walking around is more beneficial to rehabilitation."

Huo Si Ni thought carefully, it is indeed this reason, so people accompany him to go outside the house.

Can become a super idol, Su Shi's skin is naturally excellent, because the lips are red and white, a pair of sly peach eyes are particularly hooky, it looks a bit tender, but his physique is A, has nothing to do with the wind It does not require extra care.

He retired the maid and swayed gently on the swing on the lawn.

It was in the afternoon, in the background of the green grass, the sun shone on his face, the white face showed a blush, and he smiled at the lips, which looked like a beautiful picture. .

The maid passing by could not help but take this scene. There are many rules in the Su family. She did not dare to arbitrarily send out her hair. She only showed off a few girlfriends. As a result, the photo went to the star network that night.

Hossini considers that it is still unknown for his son to mix and match the entertainment circle. It is not reasonable to announce the news of the awakening first. Therefore, this news has been pressed. Whoever plans to keep up with the changes is still open.

She scolded the self-proclaimed maid, and finally said that she was thirsty and sipped her tea gracefully. "Go back and send the original picture to me, then delete it yourself." Keep yourself, don't even think about it.

The maid quickly said that he had retreated in fear.

Su Shi smiled at the side: "I am here, what do you want to do with photos."

Hosni took a look at him and said, "I am the mother's heart, how can you understand this child?"


Su Shidao: "Since the photos have already flown out, I will go to the official website to explain tonight, I am worried that I will be too worried about it for so long."

Hosney nodded, and there is no other way to do it.

In the evening, Su Shi’s personal website was almost smashed, and dozens of lines were opened to stabilize it. He used the synchronized live broadcast of Star Network to express his gratitude to the fans and apologize.

He was wearing a casual home uniform, his hair was hanging on the horns, and he looked different. He said to the camera seriously: "Long time no see, everyone, I am Su Shi... Actually I woke up two days ago. Come, I am sorry to have not notified you in time."

Because the injury did not fully recover, Su Shi’s spirit was not very good. He spoke very slowly, but no one complained because the boy’s ability to wake up was already a miracle of God.

He slowly told his fans about his feelings and gratitude, and explained in detail why he did not disclose the news in a timely manner, including family factors and work factors, and could not appear in the public for the time being.

Huo Si Ni blinked outside the camera. How could this child be so honest? If in the past, three or two succinct words would reveal this, and as it is now, it may not be bought for a long time.

Fans also commented on his illness, and the whole person has changed a lot, and it seems to be mature.

Su Shi brushed their messages and couldn't help but laugh. He has lived for more than a few years. If he is not mature enough, he is not alive.

"When I was in a coma, I had a long, long dream," he said. "I fell in love with someone in my dreams."

The voice has not fallen, the comment area is crazy, there is a baby, are you kidding, others say don’t be stupid, how can the things in the dream be taken seriously, and some people say that you are all teased by me, this is fundamental It’s a piece!

Su Shi looked at the comments refreshed at an alarming rate, and said: "I am very upset and confused, because I don't know how to find someone I met in a dream after I wake up."

"I really really miss him, obviously only separated for two days, but I really miss him."

Someone said: "Su Shi is actually suggesting us - he fell in love with someone!"

Others said: "The people who meet in the dream are definitely the epitome of the people who know the reality."

More people are saying, "I am, I must be me!!"

Su Shi thought, if it was the person he had met, he would definitely remember it. Who can forget such a special person?

He said these words on the live broadcast, in order to use the fans to spread the news, he believes that as long as the man in this world, get the news will come to him.

When he quits the star network account, the influence left behind is like a flood. Hosney has no idea what to say. In her eyes, the son is only 20 years old, not very mature, how can he be in a dream. Emotional.

Su Shi was embarrassed to lick her lips. He took a deep breath and called: "Mother, can you help me?"

Horsini walked up to him and sat down and said, "Don't tell me, you want me to help you find the person in your dreams."

Su Shi nodded and said: "It is this thing. I know that my mother has a wide network of contacts. There must be a way."

Huo Si Ni frowned: "This has nothing to do with ability, but you also said it, that is the person who met in the dream, how could it be found in real life."

Su Shi clenched his fist and said: "I also know... I just have a feeling. I always feel that he will not leave me. Mother, do you know? He is very strong. There is nothing in the world that he can't do. He is Such a man, he said that he will not let me go, so he will not let go."

Seeing that Huo Si Ni did not speak, Su Shi took her hand and said: "Mother, I know that you think I am stupid, but he is stupid than me. Every time he is chasing me, I can’t let him keep chasing. Going on, the love that one pays will end sooner or later, mother, you will help me once, just... let me die."

I don't know if it is an illusion. She always thinks that the baby son seems to be more spoiled than before, and this soft and soft voice is really unstoppable.

Horsini finally compromised and said: "Then you talk about it, what he looks like."

Su Shi shook her head: "I don't know."

"..." Hosse said: "You don't even know what he looks like?"

This is very embarrassing, Su Shi said: "I don't know, but his face is always changing. I, how do I know what it is like this time."

Hosney said: "What about that character?"

"..." Su Shi shook his head again, seeing Huo Si Ni's unbelievable expression. He quickly added: "But I know that he must be an old virgin, mother, you help me to organize all the unmarried successful people of the main star. A detailed list for me... No, not only the main star, but the entire r galaxy!"

Hosney groaned: "Do you know how many people are there?"

Su Shi thought for a moment and said: "The scope is narrower, the man who is extremely successful and has the power to be strong, um... plus the handsome and tall."

"This range has indeed shrunk a lot," Huo Si Ni raised her eyebrows. "However, how do I feel that you are not looking for someone, but it is like picking people."

