The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 131: Matrix security (on)

"Hello." Zhang Yang knocked on his keyboard, "There is something that I don't know that President Gao is willing to be happy, I know that you are working on the killing of the Assassin virus. I have a preliminary version here, but I need you. Post an announcement, I wonder if Gao is always happy?"

"No problem." After seeing Zhang Yang's words, Gao Gang completely disappeared because of the anger that his company was just invaded. Instead, he was greeted with joy, how harmful is the assassin virus that just emerged. No one knows better than the CEO of a security company.

So before security companies all over the world have no good way to deal with this virus, some people say that there is a special killing of the assassin virus. Even the junior version, it is already Chapter 131 Matrix Security ( (Top) It's quite powerful. You know, other security companies have no way to deal with this virus.

And if your company proposes a special killer that can help customers avoid risks to the greatest extent, Matrix Security will immediately become the target of media attention around the world. Gao Gang even felt a little overwhelmed.

"I don't know what conditions you have, and what can this special kill do?" Gao Gang is not stupid, and no one will help himself with no reason, so after answering Zhang Yang's question, Gao Gang quickly typed Straight back.

"Oh, if I say there is nothing to ask you don't believe it, then I will make a request." Zhang Yang paused deliberately, giving Gao Gang an illusion that he was thinking.

After about five or six minutes, when the people in the entire technical department thought that the hacker was gone, Zhang Yang slowly made his own condition: "Since you want me to make a request, then I will make a request. , I will help you to the greatest extent, and to be honest, although I have come up with a complete special killing software, it will take some time, but I think this time will not be too long, and in this chapter 131 matrix security (On) Time, your company must issue any announcements in accordance with my requirements, but you can rest assured that I will not mention any non-divided requirements."

"No problem." Gao Gang agreed without even thinking about it. This kind of thing, even if the announcement is issued according to his requirements, the wording of the announcement will not have to be according to their company. Some words may be another meaning. Too. So this requirement is not a requirement.

"I have another request. If possible, would you help me to squeeze Baiying Security and let Baiying Security go bankrupt? Isn't it OK?" Zhang Yang smirked out the second request, which seemed to be Zhang Yang added it casually, but Gao Gang would not know that this is one of Zhang Yang's real goals.

After seeing Zhang Yang’s request, Gao Gang couldn’t help but laugh, not only Gao Gang, but also some old technicians in the technical department laughed. Everyone naturally knows the contradiction between matrix security and Baiying security. Zhang Yang From their point of view, it is almost the same as saying nothing. Even if no one said this, Gao Gang would definitely do the same.

"Of course, no problem. In fact, even if you don't say it, I will do it." Gao Gang answered Zhang Yang with a smile. "That's no problem, I will send this junior to your company's server, you can just find it yourself, as for how to publish the announcement, I don't need to teach you? By the way, you don't need to say that I exist. Just use the name of your company." After Zhang Yang finished, all the functions of this junior version of the killing were posted.

Seeing Zhang Yang’s words, Gao Gang almost jumped up. Originally, he wanted to hang Zhang Yang’s name, but now Zhang Yang actually said that they didn’t need to mention his name, which is even more important for matrix security. good news.

After copying the killing to the matrix-safe server, Zhang Yang directly disconnected himself. Although Matrix Security may get some benefits from this, Zhang Yang is not totally unrewarded. He needs Matrix Security to help him collect some things about Baiying’s security violations. I believe Gao Gang is very happy.

Besides, I am afraid that the benefits of matrix security will not be too high. I looked at my server and analyzed it there. Now all the server needs to do is kill the virus in the simulation system, and then analyze the detailed data of each variation of it, and then compare it to find it. Its laws.

There is nothing too important for Zhang Yang for a while. After looking at the time, it is already two o'clock in the afternoon. Zhang Yang pondered that this analysis might take some time. He simply lay down and prepared to sleep first, and then said, anyway, the analysis result came out, the computer will make a sound to remind him, Zhang Yang did not sleep last night, and then toss for so long He is also a little tired.

