"It's not like this? You think too much?"

"Obviously it's not that simple?"

"However, Shaojixin won't let you off so easily!"

"If you want to pass, pass me first!"

, Shen Sha Old Killing God immediately laughed, the laughter still seemed a little dark and depressing.

"The little friend, can you give the cheats of this thunder palm to the old man to see the mysterious universe?"

The old killer god's laughter stopped abruptly, his expression paused, and he asked immediately.

Su Chen was also slightly startled when he heard it, and immediately stepped back involuntarily, showing a trace of vigilance.

His Nine Transformation Thunder Palm was obtained from the lucky package of the system, and when he obtained it, he immediately practiced directly and automatically. Where is the so-called cheat!

Su Chen shook his head and smiled slightly, "This thunder palm is to observe the sky in the next night, watching the thundercloud and lightning only for nearly ten years to comprehend, the moves created by oneself, what secrets are there, if you kill the gods, you If there are any secrets, it must be in my mind!"


The old killer became unhappy when he heard it, he immediately snorted and took a step towards Su Chen, his complexion became extremely gloomy, and he suddenly shouted, "No, you lied!!"

"This thunder palm was originally used by that person to conquer this continent with a peerless magical skill. Obviously you are not that person. Why do you lie?!!!"

The old killing **** continued to take a step towards Su Chen, a pair of muddy dead fish staring at Su Chen and roaring, his personality was very strange and changeable.

Su Chen was even more stunned after hearing this. His Nine Changes Thunder Palm was indeed derived from the system. He didn't know the story behind this Thunder Palm at all. Hearing what this old killer said, it is obvious that there is something else behind this. Know the secret!

And he had never heard of the so-called savvy mainlander he was referring to!

But how could he admit Su Chen so easily? He is a man with a system, and no one can disobey him. If others are angry at him, he will respect him with ten times, a hundred times anger! !

What's more, he still has a lot of hole cards that have not been revealed yet, so why should he be afraid of the opponent?

Immediately, Su Chen also showed an extremely strong look, confident and angered, and said: "My thunder palm is my own creation, and I don't even know the person you mentioned, but if you don't let me today Drive this way, and I will take your old life!!"

Su Chen's words were even more domineering and awe-inspiring, immediately resounding through the clouds, shocking the world, his words were strong and domineering, looking at the eyes of the old killing **** revealed a trace of contempt and domineering, a pair of fearless domineering vividly!

And Su Chen's words immediately shook the crowd onlookers. His domineering but unquestionable appearance was really admirable.

And I would like to ask everyone present, who can still face such a powerful and terrifying old killing **** at such a time without fear, and can speak so domineering?

But there are still people who show disdain and contempt for this in order to flatter the old murderer, and even burst into laughter.

"What? I heard that right, this guy dares to speak to the old murderer like that?"

"It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and the ignorant is really fearless. The light of rice grains is so small, but they also want to compete with Haoyue. It is ridiculous!"

"Yes, who is the old killer god? How can you kid easily threaten it!"

"That is, the old killer **** will kill him soon, and I will snow my national shame in Xijiang, so happy!"

"Yes, kill him, kill him!"

"kill him......"

Everyone was gradually mobilized, and the thought of Su Chen's previous insult to them was a burst of anger!

The old killer god's gloomy face became more gloomy at this moment. He shook his head slightly disappointed in Su Chen, showing a faint contempt, and suddenly shouted, "What an arrogant kid!"

The words of Old Killer God's awe-inspiring anger immediately formed an invisible and majestic coercion and slammed down fiercely, even the people around him turned pale, and it was even difficult to breathe.

But Su Chen’s side was not at all different. As soon as the supreme pressure of the wing-making realm was pressed against him, Tang Ransheng took a step forward, and a group of dark shadows spread out, immediately relaxed. Resisted the invisible coercion.

"What a special physique of half human and half corpse, Tier 4 zombies dare to get in the way in front of the old man. Today I will kill with you!!"

The old Killer God roared, his sullen expression swept violent anger, and a gust of wind burst into the air with a sudden wave of his hands, and the air flow became extremely rapid and swarmed into the Old Killer God's palm, forming an extremely powerful wind blade!

Immediately afterwards, bursts of majestic vitality rose to the sky together with a burst of sand and gravel rushing away, magnificent and numb, and all the riots under the flying sand and rocks converged to the old murderer’s one in an instant. In the palm of your hand!

The cohesion of this palm made the sky suddenly "boom" with a muffled sound, and under the dusk of the sky, people's fear of this was fully displayed!

When this scene happened, everyone who watched at the same time was shocked and terrified. Some people couldn't help but stepped back, some had a tingling scalp, and some exclaimed or gasped.

"Die under the palm of the flying sand and walking stone of my old killer god, your kid is dead without regret!" The old killer yelled, his brows flew under the gloom, and he was full of fear.

"Tang Ransheng!!"