Seeing Su Shi’s sly look, she smiled and said, “It’s time to get to this age.” He said that he went out and said, “Be assured, the mother will definitely find the best for you.”

"...you really misunderstood!" Su Shi looked at her mother and left, unable to kneel down on the sofa.

He held himself and imagined that the man was holding him in his arms and whispered: "Where are you, I miss you."


The efficiency of the fans is really high. The video of Su Shi’s live broadcast was broadcasted all over the place. As a national idol, the superstar who has been adored with thousands of people has a favorite person. That person is still a virtual character. This is really Unbelievable.

Some keyboard man said: "This cliff is a hype, Su Shi stunned for a whole year, and now the idol update is not too fast, he has long been angry, how to turn over without looking for a girl?"

This person was quickly smeared by the ubiquitous fans.

"I am too angry? Sorry, I just want to laugh."

"This man, are you afraid that you will never pay attention to entertainment news?"

"Do you know how many years Su Shi has been red, you might as well go to the Interstellar Encyclopedia to search, people enter the entertainment circle from birth, it is good to grow up in the entertainment circle!"

"The upstairs was wrong. When Huo Ying was in a hurry, he boarded the StarCraft's highest honor podium. This is called the fire from the mother's womb to the big one. There is nothing wrong with it."

"Do you know what is a circle pet? No one of the most favored entertainment circles does not accept rebuttal!"

Just when the fans were tearing up, Huo Si Ni had already prepared the information of Su Shi’s characters, not too many, but also a hundred and eighty people, the introduction is very detailed, and there are personal video photos, almost everything. .

Su Shi seriously suspected that his mother was helping him by the idea of ​​finding a son-in-law.

He started looking through the first page and stayed with the man for a long time. Even if he didn't know his personality, he could judge his style of work, so it was not difficult to check it out. The first time he had already ruled out half of the people.

In the second time, Su Shi was more patient. Combined with the video interviews given by Huo Si Ni, half of the people were excluded. The remaining 20 people, because there is not enough information in hand, there is no way to make a judgment.

He sorted these people again and found that seven of them were the main stars. Other planets were out of reach. He could not ride the spacecraft for the time being, so he could start with the main star.

In his capacity, it is not difficult to meet with these social elites. The key is that he is very concerned about him now, and he will definitely be photographed by the media.

Since he can't go out, he will call people together. His eyes flashed in the light and he praised his wit.

Su Shi’s grandfather Huo Qi is a famous commercial magnate. He holds the mining rights of several stars in his hand. Even in the military and political circles, he is quite a position. Please ask him to have a reception. Who will dare the younger generation? Do not give this face.

However, Huo Qi did not like Su Shi’s grandson. The reason why his jewel in the palm of his hand entered the turbid entertainment circle was that he was given by Su Shi’s father. When Huo Si Ni was a fifteen or six-year-old girl, she was crazy worshipping. At that time, it was the old star of the star superstar, so he decided to enter the entertainment circle. The last two of them privately blossomed and killed Huoqi with almost cerebral hemorrhage.

This incident is Huo Qi’s knot. Su Shi did not think about it before, because he felt that his grandfather was not good to himself and he had no obligation to please him. But after so many years, he also understood some truths— - Seeing is not necessarily true.

Huo Qi is just taking a breath. He loves his daughter like this. Naturally, he doesn't like his grandson. It was just too fierce in the past. Now he has not pulled the following to reconcile.

Since the old man couldn’t pull the following, his young man had nothing to worry about, and he only casually mentioned it in front of Huo Sini, saying that he hadn’t seen his grandfather for a long time, and he never looked at himself.

Huo Si Ni was very surprised. On the same day, she sent a message asking Huo Qi, saying that your grandson was sick and he was still thinking about you. How is your grandfather so embarrassed?

Huo Qiduo is savvy, and immediately goes down the slope, "it's awkward" to the earth: "Then I will look at him another day."

Su Shi will let the elderly come over and visit the door the next day.

The Huo family is a famous family. This is why Huo Qi looks down on Su Laojiao. If you want to talk about it, the Su family can only be regarded as a nouveau riche, and the Huo family is a profound foundation accumulated in a hundred years.

Su Shi was led by the housekeeper to go to the house. The man said: "The lord is receiving the guests. The young master is waiting in the living room for a while, and the old slaves will go through."

This "old slave" and "passing through" made Su Shi inexplicably think of it when he was doing the task in the ancient plane. Is it true that it is the Huo family at the end of the century?

Su Shi nodded to him, seemingly like: "There is work."

When the man left, Su Shi will board his own star network account to play a small game. This is a strategy game that has recently become popular in the Star Network. It is said that the customs clearance can reflect your IQ and EQ comprehensive scores. Itch downloaded the game, the result - what is the 25th point? ! The full score is one hundred percent! !

He couldn't help but open another game, and the score was still twenty-five points. There is nothing more shocking than this.


Su Shi frowned and looked up. A man in a military uniform stood in front of him and smiled like a fox. He said, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean it... Hahaha, you are the grandson of Huo Lao. It’s really fun, such a simple game can’t be cleared.”

"Customs clearance?" Su Shi said: "Do you know that this game is not fully cleared by the people, if you can get through, it is definitely not a person."

The man raised his lips and said, "Oh? It’s there today."

Su Shi watched as he took his own operation panel and spent more than 20 minutes to pass all the cards.

Su Shi, who died forever in the first ten minutes, silently moved half a step backwards. He said that only non-humans can play through the game. He now wants to ask: "Hey! Which road are you? Come!"

Without waiting for him to ask for an exit, someone called behind him: "Yin Heng, gone."

Su Shi’s slight glimpse, this sound is very good, and there are some gracious kines.

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