Zhang Yang had a hunch that it might be very lively tonight, and it would be impossible to sleep again. After lying down for more than ten minutes, Zhang Yang fell asleep.

Not long after Zhang Yang fell asleep, the entire network has been completely rioted. Just now, Matrix, one of the domestic security giants, installed a latest announcement and a patch for killing. Although Matrix Security said in their announcement that it cannot completely remove and kill the Assassin virus, it can prevent users. The computer data is completely cleared, giving users time to transfer computer data.

Although it is not perfect, it still caused a huge shock. You must know that even several giants in the security industry abroad do not have very good solutions, such as Symantec, Kaspersky, McAfee, etc. The latest announcement came out, and China took this step first.

Soon Matrix Security and Assassin's virus became the hot language of the network, and Matrix Security's official website traffic is almost rising at a terrifying rate. Even now European and American countries are late at night, there are many foreign traffic hitting Matrix Security .

Matrix Security even surpassed the Assassin virus in the search terms of ggle and ranked first in a short period of time.

Pomegranate skirt group

What do you think about this? "Shenyue killing is the person responsible for gathering external information in the pomegranate skirt group. After receiving this news, Shenyue killing it to the group as soon as possible. After the last incident that GD was impersonated, this is the first real All the people in the sense are here.

"I believe it wasn't made by Matrix Security. I understand their technical strength. Although Matrix Security's previous strength is indeed good, it is absolutely impossible..." GD hasn't answered yet, Lan Mo jumped out first, Typed and said.

"I don’t think it’s very possible. Although we people dare not say that it represents the highest level of hackers in the world, but at present, even if we can’t call it the first, it is at least forefront? At present, we have nothing about this virus. The clues, especially the computer virus expert GD, have no clue about the virus. Do you expect Matrix Security's technical department to do this?" Curan Yang also returned.

"Well, I think so too. I have analyzed this special kill. I saw the shadow of the original author in it." GD finally uttered a word.

"Original author? You mean gd?" Shenyue killed instantly.

"Yes, you have also studied Gd's special killing. You must know what kind of level you are. Even if I want to crack it, it is quite difficult. And I just saw the core source when I analyzed this special killing. The encryption method of the code is exactly the same as the encryption method used by gd last time. If the matrix security can crack the special killing of gd, and it is still possible, it is purely nonsense to get the encryption method of gd." GD will soon My own analysis came out.

"If that is the case, what does gd mean? Give this matrix to the matrix to be safe?" The people in the group couldn't understand Zhang Yang's thoughts. Shenyue killed asked them on behalf of everyone, but this time GD also No specific answer was given. Although he hated the gd, he couldn't say it. It can be said that GD is the one who knows gd best on the Internet.

Last time Lan Mo took the place of GD Black Symantec’s official website, they slept in the bathing center for one night. GD, who came back the next day and knew about it, almost fell to the ground at the time. This kind of depressing thing actually happened within a day. Being touched twice by him, it is even more speechless. The second time, gd not only failed to express his depressed mood, but also made Lan Mo scold them.

Scolded him for causing trouble and immediately flashed people A few of them had to wipe him out. At that time, GD's mood was not to be grieved, and he couldn't tell Lan Mo them, but also Thanks Zhang Yang to Lan Mo and others, when GD's depressed menopause came early.

However, unlike GD, they have such a deep understanding of this matter. Other people simply don’t know these inside stories, and naturally don’t know these principles, but they can release this special killer for the first time for matrix security. All kinds of comments on the Internet are Yes, but most of them are positive comments. At least, although there is no way to remove the virus, it can keep the most important hard disk data.

In this network era, the most valuable ones are often not the data inside.

The Internet commented on the matter as such but the culprit that caused it all slept soundly at the moment, Zhang Yang even had a dream, dreaming that he secretly mōmōmō was on Li Keqing and Li Keqing was not wearing anything, just Covered with a thin silk quilt, just as Zhang Yang was drooling and was about to lift the quilt, "Ding Dong" rang, and Zhang Yang opened his eyes. ! ! ! ;




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