Moreover, these poisonous runes seem to be able to convey some information to the host, telling all the outside world to the black metal man.

If Lu Yang's guess is correct, Xuankong justice used this method to hurt his master and kill several of his brothers.

So it seems that this dark justice is really smart.

"Boom boom..."

While Lu Yang was still thinking, the battle between the black metal men on the ground and the Dragon soldiers became more and more fierce. Some dragon soldiers had won stage victories, and even had the possibility of killing the black metal men.

With a bang, one of the black metal men finally couldn't bear the heavy blow and was blown out directly, while his body fell on the ground and began to rot slowly. However, before his body decayed, the Dragon soldiers nearby had already jumped on the body of the black metal giant and gnawed at it.

Lu Yang can feel that the body of the black metal giant has been slowly eaten and turned into a body.

In this way, Lu Yang spent about four or five days in the dragon's secret place. Almost every day, a wave of black metal giants came down from the sky. This kind of battle continued every day.

On the other hand, the Dragon soldiers are injured almost every day, but no one died. Once injured again, they will be immediately sent away from the battlefield, sent to a place where they can rest, and try their best to recover.

However, Lu Yang was very careful, so nothing special happened.

However, after Lu Yang's careful observation, he will find that the combat effectiveness of these black metal men is always limited, and they are always just a little weaker than the Dragon soldiers. Therefore, many dragon soldiers are sent to heal at the end of each battle, but no matter how serious the Dragon soldiers are injured, they can save their lives and even get timely treatment After treatment, he recovered.

It can be seen that the recovery ability of these dragon soldiers is extremely amazing, but it may also be because there is a magic weapon in the Dragon tribe that can quickly recover the Dragon soldiers.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang has a heart.

Finally, he waited until one of the Dragon soldiers was seriously injured, went directly into the body of the dragon soldier, and was sent back to the Dragon tribe.

As soon as the dragon warrior was sent to the Dragon tribe, he saw three dragon sacrificial rites coming. These dragon sacrificial rites were all holding something like a green life ball. With the energy injected into the dragon warrior's body, Lu Yang felt that the vitality in his body had increased several times, and the energy in his body was also multiplied Growth.

With a "creak", Lu Yang felt that the magic power in his body had begun to change. Some of his magic had become heavenly magic, which made him possible to be promoted to the rank of heavenly Beast Master.

However, in this way, he absorbed the vitality that the dragon warrior should absorb, so that the injury of the dragon warrior not only has not been alleviated, but also aggravated.

Lu Yang felt bad and immediately used the power of space Rune to leave the body of the dragon warrior.

Fortunately, he left early. Just after he left, the three dragon sacrifices had checked the dragon warrior's body inside and outside, and found that there was no sign of poisoning, so they continued to use this green energy to help the Dragon Warrior recover.

After that, Lu Yang quietly followed the three dragon sacrificial rites and left. The priest Hall of the Dragon tribe entered a very mysterious hall.

In this hall, there is a statue. In the hands of the statue, there is a green energy as big as a small sun. Because of this green energy, the Dragon sacrifice sitting under the small green sun can live forever.

According to the Royal beast system, the longest life span of these dragon sacrificial rites is more than 10 million years. However, although its life span has increased a lot, its strength seems to be between the Royal rank and the imperial rank, and has not reached a very strong level.

Thinking of this, Lu Yang stealthily lurks near the hall and begins to quietly keep these dragon sacrificial habits.

She found that these dragon sacrificial rites never leave here unless they have a task to treat the wounded dragon soldiers, and the number of these dragon sacrificial rites is limited, almost only 16.

If you want to get into the hall, you must get rid of one of the Dragon sacrifice.

Of course, there is also a very dangerous way for him to get the energy from the green little sun of the dragon clan, that is, to move directly into it. I just don't know what will happen if he enters into the green little sun?

After Lu Yang stayed around the hall for a day, it seemed that these dragon sacrifices had noticed something. After thinking about it, he didn't hesitate to tear the void and enter the green little sun.

Before he entered, Lu Yang was able to feel the powerful vitality contained in it. However, when he really entered, he found that it was a black and white cycle of life and death, which was very similar to his life and death.

All of a sudden, Lu Yang was locked inside and couldn't come out.Moreover, when he appears in the little sun, he is between life and death. That is to say, half of his body is in life and half is wrapped by death. This feeling of being sealed makes him between life and death, as if he can never escape from it.

"Creak, creak..."

At the beginning, Lu Yang didn't get used to it. As soon as he got into it, he felt that his body was about to be torn. A sense of crisis of death immediately came to his face.

Lu Yang quickly thought of the meaning of life and death, let his body also simulate the operation of life and death, the power of life Rune and the power of death rune, completely running in his body, just slightly let him maintain this situation.

But even so, without a new turn, he can no longer leave the small sun, and his body will have to readjust to an unstable state every time the outside world extracts the power of life rune.

Just when Lu Yang could not hold on, the dead bone master appeared in Lu Yang's mind again.

"Master kugu?" Seeing the deadbone master sitting in front of him without expression, Lu Yang hurried to give him a salute, but he stopped him.

"Lu Yang, you and I don't need this kind of etiquette. What's more, you are my descendant and a way to save myself in the future. Now this is a training place I have arranged for you, so you just need to practice with all your strength and strive to make the finger of life and death a success."

"After that, this fragment of life and death will be completely integrated into your body, helping you to ascend to the heaven level Beast Master, and those war favourites in your body will also ascend their strength, or even ascend to the heaven level. This is their creation and the chance I give you." With that, master kugu struck a beam of light into Lu Yang's consciousness and disappeared without a trace.

"What? Is this the place where I practice Lu Yang was slightly stunned and began to look around. He found that there seemed to be no favorable conditions for him. Instead, he wanted to tear himself to pieces all the time.

However, since master kugu said so, he should try his best to practice so that he can leave here as soon as possible.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Because after staying here for a while, Lu Yang felt that he should be able to control the free movement of the power of life Rune and death Rune in his body. In this way, he can control his body to influence the balance between life and death in the whole green little sun.

In this way, Luyang can feel a node in the small green sun, which is the balance of life and death in the small green sun.

If this position is not disturbed, then after he leaves the green sun, his body will be twisted into pieces by the power of life and death.

But if he breaks the node, the Rune of life and death will be out of balance in an instant. At this time, he can take the opportunity to leave, and then the node will regenerate, and he will be free.

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