Moreover, they are not stupid to know that the purpose of these practitioners coming here is to kill them. Similarly, if they can enter the body of the practitioners, they may occupy their souls and become a new individual to leave here. Otherwise, their souls will only be able to live in this dark place for hundreds of millions of years until the planet Until it's destroyed.

But at present, in the demon world, no one will spend a lot of resources to destroy a useless planet, which is also the reason why the planet can be preserved all the time.

Of course, these demons can't hide in the dark all the time. They need to eat just like the Terran. Especially when the dark energy appears in the secret place of demons, even if they are killed, they will take the initiative to appear in the dark and look for food. Otherwise, once they arrive at a certain time, they will have to bear the burden of exceeding self-reliance Personal suffering is the ultimate pain.

This kind of pain often makes them feel worse than death, which is the main reason why they can almost live forever and don't want to stay here.

Of course, being able to live all the time, these demons naturally have some evil ideas of being greedy for life and afraid of death.

You know, in this secret place, although these demons will not really die, once they are killed, their strength will return to the initial stage and become ordinary demons of the earth level. Even their strength is not as good as that of ordinary Terran beast masters. So they have to suffer like hell once a day.

However, if their strength becomes stronger, they will not hesitate to experience that kind of pain, and even enhance their resistance to pain, so that they can live better in this world, and they may have the ability to leave this world. Therefore, there are naturally many alternative survival rules in the secret realm of evil.

"Well? The energy body is coming. It seems that I have to be ready. " Although Lu Yang did not see the existence of these demons, it does not mean that he did not know the existence of these demons. Moreover, he knew the existence of these demons like the palm of his hand, and even knew their location very clearly.

In this way, once the energy body appears, it can kill all nearby demons with the help of terrain.

There is no life except for demons in the secret land of demons. Some of them are all high and low mountains and large rock valleys.

But don't underestimate these rock valleys. They contain a kind of mineral full of evil ideas, which can continuously release energy.

It is the continuous burst of energy from these minerals that makes these demons live here all the time and resurrect infinitely.

All of a sudden, just as Luyang was getting ready, a mass of black energy puffed out of the surrounding rocks.

These energies are the food of evil spirits. As long as these black energies appear, evil spirits will appear.

Sure enough, just after the appearance of these black energy, dozens of evil spirits originally hiding in the dark suddenly rushed out of the dark.

When they face Luyang, they don't feel much, but when they face the black energy, they can't control their greed. They rush up and start to eat the black energy.

In fact, these black energy is a kind of evil energy, which can make these demons more greedy.


Lu Yang saw that his chance had come, so he jumped on it directly. The Dragon chopping sword came out of his hand, shining golden light.

These golden light, immediately turned into golden sword awn, mercilessly blasted on these demons.

Because these demons are energy bodies and have no body, they all look very fragile. After being hit by these knives, they are immediately smashed. The rest of the demons rush towards the land.

The strength of these demons is too weak to stop Lu Yang's several rounds of killing. Dozens of demons with land level accomplishments but only yellow level strength are smashed. A lot of energy is absorbed into Lu Yang's body. Some of the energy is filtered out by the Royal beast system, and less than half of the energy is left in Lu Yang's body, and then he is killed The body of the body formed the talisman of evil thoughts.

"It was almost time before I could leave." After Lu Yang condensed the evil rune, the purple and red Rune power pulled out of his body and became a ribbon around him.

These runic powers can ensure that he can travel freely in the secret land of evil.

However, he is not able to leave now, otherwise, it will make the headroom protector suspect.

Of course, one of the biggest advantages of the cult is that in addition to being responsible for the result of the task, the superior almost does not need to supervise his subordinates to perform the task. When Lu Yang became a golden mask, he was just a xuanjie Beast Master. Now he has become a Dijie Beast Master very quickly, and the minimum requirement for this task is that the Dijie is full So as long as he reaches the target within half a year, he can complete the task.

If he can't reach the full rank within two years, then even if his mission fails, he will either re open up a city as its territory, or concentrate on assisting a new Dharma protector, and then slowly wait for the next opportunity to promote him to Dharma protector. Good luck, I'm afraid it will take seven or eight years, bad luck, maybe more than ten years or even more It's possible for decades.However, such a thing is impossible for Lu Yang.

Now, although Lu Yang wants to spend his time in the secret place of evil, he doesn't want to waste his time completely meaninglessly. Instead, he wants to look for the fragments of heaven here.

He can feel that the reason why the secret place of evil spirits can become like this is not only because of its own problems, but also because of the evil heavenly way in the secret place of evil spirits.

Although ordinary people of the right way never disdain to obtain such fragments of the way of heaven, what they don't know is that the fragments of the way of heaven are good or bad, and the key is the people who are using them. Therefore, even the evil way of heaven can do some good things, and even become a powerful weapon to clean up evil.

If ordinary people can't find the fragments of the evil heavenly way, but Luyang has an animal control system. This powerful idea scanning can quickly scan the whole planet. In this way, it is possible to find the fragments of the evil heavenly way.

For Lu Yang now, one more fragment of the way of heaven will make it possible for him to be promoted to the Royal Beast Master.

Different from the heaven level Beast Master, if he wants to be promoted to the king level Beast Master, he needs to gather together to collect a piece of heaven.

Lu Yang originally intended to collect the fragments of the way of life and death, but it's said that this kind of thing can only be found in the dead space. I'm afraid that there is only one entrance in the whole Terran continent, and this entrance, let alone him, even the Royal Beast Master may not be able to find it.

Of course, if it's the kugu Heavenly Master, you may be able to find it. But from now on, it's probably more difficult to find the kugu Heavenly Master than the fragments of the heavenly way. So Lu Yang has been trying to find a way to promote himself to the Royal Beast Master.

"Wu Wu Wu, ah ah..."

Just as Lu Yang kept searching, there was a sudden commotion on the paint surface. Lu Yang quietly approached, and saw hundreds of demons gathered together and kept fighting. It seemed that he was fighting for a position where black energy was concentrated.

After thinking about it, Lu Yang had an idea. He let Nine Tailed snow fox absorb the power of evil idea Rune and enter his body to simulate the appearance of evil idea and rush into the chaotic army.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Lu Yang rushes in and doesn't care about the situation. Seeing the demons is a frenzy. He smashes the seven or eight powerful demons into pieces and suppresses the chaotic situation. At this time, he sees the time coming and roars, "be quiet. I announce that this black energy huff and puff place is mine. If any of you want to be in the world If you want to survive here, you must give your evil runes, otherwise... "

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