At this moment, Lu Yang has plans to cultivate this Passepartout.

He could see that Lu Lutong was only 15 or 16 years old, not much younger than himself, but he was very smart and could be made. Moreover, with his current strength, he had a chance to be promoted to the intermediate animal master.

After a discussion with the bookstore owner, Lu Lutong came to Lu Yang and handed him a new price list. The star level of the intermediate veterinary art was really promoted to ten stars, but there was no advanced veterinary art.

Of course, because they are in the middle area, the number of intermediate animal control skills is obviously several times more than that of the previous shop, but there are only more than 200 copies, and the number is not very large. It can be imagined that when they arrive at the first area, there will not be too many advanced animal control skills. But a little is better than nothing!

After paying, Lu Yang did not rush to lead the way to the first district. Instead, he found a restaurant nearby and sat down.

After ordering a private room in the restaurant, Lu Yangcai asked Lu Lutong, "come on, what's your name and who do you work for?"

Although Lu Yang seems to have nothing to do all day long, in fact, he has a clear mind.

If these road boys can eat so well among these businesses, there must be someone behind them. Otherwise, with good luck, his income in one day will be the same as that of a small Gang in an ordinary secondary city in one month. With such a large income and such a weak strength, is it possible that no one will give them any idea?

Lu Yang doesn't believe it, and this is impossible.

"You are right, sir. We do have a big family behind us. Our daily income will be divided into 60% to 70% of this big family. People without roots like me can only get 70%. If you're not lucky and have no business for a few days, I'm afraid you'll be beaten. " Passepartout opened his clothes to reveal a purple wound.

Passepartout was so excited that he was beaten sometimes. It can be seen that being beaten as a Passepartout has become a common thing.

"I didn't expect that in our small town, quilt is regarded as the junior animal master of the world. In a first-class city, quilt is equal to pig and dog. It's really different in the world, and people's grades are also different!" Lu Yang sighed in his heart and then asked, "since someone beat you, why don't you want to run away?"

"Run away? It's not that we haven't thought about it, but where can we escape? What's more, we are from a poor family. We have no resources and no cultivation ability. Although you will be beaten if you stay here, at least you have a chance to become an animal master, an intermediate animal master, or even a stronger existence! " Passepartout spoke word by word, and his tone even made him feel very powerful, but what he wanted was more than that.

"Very good. With your talent, you may become an intermediate zoologist in a year or two! If you don't die, you may have a chance to become a senior zoologist in five years. As for becoming a huangjie zoologist, there is still a long way to go. " Lu Yang didn't cheat him. With his current resources, it's very difficult for him to become a senior zoologist, let alone a huangjie zoologist.

"No, this year I will definitely become an intermediate animal master, or even a senior animal master." Passepartout's eyes brightened, and a flame suddenly rose in his heart.

"Oh, I'll see!" It can be seen that Passepartout is a strong man in his heart, so he didn't say much.

"What's your real name?" Without discussing this issue, Lu Yang is more interested in Passepartout itself.

"My name is Huo Qiang." Huo Qiang some embarrassed said, because many people sleep, he is a girl's name.

"Not bad. What family are you in? " Lu Yang asked again.

"A great general, Zhu family!" Although she was only a running dog of the Zhu family, Huo Qiang was not ashamed. Instead, when she mentioned the Zhu family, her face showed a proud look.

Zhu family?

When he heard the name, Lu Yang suddenly thought of Zhu tianque, an old member of the Zhu family. This man is said to have reached the earth level, and even killed more than a dozen fierce beasts in a wave of beasts. He became famous in the first battle, and later became a general and a overlord. If he is not wrong, then this Zhu family is Zhu tianque's clan.

"You're right. The ancestor of the Zhu family is Zhu tianque." Seeing the difference in Lu Yang's eyes, Huo Qiang said with certainty.

"After dinner, let's go!" Lu Yang nodded and said nothing more.

He could see that there must be other reasons why Huo Qiang was willing to stay here.

What is it? Lu Yang is quite curious.

Leaving the restaurant, Huo Qiang takes Lu Yang to the No. 1 area of the book area.

Here, not to mention the low star level of high-level veterinary art, even the high star level of high-level veterinary art can be bought, but the price will be more expensive, so in the whole book area, the shops here are the least, but every shop here is very big. Even the smallest shop is several times as big as the largest shop outside.

Huo Qiang took Lu Yang to a bookshop with luxurious decoration and sat down. As soon as they entered the bookstore, several maids met them and they went to the rest area for tea.Soon a guy took it from the outside and said, "Hey, LULUTONG, I didn't expect that you've brought a lot of guests these days. You should make a lot of money. I know you want to attack the intermediate Beast Master, isn't it true? "

Although his strength is not strong, he is also better than LULUTONG's cultivation. He is a real intermediate Beast Master. Now Passepartout was stopped by the young man, and his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Hum, song Ziyan, I haven't bothered you about the last time you hurt me. You'd better get away from me, or I'll tell you what happened to elder Feng!" Huo Qiang is really a soft persimmon. Even if she can't beat her opponent, she won't give up.

If we put it in the past, we would certainly be restrained when we heard Lutong's words, but now he won't. Because his sister has married Feng Chang.

"Ha ha ha, LULUTONG, in the past, you dared to ride on my head by relying on elder Feng to cover you, but now you won't. I want 90% of your profit in this business Song Ziyan seemed to think that he had made up his mind for Passepartout, and his face was full of regret.

"Then get out of here, too. This time the voice is entirely from me, and I won't give you a dime!" Seeing song Ziyan's disgusting expression, Passepartout immediately showed his disgust.

If he guesses correctly, then song Ziyan's cousin and elder Feng are good friends, and he will never come to this shop again! Thinking of this, Passepartout had plans to leave.

But at this time, elder Feng came in from the outside.

"You're just a fake yellow level Beast Master!" Seeing elder Feng, though Lu Lutong despised him very much, he still showed a very flattering expression on his face. "Elder Feng, I've brought you a big client this time, but he has a special identity. I hope elder Feng can give him more concessions, and my share of profits can be exempted."

"Well, don't think I don't know what you're up to. Passepartout, I used to appreciate you because you are really smart, but now it's different. Do you see that song Ziyan is my brother-in-law. He will soon be promoted to a senior zoologist. That's your quota, so you're finished! " Elder Feng ignored Passepartout's angry eyes and said coldly.

"In the future, when you come here every time, the benefits you get will only be 50% of the past, and the fees you pay will be increased by 20%. Go to work!" At first, Passepartout was just angry, but now these words put Passepartout on the death row and completely cut off his life.

"You Passepartout never dreamed that elder Feng would turn over and be merciless. It seems that he was wrong about him at the beginning.

"I won't do this business!" Maybe because of his anger, Passepartout turned around and left.

"Ha ha ha, it's arrogant of you not to do business. What, do you still want to be beaten? " Seeing that Lu Lutong wanted to go, song Ziyan stepped forward and stopped him.

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