The soldiers guarding the tower watched for a while, but they didn't notice anything unusual about Ye Ze, so they sighed.

Seeing him crying so badly, show him mercy. Originally, the Vinosia Kingdom wanted to be merciful and save the common people. Of course, these are all nonsense. The crying at the door was so miserable.

"Okay, okay, back up a little, I'll open the door now!" After the soldier finished speaking, he gestured to his comrades behind, and soon, the door in front of him was shaken, and the heavy door gave a gazi gazi With a loud noise, it will be opened soon.

"I went, I didn't expect the kingdom of this world to be so technologically advanced. Ye Ze also finds it a bit incredible. Of course, the technology here does not refer to how good the era he was in before. In short, every era has no different technology. Civilization, and Ye Ze had never heard of it before.

But after coming to see it today, it is indeed amazing.

But now there is no time for him to sigh. The most important thing is to go in and search for Pei Fei's whereabouts. This guy's last signal is here, so Ye Ze has reason to believe that this Pei Fei should be inside. But for what purpose he did not know.

"Pay attention to what I said, don't be impulsive, you must stabilize yourself in this, you can't use spiritual power casually, and don't reveal your identity unless you have to." The system suppressed the voice Said.

"Yes yes, I just realized that you are more verbose than my mother." Ye Ze scratched his head, sighed helplessly, and then walked in.

This city is called Vinosia City, and it is bigger and more luxurious than every place he has passed through before. Although the decoration is different from the Naruto World and One Piece World he has been to, at the very least, this It is a three-dimensional world without so many bells and whistles.

The streets are full of people, wearing colorful clothes that don't match Ye Ze's clothes at all. After walking in, Ye Ze feels as if he has stepped into a colorful world, and he has the illusion that he is a foreigner. However, the styles of clothing here are all Ye Ze has never seen before, so he is a little embarrassed, he feels like a beggar with his clothes.

"Handsome guy, do you like some fruit?"

"Handsome guy, do you want to stay, do you want to eat, this shop has everything!"

These passing vendors were all saying this in different languages, and Ye Ze couldn't understand it at all, but fortunately, this system can do real-time translation for him, and it saves him from having to understand what they are trying to say.

But Ye Ze is also a little strange. In this desert, there is such a luxurious city. So what do they rely on for their livelihood? There are deserts on all sides here, and they are dry. There doesn't seem to be any farms where they are planted, let alone pigs, cattle and sheep.

It's strange, it's really strange, seeing that the lives of the people here are not miserable, so what do they rely on to make this place so luxurious? Could it be that they really rely on others' relief?

Ye Ze couldn't help but think of some documentaries and movies he had watched before. The foreign country in it is this kind of lonely kingdom built on the desert "Basically, it is maintained by food and other things offered by other countries outside.

It's as if several countries came to help him continue his life. Maybe the way it operates here is also the same.

Soon, Ye Ze walked into the middle of the city, and came to a very long alley, where there were all kinds of vendors, and the screams of selling were endless.

All kinds of delicacies, as well as the scents from those delicacies, Ye Ze, who has a very sensitive nose, knows what those are when he smells them, he can't help swallowing, to be honest, he hasn't eaten anything since he came out , originally thought that this matter could be resolved quickly, and went back after catching Pei Fei.

But now it seems that it will take a lot of time, and as the saying goes, people are like iron and steel, and if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.

"Gudong." Ye Ze swallowed, and his stomach began to make noises.

*(Li Hao) If you are hungry, go eat something, or you will faint from hunger later, and I will not be responsible. "The system is also arrogantly saying this.

Ye Ze rolled her eyes, and then walked into this place that can be called a food street.

There are many, many, countless delicacies around here, all of which are dishes that Ye Ze has never seen, and many of them are not even available in other places!

What kind of fried centipedes, fried spiders, etc., these things looked creepy to Ye Ze, and he was encouraged by the vendor owner to eat a bunch of them, but unexpectedly, the taste was quite good, crunchy and interesting.

Ye Ze planned to spend this night here. .

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