Night came soon, and the temperature difference between day and night in this place was huge, so Ye Ze also prepared a warm stone early and put it on his chest. This stone has a special effect.

That is, when the temperature is extremely high, it will automatically eliminate the temperature on its own body, and then change to an appropriate temperature. When the weather is hot, it will become a frozen stone, which can help the person carrying it to cool down.

And when the weather is extremely cold, the stone will radiate that warm breath, enveloping the whole body of the person it is carrying, and covering him with a layer of temperature. Don't die of cold.

However, the vendors here will collectively close their doors in the middle of the night, and none of them are willing to stay on this street. In the afternoon, the market was still crowded with people, but at this point, there was no one there, and it was silent, only the occasional barking of dogs came out.

"It's really strange, is there a curfew in this city?"

A curfew, is the so-called, after the sun sets and before the moon rises, when the bell rings, no one is allowed to walk on the street anymore, because it is forbidden, and all these vendors must also clean up during this time Take care of your own booth, and then leave quickly, this is their rule here.

It's just that Ye Ze has never seen this curfew in many cities, and he never expected to encounter it again here.

"Are you still going to hang around here, don't you want to find a place to rest?" The system also started to ask. Since this afternoon, the system has been talking continuously, and this frequency has exceeded the frequency of his talking to himself before. Three or four times.

(chff) But what he said is right, continuing to wander the streets is not an option, and it is impossible to meet Pei Fei, so naturally he would not be so stupid to come out at night and be caught by Ye Ze with.

"It's really uncomfortable. If I knew I would stay there just now, I wouldn't have to sleep on the street here anymore." Ye Ze scratched his head, feeling a little helpless. Just now, one or two of those merchants were excited to introduce themselves to staying overnight tonight. At that time, Ye Ze was too focused on eating and drinking, so he didn't pay attention.

Fortunately, these lodging places are closed, and one or two have turned off the lights. Now that the lights are dark, he doesn't know which place he can stay overnight.

But at this moment, a small voice not far away caught Ye Ze's attention. Although the voice was not very loud, it was a bit strange. It seems that someone is walking footsteps, but the footsteps are very sticky......

That kind of stickiness is like someone walking in water, no! It's the kind of wetness, and then the shoes are also wet, stepping on the ground, and there is a clacking sound.

This kind of sound is particularly piercing, so Ye Ze heard it right away.

"Someone is here, scan it for me." Ye Ze hurriedly hid aside, although he was said to be a wanted criminal or not, there are still people who came into the city openly and can testify, but this is already his professional habit When encountering such a strange thing, his first reaction turned out to be to hide.

Ye Ze hid in the corner of one side of the wall, and glanced at the other end. Sure enough, at the intersection of an alley, a figure walked slowly, with slapping shoes, Ye Ze couldn't see the figure of that person clearly. Only through the reflection on the wall can this person be identified.

"How is it, has it been scanned?"

"No, that person walked into the alley, I only know that this is a person..."

It’s the same as not saying it, but Ye Ze doesn’t intend to just watch it like this. After all, he discovered this weird thing, and he still wants to see who it is with his own eyes? The place has curfew, but still have to come out.

Maybe he sneaked out to meet his little lover? Ye Ze followed the past with this curiosity in mind.

He didn't walk very close, but kept sticking to the wall, and there was no sound under his feet. After all, it was a professional habit, and he could still do it. Without making any sound, Ye Ze followed the shadow to the deepest part of the alley.

Then, the shadow stopped.

These, Ye Ze all see through the reflection on the wall.

"Why, isn't this guy moving?" Ye Ze squinted his eyes, feeling a little strange, and then he discovered something even more strange! The ground on the ground doesn't seem to be water!

After all, at night, even though he couldn't see the color of the water clearly, and it dripped on the ground like ink, Ye Ze could at least smell it. The footprints on the ground were mixed with the blood!!


Ye Ze felt chills on his back right then and there! Is this place so weird, and a man covered in blood came out in the middle of the night?

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