"Well, you think I'll be defeated so easily by you. It's a dream!" At this moment, Lu Yang's body turned into a dragon chopping sword, and countless golden lights flew out from the Dragon chopping sword.

"Shua Shua..."

Hundreds of golden rays shot at the wizard's body at the same time, which seemed to stir him into meat sauce in an instant.

"Space distortion!"

At such a dangerous moment, the witch suddenly twisted his body, and at the same time, blood lights began to repair his wounds.

Later, the witch envoy tore the void and left Lu Yang's attack directly. However, after he appeared in the real world, Lu Yang moved directly behind him.


The Dragon chopping sword stabbed out of Lu Yang's hand and almost immediately stabbed the witch envoy's back, trying to tie him into a bloody gourd in a flash.


Although the sorcerer was tied into a blood gourd, the blood seemed to whirl into the void. When he appeared in front of Lu Yang again, he was a complete individual, as if he was an immortal body.

"Why, you're not dead yet?" Seeing that the wizard appeared in front of him again, Lu Yang was shocked, but he was not afraid.

After all, the sorcerer is immortal, and it's not so easy for him to be killed. So after the sorcerer appeared, Lu Yang moved behind the sorcerer again. This time, he used thunder and lightning.


"Click, click..."

The thunder and lightning hit the body of the sorcerer at the same time, making the Sorcerer's body seem to be torn to pieces in an instant.

However, it was just an illusion that Lu Yang saw a thin line of red blood burst out of the thunder and lightning and directly entered the void.

"There's no way to escape!" Lu Yang can see that although the wizard envoy died and came back to life, he consumed a lot of energy, so after the wizard envoy entered the void, he followed him.

"Wu Wu Wu..."

Just after Lu Yang entered the void, large blood cards appeared in front of him again. It turned out that the witch emissary didn't run away, but got into the void and set a big trap for Lu Yang. This big trap set a unique killing array for Lu Yang.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Countless blood colored cards gathered from all directions and wrapped Lu Yang's whole body together, just like these cards were the blood colored butterflies around Lu Yang.

The blood card entangles Lu Yang, and the sorcerer also appears behind him. As soon as he changes, he becomes a blood wolf 100 meters long and dozens of meters high.

The blood wolf's body looks very unreal, but it is extremely solid. As soon as it rushes to Luyang, it melts him like a fire.

You should know that this is the virtual world, a place full of energy, where the body can be completely decomposed into basic runes, so as long as it dies here, it is impossible to be revived.

"Boy, although I don't know who you are, this is the virtual world and the place I dominate. If you don't want to be tortured by me, please tell me everything about you. Otherwise, when I catch you, I will pull your soul out and make your life worse than death!" With that, the blood wolf rushed directly into the blood card.

We should know that in the virtual space, the amount of runes has been weakened, and it is impossible to blink.

"Well, wizard, do you think I can't do anything to you like this? I tell you, you will die miserably, and I will burn you to ashes. " Lu Yang could feel that the blood wolf was afraid of fire, so he opened his six compound eyes. At the same time, six flames burst out of his perfunctory. At the same time, his body became a series of water waves around the flame rune, directly penetrating the blood wolf's body.

You should know that he already has half of the heaven of life and death in his body. To a certain extent, he is already a half step imperial Beast Master. Although it is difficult to kill a wizard, it is not impossible to be killed by a wizard.

"Hum, it's too difficult to kill me with these forces. Let me tell you, I am an immortal blood wolf. My body can be reborn infinitely, especially in the virtual world. I can mobilize infinite energy to repair my body. Do you think you have a chance to kill me?" The more he laughed, the more rampant he became. Finally, he appeared in front of Lu Yang and stabbed Lu Yang in the chest with a sword.

Although Lu Yang's fire scattered the blood wolf, the blood wolf didn't die, but spread into a blood man, and finally made him become a human race again. At the same time, a blood red sword appeared in his hands.


However, the blood red sword is not a real existence, but a blood red ripple. As the blood red ripple shoots out, Lu Yang feels that his whole body is wrapped in the power of the blood red ripple. At the same time, countless energies resonate with the blood red ripple, making the power of the blood red blog expand infinitely and finally become a blood red light Into Lu Yang's body.

"How can it be like this? Can I die?" When Lu Yang was penetrated by the blood red light, he suddenly had an illusory idea.But she soon got rid of this idea. He knew it was hypnosis. If he was hypnotized, he would be killed by the other party no matter how bad he was.

"Mental attack!" Just when the other side instilled in him the idea of failure, Lu Yang also launched a counterattack at this moment.

"Pa pa pa..."

The sorcerer didn't expect that Lu Yang's mental power was so strong. Just the thought of fighting back made him retreat. Even the human body that had been condensed had become unstable.

But he doesn't have to worry, because he is immortal in the virtual world. Even if Lu Yang treats him, he can't be killed.

"Ha ha ha, Lu Yang, don't you realize it now?" Seeing that Lu Yang wanted to use other means to deal with him, the witch envoy's body suddenly expanded hundreds of times, and a bloody spray came directly towards his body.

You should know that the power of the virtual world is not to mention a king level Beast Master. Even the saints dare not fight against it, but the wizard envoy can use his own power to mobilize part of it, so he is almost invincible when he fights with Lu Yang here.

"Hum, blood wolf wizard, how are you Just when the blood wolf witch envoy wanted to kill Lu Yang, suddenly another witch envoy appeared behind him.

"It's you?" After seeing this sorcerer, Lu Yang recognized his identity. This sorcerer was the one who had been helping him.

"Ha ha ha, purple wind wizard envoy, I didn't expect to meet you here? Who is this kid? Do you want to help him, too? " The blood wolf wizard said with a smile.

"I'm not helping him, I'm killing you!" Said the purple wind sorcerer makes a flash, directly decomposes own body into innumerable runes, appears in front of the blood wolf sorcerer.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you've provoked people who shouldn't have. Come in." Said the purple wind sorcerer directly in the blood wolf Sorcerer's body, then absorbed the blood wolf Sorcerer's body into his body.

This kind of strength has already surpassed that of the Royal beast division.

"Don't ask me anything, you have grown up very fast now. I'm not here to save you, but to tell you something. " Wu said with a smile.

"Tell me something. I don't know what happened to the elder?" Lu Yang asked with a smile. Because he felt that the purple wind sorcerer didn't seem to have any malice to himself, but he came to help himself many times.

"I know you want to find jueshen Dharma protector, and I also want to find him, because he is involved in a big secret, so when you find jueshen Dharma protector, you must inform me at the first time. The token I gave you can find me, and the evil god cult uses your identity completely. Remember to kill the pure space Dharma protector, and you can pass the test smoothly." With that, the purple wind wizard turned and disappeared in front of Lu Yang.

"Kill the Dharma protector?" Lu Yang didn't understand Zifeng's words, but he didn't have time to think about it, because the task seemed to have been completed, so he had to go back to find the pure space Dharma protector.

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