The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 479: "Yang Office" was established

Soon, an official notice was sent from Zhu Zhuying. This is an official document issued by the Ministry of Aerospace. Before the specific provisions of the national private enterprise entering the aerospace industry are down, the launch of the Lingwu Mountain Villa rocket will be transferred to Changwen Aerospace in Nanhai Province. center.

After the space industry's plan to open to the private sector is determined, and private enterprises that are allowed to enter the aerospace sector are determined, then there will naturally be a complete set of regulations and plans to supervise and monitor the space launch of the private sector, so there is no need to be so troublesome. .

As for the psionic rocket technology itself, the launch of Yang Chen’s thirty-six Tianluo series satellites does not mean that the psionic rocket technology will be put on hold.

Yang Chen can't use it now, it doesn't mean that other satellite launches of the country can't be used. At least it can be used to reduce costs.

Moreover, the psionic rocket can be reused many times, plus Yang Chen has also trained many operators. Until there are no more new research tasks, safe and efficient psionic rockets can be manipulated by them, and they can fully undertake the task of satellite launch.

The specific steps need further research and treatment. But this matter has been settled.

At the same time, there is no direct communication channel between Yang Chen and the country, let alone the competent authorities. Originally, according to common practice, he could obey the competent authority of any industry in which industry he was engaged in. But his status is too important, and the links between industries are too close, and his status is too special, so Zhu Xiong tells Yang Chen that the country has set up a "Yang Office" to coordinate all matters related to him.

The order for the transfer of the rocket's launch site was the liaison of the "Yang Office", a beautiful woman in her twenties named Zhu Wei who came to Lingwu Villa in person.

That's right, this Zhu Wei is related to Zhu Zhiying, and is the hero's nephew and granddaughter. I wish the hero to accompany her specially, introduce to Yang Chen, and hope Yang Chen can take care of her more. With the words of wishing heroes, Yang Chen will certainly take special care.

Everyone talks about the relationship, so natural communication is more harmonious. In order to express his sincerity, Yang Chen simply appointed Zhu Wei as his personal assistant.

Zhu Wei looks very beautiful. good body. A pair of gold eyeglasses was placed on the bridge of the nose. Long black hair is ponytailed. But people who see her often ignore her appearance and figure. Because she is a very capable woman, she is also very satisfied when she acts decisively while being decisive.

"Xiaowei. Do you want me to cure myopia?" Yang Chen decided to release his goodwill.

"No need." Zhu Wei's smile was very sweet, but most of her faces were turned. He showed a serious look and rarely smiled. Of course, Yang Chen, as her current "boss", is naturally qualified to see her smile: "I will enter and practice the spiritual formula to become a monk. By then, I can solve this problem myself."

Zhu Wei is from the country. The first person to take the initiative in cultivating, rather than cultivating after getting a national order.

Of course, in the middle. There must be acquiescence from the state, otherwise. She did not dare to practice rashly.

But this represents an important meaning: the country's attitude towards the spiritual formula has been increasingly recognized. This is of course a good thing.

For Zhu Wei, practice the spiritual formula. This will naturally bias her towards Yang Chen. However, her family background and national organizational system make it impossible for her to ignore national interests.

In this respect, the country is confident and capable. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the underground parties that were sent to the National Party and other important personnel almost completed their missions. Few people ran out of trouble. This is a long-standing inheritance and unique ability. In official terms, this is called united front work. That's how the famous "no one in the world shares a common stalk" on the Internet.

Obviously, Yang Chen has now become an important national united front object.

He doesn't care about this. He has no interest in politics, as long as he can let his unity and global forces fight against aggression, then everything is good. Of course, if someone interfered with him intentionally or unintentionally, he wouldn't be too soft. After rebirth, he also slowly changed himself, from refusing to harm any human on earth before, and now being able to play the killer when necessary.

It must be admitted that Zhu Wei is a very capable person.

After she came over, Yang Chen suddenly found that his things became a lot easier.

After only half a day of familiarization, she accepted all of Yang Chen's affairs. Everything was handled in an orderly manner and she could not feel her strangeness at all.

And, in the meantime, she actually sensed the spirit machine by the way and succeeded in finding a way out, and looking at her progress, I was afraid that in three or five days, she would develop the first spiritual power and form a spiritual species, thus successfully promoting Meteor One To become a true monk.

Although this is the reason why she has studied the energy particle theory before, and she has been familiar with it for a long time, this talent still makes Yang Chen marvel. Because even in later generations, such a talent is not bad.

