Su Chen and the others were speechless when they saw it, very helpless.

Su Chen helplessly yelled at the two of them, "Hey, don't run, I can let you make five moves first, hey hey hey, ten moves are okay, 20 moves, one hundred moves! One hundred moves too. Yes, come back soon!!"

"Huh, I'm afraid the fool will come back to fight you, how about our three-year-old kid?!!!"

"Yes, it's so naive, I didn't expect to meet such a brazen guy!"

Helpless, what Su Chen said, the two of them just refused to turn their heads back, swearing while carrying the ring while running.

Su Chen sighed helplessly when he saw it. It was really helpless. This invincibility was really lonely. I didn't expect that he was really defeated at this moment. This also made Su Chen slightly lost in thought.

"It's better..."

Su Chen couldn't help it, so he turned his gaze on Lu Fangli and the others, and then his gaze suddenly stopped, and suddenly he stayed on the left prince, and a smug look suddenly appeared on his face. Xi expression.

"It's you, kid, since I dared to pop up the left prince in front of me, he is really bold!" Su Chen smiled slightly and squinted slightly.

"Ah, no, no, I can give you whatever you want, including, including my throne, I can give you, let me go, let me go!"

Seeing that Su Chen was going to choose him as the last challenger, the prince Zuo immediately burst into tears with horror. While begging for mercy, there was a "ticking" sound on the ground.

"Tsk tusk, since you are so afraid of the basketball in my hand, why not fight poison with poison, let me dispel the shadow in your heart!"

"Ah, don't!!" The man screamed, trying to escape but couldn't get rid of Jiang Sheng's shackles.

"This can't be for you!" Jiang Sheng scolded, and immediately threw the left prince onto the ring.

"Accept the baptism of basketball!!"

Su Chen raised a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and gently stroked the huge basketball. Immediately after that, the basketball shrank countless times in an instant, and immediately became the size of the previous standard basketball.

Immediately, Su Chen immediately performed a wave of famous ball skills that needed to be bundled with past dishes, making big strides and shaking the ball, with endless tricks.

"Ah, no, let me go, let me go, please, don't let me look at this, it's really ugly!" Zuo prince screamed in surprise.

"That can't help you!" Su Chen smiled slightly, and immediately performed a wave of fancy, perfect stunts of binding vegetables.

Immediately, Su Chen faced Zuo's prince a series of playing skills, after the baptism in a stick of incense, this person finally couldn't help but fainted.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the hundredth consecutive win, establishing a reputation and completing the task!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and obtaining a condensing pill!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task and getting a lucky box!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, gaining three thousand experience points and one hundred points. It has been automatically upgraded to the eighth level of pill cultivation!!"

Immediately, the system prompt sounded, and Su Chen took the reward, but this time the task was a bit too simple.

"I didn't expect this mere one hundred consecutive victories to be so simple, hey, being invincible is a sin in life!"

Su Chen finally completed this task, and immediately sighed helplessly.

"Since the young man has won a hundred consecutive victories, the next step is to wait for the appearance of the old city master. If he can overcome him, wouldn't he be able to obtain the legendary secret method of reaching the top of the wing-building realm!"

Jiang Sheng showed a look of joy, if he could obtain the secret method of building wings, then his breakthrough would be expected.

"As expected to be the son, he is truly unique in the world."

Lu Yuyan's flowing hair dancing in the wind is very eye-catching, unexpectedly beautiful and stunning, but it tightly attracts people's eyes. At this time, her eyes are full of worship, awe and peace. Deeply admire.

Although Su Chen's previous behavior made her a little puzzled, but it was also in order to be able to complete this Yum, and now she can understand it.

"Calm down, I just moved that one-thousandth of my strength a little bit. Actually, I haven't moved my hands and feet yet."

Facing the admiration of everyone, Su Chen smiled slightly, patted the basketball, and forcibly showed off his superb skills in a wave of previous lives.

"But, where can I find the old city master?" Zhao Yu asked first.

"Yes, the son has already won a hundred consecutive victories. According to the rules, the old city master should also appear!" Bi Xing continued.

"Could it? That old man deceived us. There is no such thing as a 100-game winning streak, the old city lord, and the secret method of building wings?" Lu Fangli also found that something was wrong, and said immediately.


Su Chen also fell into a scene of helplessness. If there was no way to see the Old City Lord, then he would not be able to obtain the secret method of building wings!

"No, it's definitely not that simple. The old man took us into the city and told us this. There must be some purpose. This thing is absolutely strange!!"

Jiang Sheng showed a trace of unwillingness, and he was very unwilling to believe this fact. After he pondered for a little bit, his eyes drenched and he said slowly and seriously.

Jiang Sheng's words also immediately plunged Su Chen into contemplation.

That's right, the strength of this old man riding a bull could not be broken at all at that time, and it feels very weird. Now that I think about it, there is indeed a big problem. What makes people feel even more incredible is why he specifically told us about this!

Suddenly, while Su Chen was still in deep thought, the sky turned out to be as transparent and bright as a mirror, but at this moment a huge change suddenly occurred.

At this time, the sky was suddenly enveloped in layers of dark clouds, and the sky was dark, as if there was an invisible big hand pressing down in the black, giving people an extremely depressed feeling.

"Change... has the sky changed?" Su Chen couldn't help raising his head and sighed slightly.

Everyone looked at this change and the sky at the rapid pace. It was clear when Su Chen won a hundred consecutive victories when it was clear and cloudless, but at this moment it was a groggy situation.

And under this sky, it is extremely depressing, and even clearly feels that an invisible big hand is forcibly suppressing them. Under this depression, it is very uncomfortable.



Then, as a muffled thunder in the sky exploded, a drizzle like silver needles began to fly, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

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