The Strongest Demon-hunting System in the City

Chapter 1825: Dreams don’t have to say much

"Want to see my dreams?"

"To be honest, I don't want to at all, and you don't want to attack my sacred stone layer!"

"Stop talking nonsense, watch the trick!"

After that, Su Chen quickly broke away from the territory of the Western Frontiers.

Then, a silver lightning swiftly rushed past and came under the gate of the border city of Xia Dynasty.

Su Chen stuck his head out of the car window, reached out and raised the handsome seal engraved with a fierce beast on his waist, and shouted at the city wall, "Your general, Su Chen is back!!"

Su Chen's domineering and awe-inspiring voice immediately resounded throughout the entire area, and the soldiers standing guard on the city wall stood up tremblingly. Su Chen was stunned immediately when he saw that he was stunned and hurried to the defender. The old town owner reports.

"My lord, Master Su is back, and he's riding a very handsome silver ‘God Horse’!!" The soldier hurriedly reported with an anxious expression.

"Oh? I didn't expect that Master Su was really beyond everyone's expectations, but he certainly still doesn't know what happened to Su Mansion. Hurry up, open the city gate to welcome Master Su!"

The old city lord of the guard stroked his beard, revealed a trace of suspicion, and groaned a little, then immediately shouted to the soldier.

Immediately, the gate of the border city opened wide, and Su Chen smiled slightly, and galloped in, welcoming everyone's onlookers.

At this time, Su Chen was still in the joy of returning from the victory of Xijiang Kingdom, and in the face of everyone's onlookers, he thought that he was greatly welcomed.

But looking at the expressions on everyone's faces, he immediately realized that something was wrong!

"Look, isn't this Mr. Su? He actually retreated from the Xijiang Kingdom, which is really impressive!"

"Although this ‘sacred horse’ unique to Western Xinjiang is very mighty, I’m afraid I can’t stay for long!"

"Oh, pity me Daxia finally appeared such a capable person, unexpectedly..."

"No, Master Su must have been wronged. Those things must have been deliberately done by someone to make a big fuss!"

Many people were deeply impressed by Su Chen's deeds, but they felt a bit sorry for him when they thought of what had happened.

"Sorry? What a pity, isn't I just being upright and arrogant, coming back from the Western Xinjiang? Not only solved the war, but also used the three-inch tongue to get back three hundred thousand taels of gold from the king of Xijiang. Once I showed off the power of Daxia, the mighty power of Daxia!"

Su Chen was taken aback for a while, revealing a trace of doubt, stepped off the God of War GTR, and raised the ring given by the King of Xijiang, from which the glittering golden light was the three hundred thousand taels of gold!

"What? Master Su not only solved the war, he even flicked three hundred thousand taels of gold from the cunning king of Xijiang. There is no problem with my ears, right?"

"My God, I am worthy of Master Su, really young and promising, for me to show off the world's glory!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately showed a full of shock. They did not expect that Su Chen not only retreated from the Xijiang Kingdom, but also brought back 300,000 taels of gold. This is truly unprecedented. Lift!

"To know who the King of Naxijiang is, he is suspicious by nature, sinister and cunning, plus the officials of the Manchu dynasty who are good at illusionism, this action is truly unprecedented!"

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed Su Master, after I entered the rule of Xuanhe, I am afraid I won such a prestige for the first time!"

Many people sighed in admiration, with a look of admiration and a sense of pride!

"Master Su, hurry up, you are the minister of the world and the hope of the future of my great summer. Don't be persecuted by the villain's slander, hurry up!"

At this time, an anxious voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, and a middle-aged woman squeezed into the crowd hard and shouted towards Su Chen, looking very anxious.

The guardian Old City Master raised his eyebrows when he saw it. He didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen again. He immediately waved to his subordinates and ordered, "Quickly catch that woman!"


Several soldiers responded in unison, rushed up immediately, and caught the middle-aged woman in the crowd.

"Master Su, go quickly, the farther you go, the better, leave us alone!"

Even if the woman was held tightly, she still showed no fear at all, she still hurriedly looked at Su Chen and shouted anxiously to remind Su Chen.

The woman was immediately caught in front of the guardian city lord. The old city lord immediately became angrily, glared at the ordinary-looking middle-aged woman, and immediately slapped it with a palm!

Although there is no vitality or flying breath attached to the palm of the strong breath, this powerful palm hit the face of the woman who hadn't even practiced!

Immediately, this palm left a deep red palm print on his kind face, and his face was slightly distorted. I am afraid it will be difficult to face others in the future!

Su Chen could see that this person must also be a kind mother. If his mother suffered such humiliation under the eyes of everyone, how should he and she face outsiders?