Su Chen's expression was a little hard to look at when he saw this, he snorted, and quickly led Lu Yuyan back crazily!

At the same time, Tang Ransheng had already concentrated on mobilizing all the vitality in his body, and he was surrounded by endless black shadows, and the surrounding wind whistled as if wailing and screaming!

"Han Xin, go to war!!!"

Su Chen couldn't immediately yell, and between a wave of his hand, the golden light burst into bloom, and a bright beam of light suddenly appeared in the sky, accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder.

The old killer **** naturally noticed this, and the white eyebrows were raised and his expression stern, and a violent "Flying Sand and Walking Stone Palm" was photographed, and a burst of horror was immediately crushed down!


Under the violent momentum of flying sand and rocks, everything is unstoppable and unstoppable!

But at this time, Tang Ransheng was full of black arrogance burning. With a wave of his big hand, those black arrogance suddenly rose to the sky, facing the terrifying flying sand and rocks, forming a large defensive air current, immediately fiercely. Withstood this first blow!

"I can't help myself!!"

The old killing **** yelled, and immediately the flying sand and the stone became extremely violent, and the waves of incomparably majestic momentum and coercion were even more heavy and crazy, causing great oppression!

"Die to me!!"

Immediately afterwards, another incomparable vitality turned into a terrifying palm wind and crazily crushed down. Zhou Tian immediately changed color again, lightning and thunder.


Tang Ransheng's whole body was wrapped in heavy black shadows, but at this time, the flying sand walking stone palm that forcibly resisted the old killer **** can still be seen from the subtle changes in his face gradually hideous, and his muscles seemed to burst. open.


Then, Tang Ransheng finally couldn't resist a violent thunderous blast that pierced the clouds and cracked rocks. The whole figure was like a kite with a broken wire, flying upside down, and flew back dozens of times with a muffled sound. Meters away!

The strong wing maker is so terrifying!

Su Chen couldn't help but gasped when he saw this. Unexpectedly, Tang Ransheng, who was as strong as half a man and half a corpse, could not hold it!

The scalp-numbing yin wind continued to whistle past, and it just blew people's cheeks, and under this silence, there was even more terrifying fear!

Su Chen's face sank, he stretched out his hand and took out the grilled chicken wings and took a bite, retreating frantically.

"You can't escape the palm of my hand, hand over the thunder palm obediently, I can keep your whole body!"

The old killer **** sullen his face, a strange color and a silvery sharp blade rises in the air, being held tightly in his hand, a breath of murderous air burst out.

Su Chen ignored it, and led Lu Yuyan to raid backwards and came to Tang Ransheng's side.

When he raised his head and looked at the holy light in the sky, a smug smile suddenly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Old Killer God, die!"

Su Chen laughed, staring at the old killer god, revealing a confident look.


Just as the old killing **** was about to swear again, a blue and silver swift shadow suddenly swept across the void, bringing a burst of majestic vitality to surge, like a huge pressure like a mountain of Taishan!

"The dragon is fighting in the wild!!"

A domineering and awe-inspiring voice resounded across the sky, and when the voice just fell, the blue and silver swift shadow swept in like a silver dragon, and the terrifying aura crushed it.

The look of the old killer was greatly changed, and he did not expect that such a shocking change would happen, and there was no way to avoid it immediately!

With a trembling expression, he immediately grabbed all the vitality of his body and gathered it in his palms, forming a dark black barrier against Han Xin who was like a **** soldier.


Under the dusky sky, the dazzling silver elder suddenly blasted down, and a terrifying wave of air instantly swept the earth and rippled away, immediately engulfing the black barrier!


With a loud noise, the silver dragon shattered the black barrier. Amidst the billowing dust and smoke, an old man with his back spit out three liters of blood and flew out wildly, extremely embarrassed.

,, the dust whizzed by, Han Xin stood proudly holding the silver dragon spear, revealing a look of common people in the world, it is awe-inspiring, and it is shocking to see it!

And Han Xin immediately shocked countless people as soon as he appeared, and even the twilight of the sky began to gradually disperse and began to become slightly brighter.

[Han Xin]: force: 90, strategy: 90, dominance: 99, repair base: complete wings!

Su Chen also showed a smug smile immediately and walked slowly to Han Xin's side with his waist supported.

"Final Han Xin, see the lord!!"

Then, Han Xin knelt down on one knee, arching his hands respectfully at Su Chen, with a look of awe.

All of this scene was in the eyes of everyone, and immediately couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath, and even felt a tingling scalp!

A powerful person who is so powerful that he can kill the old killer **** as soon as he appears on the stage is actually so respectful to Su Chen, the Xia Dynasty person? ! !

Everyone was almost shocked by their jaws on the spot, and such a supreme and powerful person would face Su Chen like this!

Then who is Su Chen? Is it really a mere groom?

Impossible, this must be a scam! !

