The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 132: Matrix security (below)

"Grass" opened his eyes and Zhang Yang shouted angrily. Although Zhang Yang had passed Ke Qing in his previous life, he had no chance to take the last step. More importantly, Ke Qing was shy. When Zhang Yang succeeded, The lights are turned off, the feel is there, but the beautiful picture is never publicized. ;{Swallowing was about to be seen just in a dream, and was awakened by a bell. After the day came back, Zhang Yang reacted with some depression. The sound of Dingdong was not the bell, but his computer. A clear reminder sound. Climbing up from the top to look at the time, it was already dark, and it seemed that he had overslept.

Seeing the sky outside, Zhang Yang vigorously patted his head, forgot to pick up Keqing, and overslept directly. Chapter 132 Matrix Safety (below), he remembered to set a memo. After mō got out his mobile phone under the pillow, Zhang Yang discovered that the mobile phone was dead.

"Ding Dong", Zhang Yang heard clearly this time, this time it was a bell, ignored the computer, Zhang Yang quickly put on his shoes and walked to the living room, just opened the bedroom and heard Fang Shaoyun's voice: "...Zhang Yang is here, Sleeping, the pig has been sleeping since returning from noon. I heard him say that he seemed to have lost sleep last night and didn’t sleep much..."

"Ah, Zhang Yang, are you up?" Li Keqing's voice heard the movement in the house.

Zhang Yang quickly walked over and scratched his head and said, "That one has overslept a bit and forgot to pick you up."

"It's okay, I'm not a kid, haven't you eaten yet? I brought it back to you." Li Keqing spoke to Zhang Yang with a smile, while reaching out and shaking the lunch box inside.

"Ah, what? I haven't eaten yet." Fang Shaoyun immediately rushed over.

"Get out of here, this is for me." Zhang Yang quickly took the lunch box from Li Keqing's hand, hiding it behind his back quickly.

Chapter 132 Matrix Safety (Part 2) "I'm dizzy, so much, you can't finish it yourself." Fang Shaoyun couldn't help crying or laughing.

"Who says I can’t finish it, don’t even think about it. If you want to eat, you can call takeout and I will give you the money, but this, I ate it myself." Zhang Yang quickly shook his hand. The lunch box inside was then hidden behind.

"No one, Fang Shaoyun rolled his eyes and muttered.

Li Keqing next to him blushed slightly and didn't speak. After watching the two men quarreling, Li Keqing blushed and said, "Then you eat, I'll go back to the dormitory first. I'll clean up the room."

"Well, then you go, call me something." Zhang Yang nodded quickly.

"I said, can you do it? The two dorms are separated by a corridor, and your life is like a parting from life and death." Fang Shaoyun next to him raised a pimple.

"Are you envious? You are looking for someone to go to hemp." Zhang Yang glanced at him proudly, and then sent a few words to Li Keqing jiā and then sent her back to the dormitory.

When Li Keqing returned to the dormitory, Zhang Yang closed the room and Fang Shaoyun came up with a smile on his face: "Brother Zhang... Look at that..." As he said, Fang Shaoyun pointed at the lunch box in Zhang Yang's hand again and again.

"Don't think about it if you think about it." Zhang Yang snorted and quickly carried the lunch box back to the dormitory, joking, Li Keqing was his default wife in the future. The wife is his own, of course.

"Day..." Fang Shaoyun directly raised Zhang Yang's **** to Zhang Yang's back, and then went to call for takeout.

Back in his room, Zhang Yang first charged his mobile phone, then turned it on, and then put the lunch box on the table to start eating. Open the lunch box and look at the food inside. Zhang Yang is happy with his face. It is good to have a wife. Without eating, his wife will still remember that she will never be hungry.

Someone has completely forgotten that they are not his wife yet.

Putting the lunch box on the table, Zhang Yang turned on his server. Sure enough, the analysis software had already obtained the results. Zhang Yang opened the results while eating, and looked at it. After reading it, Zhang Yang's brows could not help but wrinkle. A total of nearly eighty times of analysis before and after, has not yet found the specific law of this virus mutation.