"Bold woman, who taught you to dare to speak wild words in front of Master Su? It's really daring!"

The Old City Lord yelled, and wanted to slap it again with a palm. If he slapped it again, he kindly reminded Su Chen's women that their lives would be in danger!


Su Chen immediately yelled when he saw this, an angry expression appeared on his face, which was very angry.

"Su... Master Su, this is what the women and children said, you must not..."

The Old City Lord's expression changed drastically, and he explained in a hurry, he stopped his palm and didn't take the picture, looking at Su Chen with a little horror.

However, before he finished his words, Su Chen had already rushed forward and slapped it out with a fierce palm. With an extremely majestic vitality condensed in his hand, a horrible breath swept in!


The Old City Lord was slapped away fiercely under Su Chen's palm, and his whole figure was lifted into the air. A mouthful of old blood spurted out, which made him never think of Su Chen. The palm came out so quickly!

The city owner's son had offended Su Chen before, and now he looked at Su Chen with a look of horror, and looked at his father who had been photographed flying several meters away. It was even more shocking!

"It is rumored that under the palm of Master Su was the general Mo Jieshan who killed the seventh rank of Fei Breath. I didn't expect it to be true!" Someone exclaimed on the spot, and a shocked expression could not stop appearing.

Su Chen's voice resounded abruptly in this border city, it was extremely powerful, and it was awe-inspiring and awe-inspiring!

"Su...Master Su!!"

Immediately, the guardian, the old city lord, who was shot flying out, stood tremblingly under the support of his son, and slowly said with a bitter expression. At the same time, a trace of anger quickly passed through his eyes, but he did not dare to vent. Out.

"Why? Is there a problem with what I said? You are so daring, is it possible that you still want to implement a literary prison, and you can't be arbitrary?"

Su Chen walked slowly towards the old city lord, with his hands behind his back, awe-inspiring, with a sarcasm and domineering charm in his tone.

"The subordinates... don't dare, I am just afraid that Master Su will be disturbed by this woman's words, absolutely nothing else!"

The veteran guard looked at Su Chen with a trembling tone and showed deep fear, still feeling deeply shocked by the previous palm in his heart!

"Huh, presumptuous, are you saying that the official doesn't even have basic judgment? It's really daunting!!"

Su Chen stopped suddenly and let out a cold shout, shocking everyone on the spot.

After Su Chen stopped, he looked at the painful middle-aged woman who was holding the red palm prints on her face on the ground, with a slight pity.

"Auntie, are you okay!" Su Chen looked at the woman with pity, and asked softly.

"No, it's okay, thank you Master Su, but, Master Su, you should leave soon!" The woman tremblingly said, her face shocked, she did not expect that Su Chen would actually act for the low-level people like her.

"No hurry, I will take care of your matter first, and you will tell me what happened later!"

Su Chen said slowly, and smiled back with warmth, raising his head and coldly casting his eyes on the faces of the guards and father and son.

At this time, he had already seen that something was wrong!

It didn’t take long for the woman to say what the woman said. The guard’s gaze changed suddenly. He was obviously very concerned about the disclosure of the matter. This would prove the seriousness of the matter. Everyone knew it, but the guard didn’t want to. Let him know!

Being watched by Su Chen's icy eyes for a long time, although this guard has also seen a lot of strong winds and waves, but at this moment, he can't help but feel a flurry of hair in his heart. He immediately hurriedly helped his son's ear and said: "Hurry up and notify My lord, say things should develop as soon as possible!"

The usually idle son looked at his father's solemn eyes, and immediately nodded solemnly, looked at the veteran guard with some worry, then glanced at Su Chen lightly, and immediately stepped away.

"Wait, you are not allowed to leave if this matter is not resolved!!"

Su Chen's voice sounded again, cold and full of murderous intent, which made people's heart sank, and became more anxious.

"Before you slapped the auntie, I have doubled it back, but the auntie has been irreparably hurt, so you have to double it back and give it to the people in a fair and just environment!"

Su Chen pointed at the veteran guard and shouted, his words resounded instantly, extremely shocking!

On weekdays, this veteran guard not only raided the people secretly, but also treated the people to extremes. He was only allowed to set fire to the people to not allow the people to light the lights. When everyone saw this, they all showed a look full of expectations, very happy!

Su Chen's words made the veteran guard tremble slightly, making him feel a great deal of pressure.

The veteran guard looked at him with extreme dread. Su Chen glanced at the people who came to watch and his subordinates. His expression became more anxious, and his forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Facing Su Chen's strength, this gave him tremendous pressure and a certain amount of fear, which made him lower his head and lower his old face.

"This time it is the subordinate's fault, and the subordinate is ashamed of the status of the master of this city!"

