The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1236: Can't afford to play

"Kini Taimei, you are so beautiful chicken!!"

The high magical sound immediately resounded through the audience, bursting into the ears of everyone, and it was almost suicidal.

What's more, under the influence of Su Chen's "Chicken You Are So Beautiful", he immediately vomited all the way without holding it up, and his scalp was tingling, and his whole body was painful and itchy.

"Ah, I can't stand it. What kind of chicken is this? You are so beautiful. What are you singing? I heard that the labor and management vomited out the food last week!"

"Unbearable, this is really unbearable!!"

"That's right, the previous one called "Prestige", ah, ah, so crazy, so ashamed, so brazen, I can bear it, but this chicken is too beautiful to bear!"

"Yes, brothers, this person is too arrogant. Could it be that we are bullying us in Xijiang and no one calls? Give it to me. One person can kill this junk dish with one punch!!"

"Yes, as long as we are united and united, what if the vegetables need to be bundled? Quickly use our crowd to crush him!!"

Immediately, everyone couldn't stand it anymore, and they became furious. Some even spewed out a mouthful of old blood, and they could not bear it.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I accidentally didn't control myself and released this trick. Chicken you are so beautiful, chicken you are so beautiful!"

Su Chen smiled jokingly, and a smug expression began to appear on his face, with a mean look on his face, really wanting people to be impatient to kill him, this vegetable needs to be bundled!

In this way, he is considered a success, and if it succeeds in arousing public anger, then his task is not too far away.

"Brothers, give it to me!!!"

A leading powerhouse shouted, and under a wave of his hand, everyone rushed towards Su Chen frantically like a flood. The number was extremely large, and all kinds of magic weapons were all madly towards Su Chen in the first place. Boom over.

"The son!!"

Jiang Sheng, Lu Yuyan and the others screamed in unison, cast a worried look at Su Chen, hurriedly wanted to shoot, but it was stopped by Su Chen's stern look.

And the prince left, who was restrained by Jiang Sheng, seemed to see hope, and began to look around, looking for opportunities with thief-like eyes.

"Let me watch him closely!!"

Su Chen gave a deep cry, glanced at the left prince, then turned his head and glanced at the people who were already eager to try, then immediately set his sights on the system and began to formulate a plan.

"I have a system, so I am not afraid of you at all. I might really have to drink hatred here if I change the individual!"

Su Chen sneered, he was completely fearless after he was full of aura, and he looked confident and fearless, and suddenly found an idea in the system.


Immediately afterwards, just as Su Chen faced the bombardment of countless weapons and illusions, a huge roar suddenly sounded over the densely packed arena.

"Fuck, what the **** is this!!!"

"My God, it's so big, so big!!"

"Impossible, how could this kind of thing appear here, it must be his illusion, everyone, don't panic, hammer him to death!!"

Before everyone got close to Su Chen, they raised their heads with horror, and looked at the dark shadow on the top of their heads and began to show extreme fear, as if they had a deep psychological shadow on this.

"Chicken, you are so beautiful!!" Su Chen roared.

Immediately afterwards, the shadows on everyone's heads became bigger and bigger, and the big ones almost covered the entire sky, making the scalp numb, and sweating all over.

And the overbearing and terrifying aura above their heads is approaching more and more, and the instability and fear in their hearts erupts from this. Such a strong feeling makes them unwilling to believe that this is Su Chen. The illusion cast.

"No, run, run!"

"This is a trap. It must be a trap. Don't hit it and run!"

Everyone suddenly realized that something was wrong, some yelled twice, and they drove them to quickly start to flee.

"Unfortunately it's too late. I'll take this one hundred consecutive victories. You are so beautiful!"

Su Chen laughed, his voice gradually becoming a little mad, proud and unrestrained.

And after the phrase "Chicken you are so beautiful" blurted out, as if the horror illusion had reached the final stage, the black shadows on everyone's heads also flowed rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the whole ground was trembling slightly, as if even the earth was afraid of this mysterious power and was constantly trembling.

"No, hug your head and get down!!"

Someone exclaimed in fear, and gradually, under the rapid flow of the dark shadow, the eyes were even full of despair.

"Smash me!!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge fiery red shadow fell directly and fiercely from the sky, and the black shadow was constantly magnifying, getting bigger and bigger, reaching the despair of everyone.

