The reason why Lu Yang thinks that it is less dangerous for him to live than to die is that this guy has ulterior motives. Killing him is absolutely beneficial.

Moreover, Lu Yang has already extracted the soul of Xuankong justice from his body and searched out all the memories inside. In this way, Lu Yang will know exactly what Xuankong justice wants to do and what memory it has.

"I didn't expect that this boy had so much bad water. Fortunately, I killed him. Otherwise, he might be overcast." After searching the mind of Xuankong justice, Lu Yang found what he wanted to know, but at the same time, he also found many bad things that Xuankong justice had done before.

In a word, the Xuankong justice has some brains on the whole, but he knew how to advance and retreat at the beginning, but now it is used in the heretical ways, and he will die early. Otherwise, if he can grow up, he is likely to achieve something in the future.

With the development of Luyang, we can see that at the end of the forest, there is a red color vortex, which is the real secret place of the dragon.

If you don't have the memory of Xuankong justice, I'm afraid Lu Yang might have been looking for it for a while.

"Gulu, Gulu..."

When Lu Yangyi walked into the vortex, he felt that there was infinite power in the vortex, as if he was tearing his body. Although he had been re condensed and tempered by the power of rune, when he walked through the vortex, he still felt as if he was going to be torn to pieces.

But as soon as he got out of the whirlpool, Lu Yang felt as if he had entered another world.

And although the breath inside is not as thick as the previous aura, it gives Lu Yang the feeling that the quality of the breath here is more than one grade higher than before.

Is there another world in the legend?

After feeling the breath here, Lu Yang couldn't help thinking.

Because he has read some miscellany, which says that the saint is the end of the Beast Master, but if his strength is promoted to the saint, it will be a new realm, and the atmosphere in their living space is completely different from that of the Terran continent, so Lu Yang will have such a feeling.

"Master, this kind of energy is called primitive Qi, which is the most primitive energy to form the way of heaven. If you can absorb these energies into your body, the power of primitive Qi will increase, and even become a more powerful energy stored in your body."

"Of course, if you are an ordinary animal master, you can only barely absorb some of the breath here. If you absorb too much, you will be destroyed by the domineering energy here, resulting in a lot of bad reactions. In serious cases, you may even become possessed and die directly." Xiaomei seems to have recovered some memories after absorbing some of the primitive Qi here, but her memories are also very limited.

Maybe when Lu Yang is promoted to the saint, she can think of more things before.

"So it is!" Lu Yang didn't expect that there were so many things to pay attention to here.

Just as he had just entered the dragon's secret place, a large amount of firelight appeared in the sky. With the firelight falling, meteorites like meteors landed on the ground from the sky.

With a bang, the first meteorite fell down, making a deep gully on the ground. Then the second meteorite, the third meteorite, and nearly 30 or 40 meteorites fell down, causing craters on the whole ground. The dense forest that originally grew on the ground was directly reduced to ashes because of the fire brought by the meteorite.

Then, Lu Yang saw black giants coming out of the meteorite. Each of these giants is hundreds of meters high. Their whole body is pitch black, like burnt charcoal. However, their bodies are not made of real charcoal, but of pure black metal.

Fortunately, Lu Yang had a demon heart stone in his body to hide himself in time, and the control of his breath by the Royal beast system made him avoid the sight scanning of these black metal giants.

Even so, Lu Yang's body was swept by these black metal giants, and his whole body seemed to be about to be ignited. His whole body was extremely hot and dry. This was the first time that he felt such obvious physical pain after he was promoted to the ground level.

"Master, these black metal giants may have come from outside, or even some big people may have put them here on purpose." Seeing these black metal giants, Xiaomei has a sense of deja vu.

"Boom boom..."

Just after these black metal giants, the Dragon Warriors also appeared.

Although these black metal giants are the strength of the earth level, their defense and attack power have exceeded that of ordinary heaven level beast masters, especially their strength has reached 2 million jin. If they use magic again, their strength can reach at least 2.7 million jin.The Dragon warriors on one side are not weak, even stronger than the black metal giant. They can get at least 2.6 million jin. Once they use magic, their strength can reach nearly 3 million jin.

Now these monsters are fighting, just like the earth shaking, even the whole ground is shaking.

The advantages of Xuankong justice and Xuankong Yiming are the dregs that fall from the bodies of these black metal giants. However, some of these dregs are indeed the dregs of the fragments of the way of heaven, but some of them are highly toxic, and some of them may be rare metals.

As long as Lu Yang can follow these dragon warriors and black metal giants, he will be able to pick up a lot of such things.

In fact, Xuankong Yiming was stabbed into his body by the metal debris from a black metal giant and poisoned. If it wasn't for them, they would have saved some money and bought a lot of pills for detoxification. I'm afraid they would have died in the Dragon Emperor's cave.

But even so, they choose not to cooperate with Lu Yang. What they lose is not only resources, but also possible promotion opportunities in the future.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Just when Lu Yang wanted to get close to the dragon warrior and the black metal giant, he felt large pieces of metal splashing down from the black metal giant, making Lu Yang feel an unprecedented pressure.

Because once these ferrous metals enter into the soil, they will disappear completely, and they must be grasped by hand before they can really be used.

Fortunately, Lu Yang is an all-round Rune master who can gather all kinds of Rune power, which makes it possible for him to deal with all kinds of situations.

Even so, he is still very careful when he grabs the pieces.

About an hour later, in front of Luyang, there were three piles of ferrous metals with different properties.

The first one is the debris of heaven, which is mainly used for the Royal beast system to absorb. It can improve the level of the Royal beast system and help Lu Yang to be promoted to the rank of the Royal Beast Master as soon as possible.

The second pile of Tiandao fragments is for those war favorites in zhanchong space. After all, Lu Yang's strength can't be improved too much when he is promoted to Tianjie level. More local level war favorites must follow him to improve his strength, so as to maximize his benefits.

What's more, Zhan Chong is the biggest reliance of the beast division. Without Zhan Chong's cooperation, even if he is promoted, it doesn't make much sense.

The third pile is special metals. Once these metals are refined, they can provide enough metal fragments for Lu Yang to build dragon chopping sword and other powerful half way tools, even Dao tools.

Of course, among these metal fragments, there are many poisonous fragments. Lu Yang is not able to deal with these poisonous fragments for the time being. On the one hand, the strength of poisonous runes in his body is not enough to support him to do so. More importantly, these poisonous fragments are alive.

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