"Song Ziyan, I've endured you for a long time. Since you have to fight against me today, you can come!" LULUTONG knew that if he didn't beat song Ziyan to the ground today, the matter couldn't be finished.

"Ziyan, take it easy. As long as you don't kill him, this matter can be exposed. Of course, if the boy doesn't appreciate it, there's no need to keep him. It's just a loss of money. " Elder Feng is close to song Ziyan's cousin. Naturally, he thinks about song Ziyan's words everywhere.

"Ha ha ha, thank you, brother-in-law!" Song Ziyan waved his hand, and a gray light fell behind him.

If you don't look carefully, you think it's a gray wolf, but if you look carefully, you can see that it's not a gray wolf, but a poisonous weasel, a variant product of a cross between a skunk and a gray wolf. It's stronger and more brutal.

In addition to the cruelty and ferocity of the wolf, it also has a layer of venom on its teeth. Biting on a person will not kill him, but it can paralyze him. However, if there is too much venom, it can also kill people.

"Elder Feng, do you really want to do something absolutely?" Seeing Mr. Feng's indifference, Passepartout was really angry.

"Ha ha, you're just a dog. It's natural for the master to tick it!" Elder Feng was still making sarcastic remarks.

"Passepartout, no one can help you this time. Give it to me! Fangs Song Ziyan snorted coldly. Under his command, the poisonous weasel turned into a gray light and rushed directly to LULUTONG.

"Big flower!" In the face of song Ziyan's attack, Passepartout was not too nervous. With his call, the black-and-white cat appeared in front of him.


Although the big flower is not as big as the poisonous weasel, it is much bigger than the ordinary flower cat, and the flower cat's eyes have a kind of scarlet color.

When the weasel rushes up, Dahua pours on it as well. The two battle pets have already met on the way.

"Meow!" When the wolf was about to pounce on Dahua, Dahua folded his front legs and stepped forward with his hind legs. His four legs touched each other and all supported on the ground.

"Wow," the cat actually jumped more than one meter high, can jump from the gray wolf.

Its four claws are not idle, grasp the wolf's back, sharp claws directly into.

"Poop, poop..."

The tip of the flower cat's claw actually scratched the back of the weasel.

"Ao" of a, poison weasel shrieked a, turn round then bite to big flower.

Big flower swish of a, then drilled past from the front of gray wolf.

But it has not returned to the side of LULUTONG. Song Ziyan has come to the back of Dahua.

"Bang" is a foot, big flower was attacked, directly fell to the ground, gray wolf took the opportunity to jump up, suddenly bite big flower's body, big flower even if desperately resist, but once poisoned, its reaction will be worse and worse, even if the poison weasel bite force is not as good as gray wolf, for a long time, also can bite big flower alive.

"Big flower!" When LULUTONG wanted to come forward and save his favorite, he felt that he was tight behind him. Elder Feng caught him from behind.

At the same time, elder Feng's palm became more and more powerful. He found that his shoulder was numb from the previous pain, and then there was blood flowing from his shoulder

In area 1, every shop has a private room in addition to a rest area. Some distinguished guests can enjoy themselves in the private room, including calling the maid in to have a good time. Lu Lutong was dragged into the private room by song Ziyan. Otherwise, Lu Yang would have been shocked by such a big stir between them.

But even so, Lu Yang was surprised that he had not come back for a long time.

Thinking that Lu Lutong and song Ziyan seemed to be at odds, he stood up and went to the direction where Lu Lutong left. There is a row of private rooms. The airtightness of each private room is very good, and the corresponding sound insulation treatment has been done, at least to ensure that the violent movements between the guests and the maid will not be heard outside.

But suddenly there was a sound like wolf howling, which made Lu Yang slightly stunned. He turned and walked to the compartment. He opened the door and saw that elder Feng's palm was on LULUTONG's shoulder, and blood was flowing from LULUTONG's body.

"Help me!" Although Lu Lutong and Lu Yang had only known each other for one morning, out of his survival instinct, he called out to Lu Yang, and then he fell into an unconscious coma.

"Boy, you can't manage this. You'd better leave for me!" Seeing Lu Yang appear at the door of the private room, elder Feng has noticed something wrong, but before he has finished speaking, Lu Yang has come to him.

"What a speed Elder Feng, as an animal master of the pseudo Huang stage, has certain confidence in his own strength. But he just didn't see how the young man came to him. Then elder Feng felt that his stomach was bitten by a tiger, and his intestines were about to be broken.Then his whole body was blown out by a great force, and he hit the wall directly. The blood flowed from his scalp, and it seemed that he didn't know how many bones were broken.

Then Lu Yang flashed and came to the weasel.

Before she could Dodge, she was kicked by Lu Yang.

Before the weasel could bark, it kicked to death and hit the wall directly, turning into a pool of mud.

In an instant, Lu Yang came to song Ziyan. Song Ziyan opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound.

It's not that he lost his voice, but that he was so afraid that he forgot how to speak. But it doesn't matter if he says nothing, because Lu Yang's fist has come to him.

With a bang, song Ziyan's whole body was knocked out, hit the wall and fainted.

"You, who are you. Don't you know this is Zhu's shop. If you beat me, you will be punished! " Seeing Lu Yang approaching again, elder Feng immediately called out.

He didn't dare to call people because he was afraid that Lu Yang would kill him in a moment of anger.

However, Lu Yang did not pay attention to him, but came to Passepartout, "are you ok?"

Through the Royal beast system, Lu Yang injected vitality into LULUTONG's body and began to repair his injured body.

Fortunately, elder Feng didn't want to kill Passepartout, but just wanted to teach him a lesson. It was just some trauma, so Passepartout soon regained consciousness.

He looked at Song Ziyan, who was injured and fainted to death, and then looked at elder Feng, who didn't know how many ribs he had broken, and immediately understood what he had learned.

"Putong" Passepartout knelt down before he got up. "Master, I didn't kneel down to anyone in my life. You saved me this time. My life is yours!"

"Get up. After you leave this time, I will take you to a new place where you will have more space. And you, forget what happened today, or there will be no amnesty! " Lu Yang immediately released his momentum, and the space around him was distorted and distorted, which made elder Feng tremble.

A Huang level Beast Master may not be anything, but a Huang level Beast Master who can use space runes is definitely not an ordinary person, and may even be the confidant of a big power. This is absolutely not what he can provoke, so he nodded when he heard Lu Yang's words.

But song Ziyan is different. He squints his eyes. Although he still pretends to be in a coma, he already thinks about how to improve his strength and get back today's disgrace.

In front of Lu Yang, even the pseudo Huang level Beast Master can no longer enter his eyes. Maybe only the middle and even later Huang level Beast Master can make him pay more attention.

Of course, the premise is that the other party will use runes, otherwise, he will not pay attention to it.

Lu Yang went to several other stores to buy dozens of high-level veterinary skills. He spent a total of 30 yuan on Huang Jie's veterinary skills, which can be said to be a huge sum of money.

However, for Lu Yang, this is not the purpose of his trip.

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