If it is said that according to the results of the current analysis to make a special kill, less than 30% of the probability of predicting the next variation of this virus may be predicted. In fact, although there is a 30% chance, in fact, this 30% does not exist. If you can't find all the rules, then the antivirus software can't analyze all the information of the entire virus completely, and can never completely remove the virus.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang pulled a few mouthfuls of rice, and then logged in to his QQ. This QQ used to be only a friend of ing, but when he just left that backup for Baiying, Zhang Yang also left this QQ to Gao Gang, in order to facilitate any situation can be contacted at any time, can not always hack into the system of others without reason every time.

That's too impolite, we are civilized. Just after the successful login, a series of message prompts sounded. Zhang Yang quickly picked up the message. Both ing and Gao Gang sent a few messages to open the ing message. Zhang Yang's eyebrows jumped.

"Great God... Twenty-six minutes ago, the new Assassin virus was mutated again. Matrix Security had launched a semi-finished product kill before, but after this mutation, the kill was completely scrapped." After reading the ing news, without looking at Gao Gang's, Zhang Yang also knew what was going on.

Opened the information of Gao Gang and looked at it. Sure enough, it was the same as what Zhang Yang thought, and it was very similar to the news of ing. Each responded to the two of them: After a while, Zhang Yang went directly to "download" the latest assassin virus. come back.

The mutation in the mouth and Zhang Yang mutated after assassinating the virus once. Although both are mutations, they are not the same. Variation in ing's mouth means that the virus's author modified the virus, and then the virus actively mutated, which often means that the virus will become more complex, more threatening, or more damaging.

But Zhang Yang's previous anti-virus to force its code to mutate was just a defense measure of the virus itself. Apart from the source code, the virus's other functions have not changed.

After the assassin virus after the latest mutation entered the system, the original assassin virus that had been under surveillance immediately exchanged with it. Soon, the original assassin virus also mutated. Zhang Yang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect anyone in this world to really study computer viruses to such a high level.

This kind of computer virus that can change genetic genes is a very scary virus technology even a few years later. The lethality and infection ability of such a computer virus are quite scary. What kind of panda burns incense is similar to it. Children's stuff.

Once again, after the anti-virus treatment of this virus in the simulation system, at the same time as the virus broke out, the English that was originally embedded in the assassin virus and was triggered by someone when the system was destroyed also changed. : You finally shot, it's fine, then let me see if it's my spear or your shield. I leave you enough time to crack the virus. After twelve hours of virus mutation, I will launch an attack.

Seeing this new sentence, Zhang Yang's heart jumped abruptly. It seems that the virus author was not blinded by Zhang Yang. In fact, Zhang Yang asked Matrix to release the announcement safely, there is another consideration, that is At the end of the virus, the virus author was obviously looking for him, so Zhang Yang followed Matrix's safe hand and wanted to divert the virus author's attention so as to give him enough time to crack the virus.

But now it seems that the virus author is not an idiot. But this is better. Zhang Yang trembles with excitement all over his body. Only when there is pressure can he challenge.

12 hours? It's good for Zhang Yang to want to see if he can crack the virus.

God, you are finally here. Now that the virus has mutated, what do you think? "The first person to reply was Gao Gang, ing did not reply, it is estimated that it was not online.

"Tell me the exact time of the virus mutation." Zhang Yang did not answer Gao Gang's question, but asked directly by typing.


"I checked, eighty-nine minutes ago." Soon, Gao Gang gave a detailed answer.

Zhang Yang quickly calculated, that is to say, he still has 10 minutes to crack the virus in 31 minutes.

"I know, I will give you a new version in a while, but it can not delete the virus, but it can protect the user's hard disk information, you know what to do." After dropping the next sentence, Zhang Yang directly began to write him for Gao The thing just promised.

Although the Assassin virus has been mutated once, the way it cleans the hard disk data and destroys the hard disk data has not changed much. It is still the same as the previous method. Although Zhang Yang can’t kill the virus now, he can write a The program prevents the assassin virus from deleting hard drive data.

At present, Zhang Yang can only do this. Others can only wait for him to find the rules of the assassin virus completely. Ten minutes later, he threw this new version to Gao Gang. Zhang Yang didn't care about it. He now needs to concentrate on cracking the virus.

Zhang Yang’s own computer is not enough, although it is also a server, but its performance can not be compared with the latest level of Zhang Yang. ! ! ! ;




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