The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 331: Ignorant supercomputing consciousness

After a few more words, Sheng Wenhua gave Yang Chen another encouragement, and left with Buxu Daoren.

The Lama of Yonghe Temple and the Taoist of Baiyun Temple left with them. However, before leaving, the two young monks turned their heads to look around. Their eyes flickered, and they did not know exactly what was planned in their hearts.

Anyway, these monks left.

At this time, it was already dawning, and people who went to work in the morning were almost coming soon. Yang Chen hastily released the sleeping technique previously released to the doorman of the doorman.

At this time, Miao Gaoliang opened the door and ran out of the back hall. He was nervous and excited at Yang Chen and said, "Boss, are those monks in metaphysics? Really make people Fascinating! And the lightning that you just had, it’s so cool..."

He felt that his three views were completely refreshed in the scenes and scenes before. Now what he is thinking about is only whether he can practice, and how he will look after his cultivation.

Yang Chen smiled and shook his head bitterly, led Miao Gaoliang back to the office building, and went back to the basement, where there was still nothing going on.

While walking, Miao Gaoliang was still perseveringly asking, "What kind of power was that just? What spells and mental methods were used? When can I have that kind of power? And, boss, you said to help me practice, When does it begin?"

He chattered and talked for a long time, but Yang Chen never answered. He had a little heart in his heart. He quickly took Yang Chen’s hand and grimaced: "Boss, what you said before, keep me practicing! You don’t want it Not speaking!"

Yang Chen couldn't help it: "I said you have never finished it? I don't care anymore about the things you practice!"

Miao Gaoliang dropped Yang Chen's hand and said busyly: "Good, good. I don't say I don't say. Boss, you must must remember..."

Yang Chen rolled his eyes, walked into the elevator, and suddenly looked up to see the camera in the elevator, busy: "Yes. Today's things can not be transmitted. The surveillance video in this building. You clean me, don't Show the flaws!"

Since most of the office buildings are rented by IT companies, so in terms of monitoring equipment. But it is at the forefront of the times. The cameras in the whole building can be said to be almost everywhere. There is almost no dead end. Not only the inside of the building, but also the parking lot in front, as well as the doorman, they were equipped with several cameras. This cannot be avoided.

Miao Gaoliang snapped a military salute: "Boss, don't worry. Guarantee no problem!"

Yang Chen is still at ease at this point, with Miao Gaoliang's ability. Hack the monitoring system, and then replace the monitoring video, and replace it with some video without any abnormalities. Still no problem.

"Okay, you should act immediately after going down, don't wait for a long time, lest you have a long night."

"Good," Miao Gaoliang said without a word, but said a flattered face again: "However, that... that practice..."

"Okay, wait for this matter to be busy, then I will get it for you." Yang Chen replied impatiently.

"That's good! That's good!" Miao Gaoliang smiled, "Hey": "Hey, I didn't expect my Miao Gaoliang to become a monk one day! The world of flying away, turning over the river and the sea, I'm coming..."

A frivolous expression appeared on his face, and he wandered into the sky and fell into the infinite YY...

Yang Chen pretended not to see this shameful product, but closed the elevator door with one finger.

"Oh oh..." Miao Gaoliang stepped forward and became a monkey-like scratching his ears, reopening the tedious process of going to the basement.

It's just that when he was doing this process, he was all light and flirty. That's not too eye-catching.

Yang Chen simply closed his eyes, not bothered by the sight.

It was easy to go back to the basement space again. At this time, Yang Chen had to do the first thing to reintroduce Shennian into the super-calculation and detect the situation of the group of consciousness that was enlightened.

The group of consciousness was still as ignorant as before, but it was a little better, and it was completely different from Xiao Su that soon had a clear consciousness.

Yang Chen was also the first time to use apocalypse instead of making cannon fodder. He had absolutely no experience with this, and he didn't understand why the same apocalypse had completely different life before and after.

Perhaps, perhaps this is because Xiao Su itself is a group of data, a program, the power of dotting is easier to play, and this power also makes it easier for Xiao Su to have his own spiritual wisdom, but this super calculation is a The big guy, although the consumption far exceeds Xiao Su, should be weaker in terms of "spirituality".

After all, there is no physical thing in the program, and it is naturally close to intelligence, which is completely different from the supercomputer, which has a physical body.

Of course, this is just speculation, but Yang Chen believes that this should be a matter of time.

