The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 478: Starry Star Personal Spaceship

() "Private capital entering the aerospace industry, coupled with this dense and efficient returnable rocket launch technology, is equivalent to cheap and high-speed space launch. With these two, China has stepped in Tickets for the Star Age."

"And this ticket was only owned by the United States before. We have just passed the Civil Space Mining Act, and our space shuttle technology costs far more than their dense returnable rocket launch technology! This will mean that the future In the interstellar age, China is likely to become the largest and even the only competitor in the United States!"

"No, if you sit back and watch this situation continue, the United States may even be defeated by the Chinese in the future interstellar era competition!"

"Gentlemen, let's vote. We must make a choice: just to stop the rise of China, or at all costs, stop China from moving towards the interstellar age, or even use a war! Our vote will be I think which direction America will develop in the future."

The voice of the representative fell, and everyone else had a complex expression, and private discussions were intense.

"Is there no other option?" someone asked.

"No. Of course not! Unless everyone is willing to accept the choice of the destruction of the United States."

"Of course not acceptable!"

"So, vote..."

Although it is said that the real national policy change of the United States must be decided by a two-member vote on Capitol Hill. But that is actually just a matter of procedure. The really important decision was decided before then, and the Congress voted only to make it legally procedurally.

So, don’t look at the fact that this small meeting seems to have low specifications. In fact, it can really determine the future US national policy.

Half an hour later, the vote was over, but the results were overwhelming.

Because the number of votes to curb the rise of China accounted for more than two-thirds.

People at the Pentagon are very dissatisfied: "Gentlemen, is this everyone's answer? Do you really not see the deadly threat of China? We have been curbing China. Voting is equivalent to agreeing to maintain the status quo. But facing the new Situation, this is no longer enough!"

"Unfortunately, I don't think Wall Street will agree." A participant said lightly, shrugging at the representative: "Americans uphold their will, don't they?"

"You..." The representative of the Pentagon was furious: "You're really insane! You will pay for it!"

"No way, our budget comes from them, we have to choose from their choices, otherwise, there is no other way!" The person continued: "Besides, you and I know all the changes in China, It all comes from that person. As long as that person is eliminated, everything will return to the original rules. So why should we take the risk of co-destruction to go all out?"

"If it can't? What if that person can't be eliminated?" The Pentagon representative gritted his teeth.

"That only represents your incompetence, sir. If the power of a country can't wipe out one person." This person stood up, took the hat on the table, and owed it: "That means we are afraid There must be another group of people to take charge of the Pentagon. So, sir, goodbye."

After he finished, he stood up and walked away.

The representatives of the Pentagon seemed to breathe fire in their eyes, and finally stomped indignation: "You will regret it, I promise!"


Almost at the same time, Yang Chen also received a call from the hero Zhu: "Yang Chen, your boy! You know, now the entire aerospace system is spreading your fame, you are really let go Big satellites!"

Yang Chen said with a smile: "I don't think I put a big satellite, but 36 big satellites!"

"Do you think this is a good thing? Do you know that you launched thirteen rockets in less than twelve hours, thirty-six satellites in the sky, how many people are trembling, afraid that the returned rocket will run to where it should not go , Or bring back something that should not be brought? Tell you, once you have done this, the call to take back rocket technology in your hands has never stopped!"

I wish the hero anxiety, but the pressure there is so great that even he is almost overwhelmed.

"Don't I file in advance?"

"You have filed, but who knows that you can launch rockets so densely and put at least two satellites into orbit every time? This technology is really terrible, it's terrifying!"

Yang Chen was also helpless: "I can't help it. If the country might restrict me from launching a round-trip rocket launch, how could I plan to come to a big job and make such a big scene?"

"Is this our problem?"

"Does this need to be said?"

I wish the hero a cough: "Okay, no matter what, the spirit above is also officially down. In the future, you will not be allowed to launch rockets in your Lingwu Mountain Villa. To do so, you can go to several space centers in the country, whatever you want. It’s okay to launch it hundreds of times a day!"

"Uh... okay. I'm no longer launching rockets at Lingwu Villa, how about I change to a spaceship?"

"Isn't the spaceship sent to the sky by a carrier rocket?"

"No, no, I'm talking about a real spaceship. It doesn't need a launch vehicle. It can fly alone into space through the engine, which is the kind often described in science fiction!"

"This..." Zhu Xiong froze for a moment: "This technology is not the same as the launch vehicle technology, right? Can you really do it?"

"No problem!" Yang Chen was confident.

This spaceship technology is not the same as the previous psionic rockets and techniques. It only has a design and conceptual diagram. Other things need to be studied and verified by themselves. This is a simplified version of the asteroid belt mining spacecraft in later generations.

