“It’s all to blame on me, I didn’t understand the Heavenly Emperor well, and let you attack without authorization, so that it became like this.”

As Sengoku spoke, his face turned white, and he seemed to be really regretful.

Seeing this, Zefa said, “What are you worried about!” Old man, I swear that I will definitely catch the Heavenly Emperor and come back, and I will not die before that!” ”

After hearing this, Sengoku, Karp and Tsuru were relieved.

At this time, the crane asked, “What new discoveries did you make when you fought against the Heavenly Emperor?” ”

When Zefa heard this question from the crane, he couldn’t help but rush up with a wave of anger: “When the abominable Heavenly Emperor was surrounded by me, he didn’t know where to take out Sakaski and block it in front of me!” ”

“What!? Sakaski!? ”

Sengoku, Kapu and Tsuru were taken aback at the same time, their current mood is very complicated, on the one hand, they are glad that the red dog is not dead, but on the other hand, they know that the red dog actually feels very angry at the hands of the Heavenly Emperor.

This bitter and painful anger made Karp gasp and asked, “Are you sure you see Sakaski himself!?” ”

Zefa replied categorically: “My own student, can I still read it wrong!? I did see Sakaski being put alive in front of me by the Heavenly Emperor and talked to me about the conditions. ”

“Conditions?” When the keen Warring States heard this, he asked, “What conditions?” ”

“The Heavenly Emperor asked for 50 devil fruits in exchange for Sakaski, and as long as the navy is willing to exchange, you can find him at any time.” Zefa said.

“What!? This Heavenly Emperor is too arrogant, I will immediately go to fight him back, otherwise if I continue to be so arrogant, what majesty will our navy have on the sea!” ”

Karp was already angry and ready to rush out the door, but was blocked by the Sengoku, and hit Karp on the head with a punch: “Don’t be angry!” Now that the red dog is in the hands of the Heavenly Emperor, it is not worth the gain to make the Heavenly Emperor unhappy and kill the red dog. ”

The words of the Warring States made everyone present silent, the Heavenly Emperor’s move of holding the red dog was indeed very difficult for the navy, and he might also have a subordinate at the level of the four emperors.

Thinking of this, Karp resentfully punched the ground.

At this moment, a soldier ran to the door in a panic, and said breathlessly: “Report… Sir…… Yellow Ape General He… He…… He returned, but looked scarred and seemed to have been fatally attacked. ”


Karp jumped up with excitement and was led by the soldiers to lie on the bed for treatment, followed by Sengoku and Tsuru.

Karp saw the yellow ape and immediately stepped forward and asked: “What’s wrong, Borusalino, how can there be so many wounds, who is it, who beat you like this.” ”

“It’s the Heavenly Emperor!”

The yellow ape reluctantly said these three words, just three words, but they were firmly imprinted in Karp’s heart.

The Warring States and Cranes who followed afterwards were surprised when they heard this sentence of the yellow ape!

What’s going on? Wasn’t it just besieged by Zefa on the side of Fishman Island in the New World? Why was the yellow ape suddenly attacked by the Heavenly Emperor?

The yellow ape said that he had invited Moria into the Seven Martial Seas on the Moria ship, but he met the Heavenly Emperor and fought with the Heavenly Emperor in detail.

After listening to it, the Warring States were even more surprised, they didn’t expect the yellow ape to fight the Heavenly Emperor so seriously, and he also cracked all the yellow ape’s moves with ease, and even injured the yellow ape like this.

The Warring States had to admit that the Heavenly Emperor also had the strength of the Four Emperors, so Zefa, Red Dog and Yellow Ape could not pose any threat to the Heavenly Emperor, and Karp and Crane also saw this idea of the Warring States.

Originally, there were four four emperors in the new world, which was a headache, and now a four-emperor-level Heavenly Emperor suddenly appeared, and he may also have a four-emperor-level subordinate in his hands, which can not shock them.

For a while, everyone present fell silent, and everyone did not say anything, but slowly left the ward.

Naval Headquarters, Conference Room in Marienfodo.

There were only three people sitting there in the conference room at this time, that is, Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru.

The conference room was unusually quiet and silent, and suddenly Karp said a word: “I will now lead all the troops up and down the navy to immediately go to sea to fight the Heavenly Emperor!” ”

Karp was so excited that he immediately stood up and tapped the table hard.

After seeing Karp’s such angry face, Tsuru did not say anything, but fell silent on the side.

Seeing Tsuru’s thoughtful look, Sengoku couldn’t help but ask, “Tsuru, if you want to say anything, just say it.” ”

When Tsuru heard this, he sighed and said: “There are not many elite soldiers left in our navy now, and since the last time Zefa took them out to battle and returned from defeat, they have been in decadence and have no morale. ”

“Not only that, Karp said that he was going to fight the Heavenly Emperor, but dealing with two four emperors at once, how can I say that it is not so simple, right?”

After hearing Crane’s words, Karp calmed down for a while, even if he was not able to fight with two Four Emperors at once.

Sengoku pondered for a moment and asked, “Tsuru, what you said also makes sense, but are we now leaving the Heavenly Emperor outside, ignoring the majesty of the world government and navy, and acting recklessly?” ”

The crane was silent for a while, and the crane fully understood in his heart that the most important thing in front of them now was that the Heavenly Emperor did not put the world government and navy in his eyes at all, which let other pirates know that they followed the Heavenly Emperor, wouldn’t it be a world chaos.

So the first thing that needs to be done is to maintain the majesty of the world government and the navy, and maintain the position of the navy in the world, so that justice can be done, but how can it be good?


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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