When Yang Chen’s thoughts entered, the consciousness of the super-computed body began to convey a weak and timid meaning: "Afraid... so afraid..."

Yang Chen kept asking this group of consciousness as he had communicated with Xiao Su before, but this group of consciousness seemed to be frightened and shrunk into a group without any feedback.

This gap is a bit big.

Yang Chen couldn't help frowning.

However, after communicating for a period of time, Xiao Su had a clear self, knew that "I" existed, and more accurately defined Yang Chen as a "father." It’s just instinct.

Obviously, such consciousness is not useful.

And this super calculation is now useless.

Yang Chen has let Miao Gaoliang try it. Now the supercomputer is running normally, at least on the surface, but it refuses all access, and there is no feedback, no way of feedback.

Even if other super-counters refuse to access, at least an error code will be returned? But now this super calculation is completely blank, and all the requests for access are like mud bulls, and there is no response at all.

"This... Boss, wouldn't you be too much broken?"

Miao Gaoliang couldn't help it anymore. This is worth at least a few hundred million yuan, and it's a super calculation that most people can't buy! If the boss is really broken, even if the boss is Miss Zhang Da's boyfriend, can't this responsibility be paid?

In particular, what the boss came in to do something, it was all invited by myself, the biggest responsibility should also be on himself! What should I do if I call myself?

For a time, Miao Gaoliang almost burst into tears.

Others are okay, it's really not a big deal, but the things in this temple, where can you run if you break it?

"It's dead, dead! Boss, you must save me!"

Miao Gaoliang hugged Yang Chen's thigh and cried with a snot and tears: "You are Miss Zhang's boyfriend, don't care, younger brother I can't afford this responsibility..."

Yang Chen resisted the impulse to kick the cargo and patiently said, "Okay, don't come to this set. It's super bad! Even if it's broken, all the responsibilities will be borne by me, right?"

The voice hadn't settled yet, and the goods climbed up from the ground: "Then that's good, that's good! Finally, there's a backer, boss, boss, you don't know, just scared the younger brother..."

An ordinary face, full of a certain smell called "insignificance", the whole face is full of joy.

Peat is called scared? Are you afraid to laugh like this? Also, do you think the boss is just for backing the pot?

After laughing for a while, Miao Gaoliang condensed his smile and reappeared with a sad expression: "Boss, seriously, it is super bad or bad? It's not working, I have to use the last trick!"

"What trick?"

Miao Gaoliang smiled, "Power off!"

If you are a layman, power failure can really fool you.

After all, this kind of thing is super calculation. If the power is cut off suddenly, it is normal to break down. Because it is a high-precision and delicate thing, it is broken because of power failure, so it makes sense.

You can bully the layman of Tianshi Mansion.

Yang Chen rolled his eyes, and suddenly felt that Zhang Bingyu's eyes were too awkward. To get such unruly goods into the company, this is typical of not being pitted enough.

"Okay, don't worry, this super calculation is absolutely not bad, just some normal reactions after the dot. It will take some time for the consciousness to grow after the dot. Just like a baby, who can jump and walk as soon as it is born Talkable?"

"This is it?" Miao Gaoliang said with disbelief: "Boss, but I gave you 120,000 points of trust, but you can't lie to me..."

"I believe it or not, and believe it or not!" Yang Chen outstretched his legs out of the superb basement.

"Ah! Boss, wait for me... wait for me..." Miao Gaoliang yelled and chased behind.

In the next room, Yang Chen let Miao Gaoliang connect to the server again, open the special program to contact Xiao Enter: Xiao Su, I added a brother to you, which is the original super Count. But it is still very ignorant, I don't have much time, I rely on you to help adjust it.

Xiao Su: Father, please be assured that I will educate the new brother.

I don't know if it's an illusion. Yang Chen felt that there was more excitement in Xiao Su's speech. Although it's just a line, no matter how you say it, you can't express emotions.

Xiao Su: Father, I'll be right away.

and many more!

Yang Chen and other characters haven't had time to type, the client program imitates the Xiao Su head of QQ representative online or not.

No matter what method Yang Chen used to contact Xiao Su, he did not respond.

Even if Yang Chen used Shennian to investigate, there was no response.

It seems that Xiao Su has devoted all his spirit to all the tasks that Yang Chen had given him before the execution, and used them to contact the super-calculation. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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