And behind that dark shadow is a group of suffocating flames, blazing, shocking.

Su Chen shouted again, "I don't know if you have heard of a palm that fell from the sky, puck the ball, you are so beautiful!"

"Ball...ball method?"

Then, without waiting for everyone to think and gasp for a while, with the sound of ancient raps lingering and reverberating, a burst of destruction and deafening sound exploded!

Some people who were still ridiculing Su Chen directly escaped into nothingness in the devastating explosion, and disappeared since then.

There are talents with relatively strong strength who have survived this trick, but they have also suffered a huge hit, and they have also exhausted all their backgrounds. After all, they can see the monster that is comparable to Kunpeng. What exactly is it! !

That is a basketball! ! A huge basketball! ! !

This simply shocked some people who had escaped a long time a long time ago and some people who hadn't come up at all. Although they didn't know that this was a basketball, just an extremely huge sphere was enough to shock their hearts.

And there was only a man who claimed to be **** with vegetables chanting distant rap and "Kini Taimei" and a huge basketball in his mouth!

Su Chen patted this huge and fiery red basketball. He was very pleased. The game that fell from the sky was called Basketball Dafa. He spent 20 points from the system and used it for three days. Too!

But this downfall is still worth it, because his task can be completed! !

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using basketball Dafa to kill a strong man in the pill cultivation realm and gain one hundred experience points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using basketball Dafa to kill a body-building cultivator and gain ten experience points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for using Basketball Dafa to kill a strong man in the Flying Breath Realm and gain 900 experience points!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for achieving ten consecutive victories!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host for achieving eleven consecutive victories!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for reaching twenty faces!"


"Congratulations to the host for achieving fifty consecutive victories!!"

"Congratulations to the host for achieving eighty consecutive victories!"

"Congratulations to the host for achieving ninety-nine consecutive victories!"

The prompt sound of the system quickly echoed in Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen leaned on the basketball with a look of ecstasy and sang "Chicken You Are So Beautiful" again. It was very leisurely, but when I suddenly remembered, something was wrong!

This system does not seem to prompt the completion of the task! In other words, he still missed a winning streak! !

Then this doesn't work, you have completed a ninety-nine game winning streak, how can you miss this time?

So, Su Chen patted the extremely huge basketball that was stuck on the ground, with a mean face, and suddenly his gaze fell on the strange and terrified passerby in the distance.


"Ma, it's terrible, I want to go home to find my mother!!"

As soon as Su Chen spoke, the person who was already terrified in the distance immediately exclaimed, and ran away at a fast speed. There were illusions unfolding continuously behind him, and Su Chen was very afraid to catch up.


Su Chen didn't expect his influence to be so huge, he ran away before he could finish saying this.

So he had to turn his head and glanced at Jiang Sheng, Lu Yuyan and others who had already avoided far away in the distance, his eyes fell, watching their dull and shocked faces, Su Chen had to sigh slightly.

"I'm too difficult, it's really too difficult, this invincible is really too lonely, life is really lonely as snow, how can it be so difficult to find an opponent? Dugu seeks defeat, Dugu seeks defeat!!!"

So, after Su Chen sighed and sighed, he was really helpless, and then he set his eyes on the yin and yang arena in the distance. You are still constantly coming and going, and the magic trick changes, and the fight is difficult to distinguish The ring.

Su Chen's look, the two people who were so scared that they couldn't talk but couldn't tell the victory or defeat for a long time immediately had a chill in their backs, their whole body shuddered, and their faces suddenly sank and became very pale.

"Fuck, run, I don't want this ring, and the winning streak will give you the old stuff!!"

One of them seemed to have lost his mind. He quickly took the illusion and ran away with his pants. He was very embarrassed, and he didn't even need to fight hard and win streaks.

"Damn, don't run, wait for me, let's not finish this thing!! Wait for me!!"

The other person was also panicked, trembling with fright, his pants suddenly changed a color slightly, and a few drops of water dripped.

But even if it was scared to pee, it still did not affect him in a hurry to dismantle the ring and ran on his back, hurried to catch up with the previous person, and must decide the outcome.

Upon seeing this, Su Chen Jiangsheng and others were also dumbfounded.

As for? You can't afford it, you even took down the ring and ran away! !

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