In the same way, Zhu Wei did not leave a name in later generations. There are too many talents on earth buried in the catastrophe.

With Zhu Wei helping herself to deal with all kinds of tedious affairs, Yang Chen can finally be relieved and put his whole body on his dream of stars and sea.

The psionic rocket is only the first step, or even just the foundation stone. The real first step is still the construction of the Star.

But this is not too difficult.

The only thing Yang Chen bothered about was the various arrays that were not designed in the design of the mining spacecraft. Because there was no precedent before, to design a circle in the Stars, you need to rely on your own ability to make it.

Neither the fortune teller nor Xiao Su Xiaoguang can only do the calculation work. The real creativity depends on Yang Chen. Needless to say, this fortune teller, although Xiao Su Xiaoguang has a certain creativity, after all, it has just been opened soon, this level is not high. Really groundbreaking work can not be undertaken, but after Yang Chen has given a direction, they can still innovate independently to meet Yang Chen's requirements.

All in all, the construction of this star is proceeding smoothly.

In addition to Yang Chen, Wei Hua was asked by Yang Chen to design the communication, positioning, navigation and other functional modules on the Star, and Xiao Ran was asked to develop metallurgical experts Lin Xu and Chen Ang from Hou Xunan, Xingguo Metallurgical for the "half Sagittarius II engine.

The "Centaur" I Pneumatic Fusion Fusion Engine is used in rockets.

The "Centaur" II psionic fusion engine belongs to the spacecraft engine.

The latter inherits many of the former's technologies, but there are more innovations-most of them are actually technologies from later generations.

In addition, Yang Chen gave Bai Yu and Liu Lei the implementation of the entire Star's control system and various functional modules.

The Daohua Taoist was called by Yang Chen to study the problem of the magic circle.

Others do a lot of work, and by the way build the shell of the Star.

Among them, talents or foundations are better, and Hong Buqi, Shang Jingyi and others who are worth cultivating mainly follow everyone to learn.

Hong Buqi and Shang Jingyi, one has been engaged in basic research for many years and has a solid foundation, and the other has talents in computing, both of whom can be quickly trained.

As for other people, the foundation is not good, and the talent is average. I am afraid that it is difficult to cultivate as an intermediate force for research. At most, it can only fight, and may even be a combatant.

In later generations, the status of researchers is the highest, but the status of soldiers is not low, and it is also very important. These people can be trained as commanders or vanguards in the future-if you have military talent as a commander, if you can’t do it, you can only be a warrior in the battlefield. .

After almost two days of research, the progress was fairly smooth, but at this time, Bai Yu and Liu Lei came over.

"what happened?"

Yang Chen couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't it going well during R&D?"

The two teenagers complained in unison: "Yes, according to your request, this spacecraft control system must combine the advantages of traditional array technology and electronic technology, but this is very tricky. The array is used more, Integrated circuits are easy to short-circuit and burn and cannot be used. Once the integrated circuits are used, the array must be stopped. When will the anti-transistor transistor and anti-IC technology you mentioned before come out?"

"This one……"

Yang Chen could not answer.

Before, he asked Hou Xunan to study these two things, but there are too many research projects on Hou Xunan's side. Until now, the front-end technology of anti-energy transistors, anti-energy tubes can only be said to have just had the first-level version, barely usable, and it is difficult to achieve high performance.

As for the national research, listening to Zhu Yingxiong said, the country has also transferred experts from several electronics research institutes to form a special research group, where they can study anti-energy transistors and anti-energy integrated circuit technologies. However, to study this, you must have the assistance of a monk. Yang Chen also had to transfer a person from Wufengguan. However, the experts of the special research group must first eat through the energy particle and then have to eat through the anti-energy tube technology before they can talk about the anti-energy transistor.

As a result, so far, this technology research and development has not made much progress.

This is the normal progress of technology research and development. For Yang Chen, this is cheating and belongs to a special case.

But now, Hou Xunan first invested in the development of psionic rockets, and now he is engaged in a psionic nuclear fusion hybrid engine. How can he do anti-energy transistors and integrated circuits?

In particular, for Yang Chen, there is currently no urgent need for this technology, and the priority is naturally put behind.

So much so that Bai Yu and Liu Lei wanted the technology, but they could only do it themselves.

"It doesn't work, then think about it from another angle. We can't make anti-power transistors now, let alone anti-power integrated circuits. But, can we consider how to apply the existing electronic technology?" Yang Chen had to say so .

The two teenagers looked at each other and both nodded slowly: "So, we have ideas." (To be continued.) Launch of the new website

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