However, after just asking this question, Lin Tian remembered that before he chased the yellow ape, Moria seemed to have made a move on himself.

It’s just that Lin Tian didn’t care about Moria’s soft sneak attack and didn’t pay attention to it, but Sasuke didn’t think so.

“Anyone who dares to resist me must be severely punished.”

Thinking of this, Lin Tian’s expression became cold, and he did not continue to care.

“Don’t go too far, just teach it a lesson, just have fun.”

Lin Tian waved his hand, then picked up the newspaper on the ground, sat down on the sofa and said, “But you should also punish Moria well.” ”

“Of course.” Sasuke snorted, “People like Moria don’t hit the house for three days.” ”

The so-called strong self-improvement, the communication between the strong is also short and refreshing, Moria in the eyes has to be surprised.

Could it be that the Heavenly Emperor is so powerful!? The yellow ape of the three major admirals of the navy did not even have the courage to fight the Heavenly Emperor, and ran away as soon as they saw each other, but it was the Heavenly Emperor who chased after him.

It has always been the navy chasing pirates, where are pirates chasing the navy, and it is still the yellow ape of the three major admirals who are chasing it!

All kinds of indications showed that the Heavenly Emperor must have done something to the navy, otherwise someone of the level of the yellow ape would not run away as soon as he saw the Heavenly Emperor.

Moria couldn’t help but choke on a mouthful of saliva, at this time, he was angry and afraid of Lin Tian, and he stayed motionless in the corner.

Now that he has fallen into this situation, Moriah has to admit that he is unlucky.


Marinfodo, headquarters of the Navy.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly and there was no cloud, which was a rare good weather, but there was an extremely oppressive atmosphere in the Warring States Office.

Pacing back and forth in the office, I always felt that something bad would happen today.

“Karp! Can you bastard not drink my tea! ”

Suddenly, he heard a squirming sound, and Sengoku looked in the direction of the sound, and then he saw some hateful bastard secretly shooting at his own tea.

“Zefa went to fight the Heavenly Emperor, there is no news so far, you are actually in the mood to eat fairy shells!”

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the Sengoku directly took the senbei in Kapu’s hands.

“Sengoku! Hurry up and bring the old man’s fairy! ”

Seeing that his senbei was robbed, Karp stood up and was about to leave, but the door of the office was suddenly opened.

“Report! Zefa-sensei has already disappeared,” a naval soldier hurried to the front of the Warring States.

Listening to this, Karp and Sengoku immediately stopped arguing just now, and even the crane who was closing his eyes on the side opened his eyes.

After straightening his clothes, Sengoku came to the desk and sat down: “How is it, has the Heavenly Emperor been caught?” ”


At this time, the soldier’s face was full of danger.

“It’s okay, just say it.”

At this time, the crane on the side said.


The soldier saluted the crane and then spoke, “Zefa-sensei’s capture operation has completely failed!” Our navy suffered heavy losses, not only that, but even Zefa-sensei was cut off by the enemy, he was seriously injured, and he is still in a coma! ”

“What!? Zefa lost? And he was also cut off an arm, causing serious injuries and coma!? ”

Hearing this, Sengoku jumped up directly from his position, unable to believe what he had heard.

However, before this was over, the soldier said again: “According to the reports of the accompanying lieutenant generals, it seems that there is a strong person at the level of four emperors on the side of the Heavenly Emperor!” ”


Sengoku only felt that there was a cannonball in his head, which suddenly exploded, and the whole person froze in place.

“Damn it!”

After reacting, Sengoku smashed the desk with a punch.

Obviously, through the report of the soldier in front of him, it is fully explained that this arrest operation can be described as a complete failure!

Zefa not only broke his arm, but also seriously injured and unconscious, and is still unconscious, if Zefa dies like this, what a loss for the navy!

What shocked everyone present even more was that the Xiao Organization under the Heavenly Emperor actually had a powerhouse at the level of four emperors!

The situation couldn’t be worse!

Kapu’s face was red with anger, and even his words became inarticulate, but he still said with difficulty: “I will immediately go out to fight the Heavenly Emperor now!” Otherwise, if it goes on like this, the navy will have face! ”

The Warring States were on the side, and he snorted: “Stop! Now the specifics are not clear! Rashly going out directly to fight with the Heavenly Emperor may have fallen into the conspiracy of the Heavenly Emperor, the Heavenly Emperor intends to crush the navy one by one, and if you rush out like this, won’t you send you to death! ”

“But! Zefa’s breath, I can’t swallow it! Karp said as he looked at Sengoku angrily.

He also came out to stop Kapu: “The Warring States is right, the most important thing now should be to rescue Zefa, collect more information about the Heavenly Emperor, and be fully prepared to fight the Heavenly Emperor.” ”

Sengoku lowered his eyebrows and said regretfully: “It’s all to blame that I’m too irrational, if I could have a good understanding of the strength of the Heavenly Emperor at that time, Zefa would not have become like this!” ”

Saying that, the whole face of the Warring States darkened, and Tsuru comforted after seeing it: “I can’t blame you all, I am also at fault, now Zefa is finally back, let’s take care of Zefa first, and ask about the situation after Zefa wakes up before making a conclusion.” ”

After hearing this, Karp’s heart also calmed down, and whether Zefa can be saved now is the top priority.

At this time, Sengoku and Tsuru stood up one after another, and went to visit Zefa together with Karp.

After desperate rescue, Zefa began to regain consciousness, and when he opened his eyes, it was Sengoku, Karp and Tsuru who came into view.

Sengoku looked at Zefa, worried and ashamed: “Zefa, how are you?” ”

“It’s just a broken hand, what else.” Zefa didn’t have a good airway. _

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