The reason why Lu Yang wants to deal with Lingkong Xiaoao is not mainly because he has a grudge against Luoyang City, but more importantly because he is always looking for the whereabouts of the cult. Once he finds the cult, the cult will inevitably fall into an unprecedented crisis. Once Lu Yang establishes a secret stronghold, it is possible to be swept away. Therefore, he has a part to deal with Lingkong Xiaoao The reason is also for the development of the cult.

When dealing with the cult, Lingkong Xiaoao also wants to find what he has lost.

However, in contrast, Lu Yang's IQ is much better than that of Lingkong Xiaoao. He knows everything about Lingkong Xiaoao's arrangement so well that every step of Lingkong Xiaoao's arrangement is calculated by him. After some calculation and competition, Lingkong Xiaoao's body is not complete. In the end, he can only be completely transferred from Lingkong city's important position and become a hanging man The cards are idle.

It can be said that the deprivation of power made him suffer a great spiritual blow, and even fell into the verge of collapse.

Of course, since Lingkong Xiaoao's mental state is not good, the patriarch of Lingkong family has given him a lot of care, and even personally sent him to the family's secret place to let him recover. In a word, Lingkong Xiaoao has put forward the management level of Lingkong city since then.

In the next few months, Lingkong city gradually returned to its normal track, and the development of cult in Lingkong city also entered a stage of steady improvement.

Finally, the Dharma guard called Lu Yang to him. It can be seen that more than a year's efforts have not been in vain.

"Golden masked man, you have done a good job for more than a year. The evil god messenger is very satisfied with your performance. Now he wants to give you a chance to be promoted to Dharma protector. Do you have this interest?" The Dharma guard looks at Lu Yang and asks.

"What? Can I be a Dharma protector? " Hearing the words of the Dharma protector, half of Lu Yang's voice was a surprise, and part of it was an affectation. In fact, he was also thinking, and he didn't know what the other person was thinking.

"Of course, it's still a long time before we really return to the cult, but it won't be too long. It will be finished in about four or five years, so we need a lot of loyal Dharma protectors like you to become the main force of the cult!" Clearance Dharma guard looked at Lu Yang and said very seriously.

"Thank you for your Dharma protection and cultivation!" Hearing the words of the Dharma protector, Lu Yang quickly nodded to thank him, and then asked, "if so, how can I do anything?" Lu Yang asked again.

"Ha ha, these are all the changes you caused. However, it's not so easy to become a Dharma protector. You have to complete a great task first, and the first task given to you by the evil god messenger is to kill Lingkong Xiaoao! " Clearance Dharma guard looked at Lu Yang, said tepid.

"What? Kill Lingkong Xiaoao? " After hearing about this task, Lu Yang was immediately depressed. This task is not so difficult, let alone difficult. Moreover, this kind of difficult task may not be able to be completed even by a king level Beast Master.

You know, now Lingkong Xiaoao is in the secret of Lingkong family. It's more difficult for him to find Lingkong Xiaoao.

"Why is it difficult?" Looking at Lu Yang, he said with a smile.

"No difficulty!" Lu Yang shook his head. If he felt male in the face of the task assigned by the leader, his future road to protect the law would be far away.

"Good. Here is some information I can find for you. The rest is up to you!" With that, the Dharma protector disappeared in Lu Yang's sight.

When the time comes, the Dharma protector will be simple. He will go as soon as he says. He will tell himself half a word more, and let him kill a king level Beast Master at once. Although the strength of the king level Beast Master has regressed a lot, and even has fallen to the full circle of heaven level, can he really be killed with his own strength?

Lu Yang looked at his performance, which was just the cultivation realm of the Beast Master of the earth level, and he felt a burst of depression in his heart.

It seems that this cult really shows its disciples to others.

Although Lu Yang was very depressed in his heart, he had a sense of propriety in this matter.

Of course, if he wants to complete the task, he must improve his realm. In the information given by master Jingkong, there are three places to improve his realm, and there are two ways to improve his realm.

The three places to improve the realm are the secret place of evil, the abyss cave and the wild boa sea.

The two methods of promotion are evil Qi into the body and bloodthirsty magic skill.

It can be said that these are the resources possessed by the cult. Although there is no substantial reward, there is even a situation of self conceited success or failure, the cult has finally given Lu Yang a lot of benefits, which Lu Yang has to admit.

"It seems that we have to rely on ourselves." Lu Yang has seen through the cult.

This organization is not only extremely stingy, but also loose in the management of the believers. It even advocates that the believers should be allowed to set up their own doors and exploit their territory on their own strength. If it wasn't for Lu Yang's experience of brainwashing, he would even think that the so-called cult was just a very loose organization.Of course, he just thought about it. After all, he didn't even touch the corner of the Dharma protector, let alone despise the organization.

After getting the map, the place Lu Yang is going to is the devil's secret place, because this place is also the closest to his location, so it's more convenient to go there. More importantly, in the devil's secret place, the most powerful existence is the heaven level devil, so he is relatively safe there.

About three days' journey, Lu Yang finally came to the secret land of evil.

In fact, it is a very special space. It is a channel between the human race and the demons.

The demons were originally a branch of the demons. Later, they opened up territory through the ancestors of the demons. Finally, they opened up territory in a remote corner of the demons. Later, the demons attacked and leveled the demons. However, although the generation of the demons was eradicated, their souls became human because of the local environment And the demons.

Now that Lu Yang is in it, he has to constantly hone his will so as to create the illusion that he can be promoted.

As for the evil spirit into the body, it is to inject the evil spirit of these evil spirits into his own body, so that his own strength can be rapidly improved.

Although the evil spirit into the body can quickly enhance the strength, but the sequelae is not small, and it may even make evil ideas grow and become a madman.

Of course, for Lu Yang, this kind of possibility is very small, but once he inhales too much with it, it is also very likely that he will form a second personality, and even become a mentally unstable lunatic. This feeling is simply intolerable to Lu Yang, but he still wants to enter this evil secret place, only after entering it, he must be aware of the energy It can be absorbed into the body through layer by layer filtration.

Fortunately, Lu Yang's entry is just a passing act, otherwise, he may go astray.

When he comes to the entrance of the secret place of evil spirits, Lu Yang takes out his token. Then he sees a small purple red whirlpool appear in front of him. He follows the whirlpool and goes in. The whirlpool disappears and he comes to the secret place of evil spirits.

The secret place of evil spirits is a very evil place. There are not only innumerable evil spirits living in it all the year round, but also each one of these demons has extremely evil ideas. What they usually hide is relatively secret and will not appear easily.

Now Lu Yang suddenly appears in the secret place of re evil, which immediately attracts the attention of these evil demons. However, they are not eager to attack Lu Yang, but are constantly lurking around, ready to move.

You know, it's a secret place of evil. Almost all the year round, a large number of experienced people come here to take risks.

These demons can't be killed, so they are no stranger to these practitioners.

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