Everyone immediately realized the lie, and at the same time began to guess Su Chen's various identities in their hearts, and the eyes looking at Su Chen couldn't help showing a lot of fear and awe.

And this is simply thinking about it! !

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing a wave of domineering pretensions, hereby reward forty points!"

Su Chen immediately smiled with joy when he heard the system's reply, but he didn't expect to be able to get the points that can be obtained for a mission by just pretending to be forced!

Immediately, he also showed a sincere love for money, and carefully helped Han Xin up, looking at his heroic appearance under his blue and silver armor, he couldn't help but "tsk tsk" in admiration.

Immediately, Han Xin also stood up with a look of awe, and cast his gaze on the old tree, embarrassed and seriously injured.

At this moment, the old murderer was completely damaged in his black robe, and his silver hair was scattered and covered with blood stains, and his injuries were extremely serious!

He never thought that this time his coming out of the mountain would cause such a catastrophe. What's even more terrible is that he actually underestimated Su Chen's background, and he actually got the idea of ​​that thunder palm!

"It seems that the old man is still not suitable for going out!"

The muddy eyes of the old **** of death were full of regret and unwillingness. He looked deeply at Su Chen and Han Xin, revealing endless remorse, his lips and teeth were trembling slightly, leaning against the ancient tree in the sky. pain.

"Senior can leave a name?!!!"

The old killing **** trembling slightly, slowly raised it up and pointed at Han Xin and asked.

"If you don't change your name while sitting down, you won't change your surname, Han Xin is the same. You are worthy of being called the Old Killer God at the seventh rank of Wing Building? I hope this time I can leave you a deep impression!"

Han Xin regained his arrogance with the silver dragon spear, arrogantly swept past the old killer god, showing contempt and disdain, and under his stern eyes, it was as if there were all living beings like ants.

"What a Han Xin, the old man has written down this hatred!"

The old killing **** stared at Han Xin gnashing his teeth, and then hurried past Su Chen and the crowd, then slowly took out a longan-like purple-patterned pill and quickly swallowed it into his belly.

Immediately, the eyes of the old killer **** suddenly became clearer, and the injuries on his body suddenly recovered slightly.

But obviously this pill is extremely precious, and a strong man at the level of the old killer can't help showing his face in pain.

Immediately, the old killing **** trembled all over, his expression was suddenly stagnant, and he stood up slowly with difficulty, and after a pause, he turned into a ghostly ghost and swept across the night sky, and a pair of vitality suddenly spread out behind him. The condensed black bone wings quickly dissipated in the night sky with a flash of light.

"Hmph, really fast escape, you are lucky."

Su Chen snorted coldly, looking at the location where the old killer **** was embarrassed and a little unwilling to escape.

But this time it was indeed dangerous and dangerous. The old killer god's cultivation base had reached the seventh wing-building level unexpectedly. It was really terrifying. If Han Xin came out one second later, he might even have to collect the body for Su Chen. Up!

"Yuyan, okay?" Su Chen turned to look at Lu Yuyan who was aside, and smiled slightly.

"I'm okay, I have indeed broadened my horizons a lot after following the young man all the way. I didn't expect the young man to befriend such a strong man!"

Lu Yuyan pursed her lips and waved her hand to Su Chen, she could see that she was shocked.

"It's okay, it's fine, the class teacher returns to the court!"

Su Chen smiled slightly, waved his hand, and motioned to leave, thinking that at this time, Jiang Sheng and others might already be waiting for him in the border city!

Immediately, Su Chen was also ready to get in the car and continue to gallop all the way, he believed that at this time there must be no stupid dare to block the way!

However, Han Xin waved his hand and said respectfully, "Master, I shouldn't stay too long at this time, so I will leave first. If there is a problem, Han Xin will definitely fight for the Lord."

After Han Xin bowed his hand to Su Chen, he swept towards the sky and quickly dissipated in the clouds like a silver dragon.

Su Chen also shook his head about this. He didn't expect Han Xin to really not be able to stay by his side for long, but then he was relieved, got into the God of War GTR and beckoned Tang Ransheng and Lu Yuyan to come up.

Immediately, everyone's expressions changed, and they dispersed quickly, not daring to stand in the way, their faces were full of deep awe and fear of the strong.

Su Chen smiled slightly and turned on the car DVD again to play "Invincible".

"How invincible is, how lonely, how invincible is, how empty..."

Immediately, Su Chen's God of War GTR instantly turned into a silver lightning and galloped away.

When he came to the last city gate on the border, he found that the generals guarding the border had already consciously opened the city gate to welcome Su Chen's departure.

"Good job, see you next time Ang."

Su Chen smiled slightly, leaned his head out of the car window and raised a thumbs up shouting, and immediately turned into a silver shadow and galloped out.

When Su Chen left, the generals guarding the border breathed a sigh of relief and patted each other on the shoulders.

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