After all the technologies in it are put into practical application, through many practices, all kinds of problems are exposed and solved in the later version.

Although this is only a simplified version, it is not currently required to go to space mining, as long as it can go back and forth to low-Earth orbit, it is not very difficult at all, only need to shrink the original design by a proportion.

The biggest difficulty is nothing more than the engine of the spaceship.

To put it bluntly, the technical difficulty of mining spaceships is not particularly advanced, but it is just an engine plus a large spaceship shell plus mining machinery plus a rudimentary and limited life-support system-that is simple and limited because the mining ship There are few people and short residence time, so the demand for life support system is not high and the difficulty is not great.

The price of these cabbages in the later generations can be used to make dumplings. Even now, after simplification, it is not difficult to manufacture, and may even be less difficult than developing a psionic engine.

So Yang Chen is of course confident.

"Okay, now that you are so confident..." I wish the hero a promise.

Of course, spacecraft technology is also very high-end, but it is not as sensitive as reciprocating rocket technology. In fact, this kind of spacecraft is really used for military purposes, which is much more destructive and flexible than using reciprocating rocket technology to make missiles. But who will let the latter create a negative association of nuclear warheads while the former will not?

That's why the country or the heroes have made Yang Chen have to launch rockets at the national space center, but there are no restrictions on his development of the spacecraft.

After all, the spacecraft technology is much higher than the round-trip rocket. I hope that the hero and the country will not think that Yang Chen can quickly apply the spacecraft technology.

Yang Chen didn't care what the country thought. Anyway, after getting permission, he immediately began to engage in spacecraft R&D.

The simplified version of the mining spaceship he designed is strictly used only as an ordinary armed spaceship, and its size has been reduced many times.

The original spaceship has a length of more than 300 meters, a width of more than 100 meters, and a height of more than 50 meters. The newly designed spaceship becomes 15 meters in length, 5 meters in width and 2.5 meters in height, only one-twentieth of the original.

In addition, the mining machinery originally designed in the mining spacecraft has been removed and changed into weaponry. As for the original mining spacecraft, there were originally two "Nuya" 200mm high-speed electromagnetic guns (non-traditional electromagnetic guns, but electromagnetic guns developed by psionic technology), and one "Electronic" 20mm caliber ray gun, plus A star pulse gun of "Cancer".

Now, the two "Nuya" 200mm high-speed electromagnetic guns in the new spacecraft are replaced with a "Jinya" 100mm caliber double-link high-speed electromagnetic machine gun, and the "Electron" 20mm ray gun remains unchanged. The star pulse gun was replaced with the "flying crab" small caliber star pulse gun. In addition, three .72-caliber electromagnetic machine guns were added.

Except for the .72 caliber electromagnetic machine gun, all other weapon designs come from later generations. The .72-caliber electromagnetic machine gun is a psionic + nuclear fusion energy version of the electromagnetic machine gun redesigned by Yang Chen's fortune-telling machine based on later generations and existing technologies. The model is "storm".

Needless to say, the psionic energy of the storm electromagnetic machine gun, nuclear fusion energy borrows the nuclear fusion technology of the "Centaur" psionic nuclear fusion hybrid engine.

This technology is still good. Although it is not enough for the engine for the time being, it is completely no problem for the electromagnetic machine gun. Even the energy can be said to be excessive.

Nuclear fusion technology Yang Chen now uses dual raw materials. One is deuterium and tritium, and the other is The former is not easy to obtain (personally), but the latter only needs a new spacecraft to complete and can go directly to the moon to collect helium-3 ore, At that time, there is no need to worry about the shortage of nuclear materials.

In addition, although Yang Chen unloaded the original mining ship's large-scale mining machinery (up to several tens of meters long, and can automatically complete a series of processes such as mining, raw ore crushing, and body smelting powder, it is not so much a mining machine as a Ore processing production line), but also designed a small copy of less than ten meters long to verify the use of technology.

But even so, the space of the entire new spacecraft is still very vacant. These spaces, which were designed as ore storage warehouses on the mining ship, can only be left empty by Yang Chen.

However, in such a large space, it is still very convenient to install various magic arrays. As his first personal spaceship, Yang Chen not only copied the design of the mining ship, but also added a large number of attacks, defenses, and auxiliary magic circles. By the end, the performance of the entire spacecraft was very different from the original one. In addition to the cruising radius is not enough, it has not been able to fly to the asteroid belt. All functions are far beyond the original mining ship.

The new spaceship designed in this way, Yang Chen named "Starry Sky", this name, pinned his dream of the starry sky.

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