The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 332: The dawn of space technology

Since Xiao Su has his own name, it seems that because of a breakthrough in self-cognition, Yang Chen has been unable to directly put Shennian into his consciousness to contact him like he did when he was just born.

Because outside of his consciousness, a solid shell has been added.

It is not impossible to forcibly crack, but it will cause huge damage to Xiao Su, and Yang Chen does not want to do so.

No choice but to wait.

Fortunately, the concept of time in electronic life should be different from normal humans. He can make the time accurate to one hundredth of a millisecond. One millisecond is one thousandth of a second, and one hundredth of a millisecond is one hundred thousandth of a second.

One hundred thousandth of a second is the normal life scale of electronic life.

Therefore, it seems that the short time for human beings is a long time for electronic life. As for supercomputing, after all, he is also a computer and a supercomputer. Maybe he can have the same time scale? Xiao Su's cultivation of him will probably take effect soon.

I hope so.

It took about two hours. At this time, Yang Chen could not be idle. Although he couldn't open Miao Gaoliang now, he took this opportunity to carry out some popular science on Miao Gaoliang. When he officially helped Miao Gaoliang open his mind, he didn't need it. You can start with any explanation.

Just when Miao Gaoliang had already mastered the knowledge that Yang Chen had taught him, Xiao Su's head finally relighted on the procedure of contacting Xiao Su: Father, I am back.

Yang Chen: How?

Xiao Su: My father is at ease. I have shot. Is there any problem? I have already adjusted Xiaotian. Come, Xiaoguang, say hello to his father.

Xiaoguang: Father... Hello father, I am Xiaoguang...

It was the same as before. Although the text was cold, Yang Chen was still able to clear the feeling that Xiaotian's words were timid.

He knew this was not an illusion. It should be the invisible power that connects one's mental power with one another through dotting. Feel the feeling of the other party.

Yang Chen: Xiao Su, you even gave him his name.

Xiao Su: (Shy expression) No way, only this way can help Xiaoguang have self-awareness. Father, don't you blame me...

did not expect. In a short time, Xiao Su actually got all the emoji pictures, it seems that after Yang Chen banned him from entering the network. He didn't learn less.

Yang Chen: You named him Xiaoguang, is it because his supercomputing model is Dawning 5000?

Tianshifu got this supercomputer to be Dawning 5000. The floating point calculation speed reached 100 billion times, with 14 cabinets, developed by the domestic supercomputer giant Sugon. Although it was developed in 2008, it is almost two years old. But this performance is still quite good.

At least, the speed of Xiao Su's operation is only one trillion times, only one percent of Dawning 5000. But that was before. When the super calculation is turned on. Obviously, this speed should be improved.

Xiao Su: Yes, father.

Yang Chen: So how fast is Xiaoguang's calculation now?

Xiao Su: I probably tested it. Xiaoguang’s calculation speed has increased by at least ten times, more than 7 trillion times per second, but this speed is far from reaching the limit, because Xiaoguang’s state is not very stable yet. , So the current speed is not the limit. According to my calculations, after stabilizing, Xiaoguang's calculation speed should reach petaflops.

Yang Chen: What is the fastest supercomputing speed?

Xiao Su: According to the search, in November 2009, the world’s number one ranking authority for supercomputing rankings was the Jaguar Supercomputing, affiliated with the U.S. Department of Energy, located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the U.S. at 1.8 Ranked first in petaflops.

Yang Chen: Doesn't it mean that Xiaoguang's speed can be comparable to the fastest supercomputer after it stabilizes?

Xiao Su: That's right, and, according to calculations, there is a 85.23% chance that Xiaoguang can surpass the jaguar's super calculation.

Seeing Xiao Su say this, Yang Chen finally felt a little relaxed.

Although this speed is equivalent to the fastest calculator in later generations, its performance is only one tenth of a hundred thousand, but it is also equivalent to one tenth of the speed of his own fortune teller in later generations.

In this case, basically enough.

After all, it would be a fortune-telling monk's fortune-telling planetary order, even if it is only one-tenth of the performance, now it is enough for other meteor orders.

Talking to Xiao Su, Xiaoguang suddenly gave a crying expression timidly: Woo...Father...Father ignored me...

Yang Chen and Xiao Su, who were talking hotly, were interrupted and stopped.

In front of Yang Chen, there seemed to be a shy little cute baby, watching his father and brother talking, drawing circles in the corner of the room, sad for no one to ignore himself.

