Lu Yang left the Royal Beast Master's cave and returned to Lingkong city. He used a special method to find Jingkong Dharma protector and told him the news of Lingkong Xiaoao's death.

He looked at the token in his hand and said with a satisfied smile, "very good. You have done a good job, but I still have some things to tell you to do. If you can do it, the position of the Dharma protector is yours."

"Oh? I don't know what else to do with the clearance Dharma? " Lu Jingfa asked, hearing some strange words.

"This is not a place to talk. Follow me." The Dharma guard takes Lu Yang into a tunnel with his face unchanged. Following the tunnel, they see an oval gate in front of them.

Lu Yang has refined the Tianshu of the array. Naturally, he knows that there are fluctuations in the energy of the array in the oval gate in front of him. In other words, he can feel the special energy generated after the array changes.

When I think about the words of the purple wind wizard, Lu Yang seems to understand something.

"This is the secret Church of our cult. Come in with me." He said that the Dharma guard was about to enter the gate, but Lu Yang didn't give him a chance to tell him his life and death.

Because his body contains the heavenly way of life and death, it's easy for him to use the finger of life and death, and he has made preparations in advance.


A black-and-white light of life and death directly penetrates through the body of the pure space Dharma protector, penetrating the body of the pure space Dharma protector into two parts.

"Dharma protector, are you a demon?" Being pierced by the way of life and death, the essence of the Dharma guard appears in front of Lu Yang. It turns out that the Dharma guard is a spy turned into by the demons.

"Take it!" With the appearance of the demon, the pure space Dharma was directly swallowed into its stomach, but the pure space Dharma was not dead, but was imprisoned.

Lu Yang enters the secret Church of the cult again. He finds that this place has been arranged into a unique killing array by the pure sky Dharma protector. As long as he enters, he can be killed even if he is a heaven level Beast Master or even a king level Beast Master.

It can be seen how terrible it is for this master to arrange this array.

"Come on, why did you kill me?" Entering the secret church, Lu Yang pulls out master Jingkong's soul and begins to press questions.

Unfortunately, master Jingkong not only didn't speak, but also kept sneering, as if Lu Yang had become a ridiculous thing in front of him.

"Master, this dharma protector will not speak, because his soul has been forbidden. Although this prohibition will not happen for a while and a half, it will certainly crush his soul completely after a long time." Seeing the current situation of the net space Dharma protector, the demon said to Lu Yang quickly.

"Oh? In that case, let's use the Royal beast system to clean up his soul thoroughly. Then I want to know that nothing is wrong. " It's said that landing ocean directly threw the soul of master Jingkong into the Royal beast system. With the analysis of a large amount of data, the memory of master Jingkong was instantly sorted out.

It turns out that the pure sky Dharma protector is a spy of the demons. He was sent to the cult to find out the whereabouts of the evil eye demon emperor. Unfortunately, the evil eye demon emperor is the ancestor of the cult, and his position is uncertain. Let alone the demon emperor, even the saints of the human race can't dig him out.

However, the demons did not give up looking for the evil eye demon emperor.

Now master Jingkong wants to kill Lu Yang. He just wants to hold his position as Dharma protector. In fact, he has no other idea.

"So it is, but unfortunately, your opponent is me!" Lu Yang took the token of master Jingkong down from his elevator and turned over the contents of the storage bag.

There are many resources in the storage bag. At the same time, there are ways to contact the cult.

This method is the evil god token, which is one level higher than Lu Yang's token.

Lu Yang injected his evil power into the token and began to wait for the result.

What is the power of evil? In fact, it is the information about the cult that Lu Yang has in his mind, which is what proves his identity.

Sure enough, after the token was activated, a powerful force burst out of the token, directly sucked Lu Yang in and came to another place.

This is a black hall. The whole hall seems to have infinite space. Around the hall, there are also hundreds of statues of evil gods.

Just when Lu Yang was confused, a tall figure came out of the statue.

"You are the golden masked man in Lingkong city. How can you have the token of the Dharma protector? What about him?" This is a powerful God of the cult.

The king of heaven is a powerful existence under the evil eye demon emperor, who is responsible for the killing and punishment of the whole cult.

"Here's the information I got from the soul of master clearspace!" Lu Yang didn't say much about it. He handed over the memory he extracted from the soul of the pure space Dharma protector to the heavenly king."Oh? I didn't expect that the demons also wanted to get information from us, and even wanted to attack the evil emperor. What you did was right. From today on, this token will be yours. Remember to become a Dharma protector, your task will be even heavier. In the future, you will perform a life and death task every ten years. After the completion of the task, you will get endless benefits. In the future, it is possible to be promoted to the rank of king or even emperor. Here's your advantage! " He said that the king of heaven rewarded Lu Yang with a large number of terrane, which added up to tens of millions.

"Thank you, heavenly king." Lu Yang quickly thanks.

"Here are your tasks in the past few months. If you finish them, you will be rewarded, or you will be punished." The king of heaven gave Lu Yang a list of tasks and turned to enter the statue.

"Oh, I didn't expect that the task of Lingkong city was really simple." Lu Yang looked at the task list and found that although the tasks in it were not easy, they were not very difficult.

Of course, he is still interested in the once-in-a-decade mission of life and death.

After returning to Lingkong City, Lu Yang asked his younger sister to use wood runes to condense a separate body to deal with the cult affairs in Lingkong City, and he returned to Luoyang City as soon as possible.

Now it has been almost two years since Luoyang City was completely built. Lu Yang came back this time to help them to be promoted to the first level main city.

As for when he will be promoted to the main city of King level, he will have to wait until he goes to the imperial city.

However, if Lu Yang wants to go to the Imperial City, he must let his strength be promoted to the imperial rank.

"Welcome, master!"

As Lu Yang returned to tianyimen, a large number of disciples felt extremely excited when they saw Lu Yang. You know, Lu Yang has already reached the heaven level in his twenties, which is an example of their future growth. And according to this speed of development, it is not impossible for Lu Yang to grow into a king level Beast Master in the future.

After returning to tianyimen, Lu Yang immediately summoned all the senior members of tianyimen. When he saw these senior members, he found that the senior members of tianyimen had basically arrived at the prefecture level Beast Master, among which Yunshan was the strongest and had reached the later stage of the prefecture level.

Although the speed of their promotion is not as fast as their own, they are much faster than the other beast masters in the secondary main city.

"I came back this time to help tianyimen to be promoted to the first level main city." Tianyimen knew that Lu Yang would bring back some good news, but he didn't expect to bring back such a heavy bomb.

If you want to be promoted to the first level of the main city, you not only need a lot of resources, but also need to have powerful experts to sit down. Now tianyimen only has fengwuying as the king level Beast Master. Although this strength is really strong, it is not very safe.

If Lu Yang can delay for some time, when Luoyang city is developing for a few years and Wang Cheng accepts it, they will not have so much resistance to promotion.

Now, it's not long before a Luoyang city is promoted to the second level main city. I'm afraid it doesn't conform to the rules.

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