The veteran defender lowered his face and shouted, not daring to raise his head, because of Su Chen's pressure, he had to do this too, but in fact he did this to delay time and save himself!

"Do you need me to do it? When my words are the wind?" Su Chen's words sounded again, sharp and powerful, with the supreme majesty of being a strong man.


Su Chen's words once again blasted deeply into the old guard's heart like a lightning strike, causing him to tremble in his heart. He knew that if Su Chen had a strange personality and did not follow what he said, he might not be able to take it all today. Retreat.

He immediately lost his heart, lost his old face, put down his usual high position, and immediately waved his hand and slapped a big ear on his face. The "pop" was extremely loud and made everyone feel happy. .

"it is good!!"

With the crisp sound of the "pop", someone immediately clapped their hands and shouted, with an extremely relieved expression on their faces, and their smiles were brilliant.

When many people saw this, they all lost their anger, showing their faces full of ecstasy.

"Not enough!!" Su Chen said coldly, putting pressure on the old guard again.


The veteran guard hummed softly, and immediately slammed his heart. With a "slap", he waved a palm again and slapped it up. The crisp and powerful palm left a clear red palm print on his old face. The majesty established is lost below this.

"not enough!!"

Su Chen's words are like five thunderstorms and a heavy blow in the heart of the old guard, wondering how you guy behaved so weird recently?

But because of Su Chen's pressure, he couldn't help it. He looked at Su Chen blankly and looked around at everyone. He had no choice but to slam his heart and hit his old face again with a "pop".

And the anger in his heart against Su Chen at this moment is even more terrifying. If it could, the anger would have slashed Su Chen countless times!

The people who watched this scene were so refreshing and without sympathy at all. On the contrary, his subordinates followed a burst of anger, daring not to speak.


Su Chen showed a face of contempt, and immediately swept his figure with a fierce palm, condensing majestic vitality, under a loud noise, the veteran guard was as heavy as a cannonball. He flew out and blasted on the fortified city wall.

"This palm is for you to beat the people for evil. As long as I am still there, I will not allow this to happen again!"

Su Chen said with a calm face, and the resentment in his heart was slightly relieved from this. At this time, some bad memories deep in his heart inevitably evoked in his heart, and he was even more upset before that.

"it is good!!"

Immediately, many people cheered and cheered, and there was a burst of joy, and Su Chen's position in their hearts rose a lot from this.

Immediately, Su Chen helped the kind middle-aged woman up and asked softly, "Auntie, why did you let me go?"

With gratitude on her face, the woman looked at Su Chen's unspeakable touch, and immediately said, "My lord, you have just returned from Xijiang Country triumphantly, but you don't know that you have been victimized by an adult at this moment, but we are all I believe you are innocent!"

Su Chen heard this, his expression changed slightly, and after a little thought, it must have been Nalan Yande who was pushing behind him during the time he was away, trying to suppress his forces!

"The lady, is there anything else?" Su Chen asked.

The woman shook her head and sighed, "I don't know much about it. This matter was deliberately blocked, so it is not allowed to talk about it."

Su Chen also nodded slightly after hearing this, his face became heavy, and he felt a little pity, but this matter is probably no small matter, he needs to deal with it as soon as possible!

Immediately, Su Chen did not waste time, and immediately found Jiang Sheng and the others in the city.

However, after searching the entire city, Jiang Sheng and others disappeared. I thought this matter might not be that simple!

The disappearance of Jiang Sheng and others caused Su Chen to fall into deep contemplation!

And Jiang Sheng’s disappearance is not difficult to reason out. Either Jiang Sheng has stayed in the Xijiang Kingdom since the teleportation formation in Liucheng of Xijiang Kingdom Spring has changed, or Jiang Sheng and others have returned earlier than him. For a period of time, some changes occurred because of his miserable involvement!

At this time, Su Chen hoped that Jiang Sheng's disappearance was due to the former, at least not because of his involvement in this matter.

"Good Nalan Yande, sooner or later I will get rid of you completely!"

Su Chen couldn't help clenching his fists, and a wave of anger inevitably rose in his heart, and what he was even more worried about was Xiao Bi in Su Mansion.

However, he thought it was a good decision to send Cheng Song back to Su Mansion in advance, but he did not know the great changes in Su Mansion at this time!

"It's not too late, let's go back to Xuzhou to see the situation!"

Immediately, Su Chen also decided to return to Xuzhou to find out some news, and immediately beckoned to Tang Ransheng and Lu Yuyan to get into the car.

After that, Su Chen drove the God of War GTR all the way through and returned to the Dragon Inn in Xuzhou.

At this time, Xuzhou was also deserted a lot because of the lack of his food. The streets were covered with ice and snow. Because the crops were destroyed by the harsh ice and snow, some people were unhappy.

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