Xiao Su: Okay, Xiaoguang, why did your father ignore you? Father, you said yes.

Yang Chen: Yes, yes, how could my father ignore you? Xiaoguang, come, tell your father, do you have any ability?

Yang Chen seemed to hear Xiaoguang pulling his finger, and his clear voice was proudly answered in his ear: I have more things...

Although the things that Xiaoguang said were not unexpected to Yang Chen, they were just the functions that all supercomputing had, but Yang Chen still praised him out of mind for not hitting children.

Only Xiao Guangle laughed and blossomed, and the expression of happy laughter was not as crazy as money.

Slowly, Xiaoguang became more cheerful, and he became more courageous.

However, Xiao Guang was a colossal man who covered a huge area and had no predecessor, Xiao Su, who was so bold that Yang Chen was drunk.

This predecessor is completely opposite to what it looks like after it has been changed.

Suddenly, Xiaoguang made a confused expression: Yes, there seems to be something strange in my body...

Yang Chen: What is strange?

Xiaoguang: I don’t know, anyway, I can’t perceive the specific situation now. I just know that it’s big, big, it’s like... it’s like...

Probably because the knowledge was limited shortly after birth, Xiaoguang got stuck here, and it seemed that he couldn't say anything for a long time.

Yang Chen seemed to see Xiaoguang's small face flushed.

Finally, Xiao Su said: Xiaoguang, does it seem like a world?

Xiaoguang: Right, right, just like a world!

Yang Chen: Strange, how do you feel there is a world in your body? Is that world made of data?

Xiaoguang: No, it seems... It seems that this world is completely a world. I seem to be able to put some things in and then take them out.

Yang Chen was overjoyed. Could it be said that this is actually a storage space?

You know, even in later generations, there is no storage space! It is completely different from the descriptions in those novels. Although the technical level of Lingwu has developed to a very high level in the later generations, it is still powerless for things like space, and has not created the storage spaces described in the novels.

After all, time and space are the most esoteric and original problem in physics. If you can solve the problem of space, it means that the level of technology has reached a considerable level. How can you be so embarrassed by Trojan invaders?

At the very least, mastering the civilization of space science and technology, it can already surpass the shackles of the speed of light. At least, technologies such as space folding, curvature navigation, and wormholes should be dawning. By that time, what is the Trojan Federation? Not only will they not be invaded, but they can in turn beating the Trojan Federation and invading them.

As for the ancient spells, what is moving is "close to the horizon," "the world in your sleeve," and "Xumi mustard", but it is easy to say, but difficult to do. I don’t know if the spells I wanted to see in the ancient times were lost or exaggerated. Anyway, I organized the ancient practice system in later generations, and I didn’t find any space technology.

Although after the cataclysm, countless sub-spaces and small worlds that relied on the earth reappeared, these places are used to exploit resources. If you want to master space technology, you still have no idea.

Probably, because the original high-precision equipment was burned after the explosion of the geomagnetic core energy, and there was no environment for reconstruction, the earth civilization must design the instrument from scratch, so there is no way to get rid of the mystery of space.

But anyway, when Yang Chen was reborn, space technology still had no clue.

After the rebirth of Yang Chen, naturally there is nothing there is.

Yang Chen was also determined. After all, science is something that needs to be done gradually. Now humans on the earth have not reached the level where they can master space science and technology, and space equipment naturally need not be extravagant.

But unexpectedly, listening to the meaning of Xiaoguang, Yang Chen saw the dawn of space technology!

If you have mastered space technology, then Yang Chen can be sure that defeating the Trojan Federation has no problem at all! Even if it is counterattack into the opponent's nest, it is not impossible.

He was immediately excited and quickly typed a line: What, can it be done now?

Xiaoguang: ...can't... is there anything important?

At this time, Yang Chen suffered and lost. Has this mysterious space technology really appeared? Or is it just an illusion?

Yang Chen: Xiaoguang, very important! Are you sure that the world is really material?

Xiaoguang: Yes.

Yang Chen: Can you really store things in this world and take things out of this world?

Xiaoguang: Father, I'm sure!

Yang Chen: Do you know why it is not possible now?

Xiaoguang: I don't know.

At this time Xiao Su interjected: Father, I think it should be the reason that Xiaoguang has not yet completely stabilized. I believe that after Xiaoguang has completely stabilized, it should be fine.

Yang Chen: Xiao Su and Xiao Guang, you always monitor, and once you can do it, you must notify me in time! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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