The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 133: Unexpected result (on)

Chapter 133 The Result of the Accident (Part 1)

Chapter 133 The Result of the Accident (Part 1)

Reconnected to the No. 1 satellite, Zhang Yang opened the analysis server in the satellite. The entire satellite has multiple functions, and its server has specially equipped analysis powerful server components. Its calculation speed must be at least under the same conditions. 50% more energy than ordinary servers. ;

This kind of analysis is most suitable for this matter. The huge amount of data that military satellites need to analyze is not the same, but it is at least several times more efficient than the publicity server.

Import all the files into his own satellite No. 1, and Zhang Yang directly made the analysis of the results under the accident in Chapter 133 (Part 1). The satellite analyzed there, and Zhang Yang was not idle. This mutation of the Assassin virus gave Zhang Yang a lot of inspiration. First of all, his firewall is not invincible. Although he may maintain a fairly strong lead in terms of energy, but Even so, although it can block some viruses, it cannot stop all viruses.

For example, if the mutated version of this assassin virus is modified by the author of this virus, even the publicity firewall has great difficulty in defending against such viruses.

I can’t help but think about all antiviruses in the past and the present, as well as ways to prevent viruses. All antivirus methods require a huge database support, which is often referred to as a virus library. People who are anti-virus software will be It is found that when your anti-virus software is updated, in fact most of the time it is not the function of the anti-virus software itself is updated, but its virus database is updated.

The height of the road is high, and the magic is high. This sentence can't be more accurate in the virus world and the security world. No matter how antivirus software develops, it will always be only passive defense, and the development rate of computer viruses is almost every first The results of the accidents in Chapter 133 (Part 1) have appeared dozens of new infection methods of viruses. Although major security companies have established their own virus warning centers, this virus warning center is only a Remind in advance to enrich the company's virus database.

But all have a drawback, that is, antivirus software is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more computer resources are occupied, so many individual users do not like to use antivirus software. Originally, the computer can be updated too quickly. Everyone who buys a computer is not enough, and almost one-fifth of it can be used to install an anti-virus software. Who would be happy?

For example, this assassin virus mutation virus, these security companies are at a loss, and the network security of everyone in the world is under the threat of this virus. Even if the other party is mainly targeting domestic, some foreign computers are inevitably infected. This virus.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang did not come up with a reason. Open the QQ on the desktop, and Zhang Yang logged in the QQ he used frequently.

"Didididi" just logged in, the clear information prompt sounded, Zhang Yang looked at the news, and quickly threw the things he just thought behind his head.

Li Keqing, what are you doing?

Is Li Keqing absent?

With two pieces of news, Zhang Yang quickly returned: here, I just forgot to go to QQ.

Li Keqing: Ah, hee hee, today I sold six more computers, and I only made more than 700 achievements.

Zhang Yangwei smiled, found a cheering expression, and then typed: Yes, hey, or our family can be sunny, come on.

The three words in our family are mysterious. Generally speaking, as long as you don’t hate you, you can say these three words and you may object to it once or twice, but after a long time, you won’t say anything. You will continue to persevere in these three words, from the subconscious will slowly produce a special feeling for these three, hey, then you will soon be a girl.

Li Keqing: I hate, who belongs to your family, don't say Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang: Haha, the weather is good today and the weather is beautiful. You should be working on the last day tomorrow. We will start school the day after tomorrow. Zhang Yang wisely shifted the topic and got a shot first.

Li Keqing: Well, yes, I probably calculated it. I made a total of more than 4,000 yuan. By the way, do you know who fined you for the fine?

Looking at Li Keqing's question, Zhang Yang hesitated. He didn't know whether he should tell Li Keqing. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang decided to tell her that this kind of problem was better said directly, otherwise it would be too troublesome to explain later. Anyway, he had no other thoughts on Tan Yudie.

Zhang Yang: Tan Yudie helped me jiā. She wanted me to participate in the national computer competition on behalf of the school’s computer society, so she helped me pay the penalty to jiā.

Li Keqing: Oh, ah, is Tan Yudie the first in the school? I heard that the family is rich and looks pretty too?

Li Keqing's question brightened Zhang Yang's eyes. It seemed that our work was not done in vain. At least Ke Qing already had him in his heart. Otherwise, he would never ask such a question. Even if gossip is the day of an nv person, any nv person will not gossip with a man about how beautiful another nv person looks, unless she really cares about the man's views in her heart, so she wants to understand these issues from the side.

"Well, her mother is the chairman of Jinghai Group. The family is quite rich. The 50,000 yuan in her view is no different from the five yuan in our eyes. She looks very beautiful, otherwise she will become The school is the first in the list. But..." Zhang Yang paused deliberately, he wanted to tease Li Keqing.

"But what?" Sure enough, Li Keqing quickly returned the message.

"But it's not as beautiful as ours." Zhang Yang quickly made a drooling expression. Although Li Keqing's expression could not be seen, Zhang Yang could think that her face might be like a red apple again.

"I won't tell you this, but these rich people really don't think of money as money. When they had dinner with Sister Zhao at noon today, a couple quarreled and ordered a table full of dishes without eating a single bite. It was so packed and thrown away." Li Keqing said quickly.

Zhang Yang froze for a while, throw it away? Packing and throwing away Zhang Yang's head flashed a flash of light almost instantaneously. He quickly thought of a antivirus method that might even be quite a bullish fork. Zhang Yang almost couldn't wait to leave a message to Li Keqing: "Ke Qing, tomorrow Let's assemble our robot, you first think about what shape to use, I will now write the robot chip program."

"Ah, can it be assembled? Okay, then you go busy."

After closing the dialog box, Zhang Yang quickly opened his firewall. Li Keqing just lit up Zhang Yang's idea. He threw away the infecting insect viruses embedded in Zhang Yang's firewall. After being attacked, these two viruses will quickly counterattack the attack source and directly follow the other party's attack data stream to search for the other party's real IP.

The infectious insects that Zhang Yang used to assist the invasion were modified by him, and his infecting insect viruses can monitor the entire system. Just when Li Keqing gave Zhang Yang a great inspiration, throwing it away is like we go to the restaurant to eat, now Many restaurant tables are covered with table cloth once. After the guests have finished eating, they can simply throw away the table cloth and the table is still clean.

If you compare the virus to the leftovers on the dining table and the computer system and files to the dining table, as long as such a one-time table cloth is established between the two, then all the problems have not been solved? If you get a virus, as long as you throw away this table cloth together with garbage, isn't the system still clean?

Is it time to change a new table cloth? Although this problem seems simple, it is not simple to do. For example, strictly speaking, this model is not new. The firewall is actually similar to this principle. All data needs to be monitored by the firewall. As long as there is a virus, it will You will find and then call the police to prevent viruses.

This mode is correct, but all firewalls currently on the market do not do it completely. Its mode of detecting viruses is still to cooperate with antivirus software, detect illegal behavior of programs, and then match the antivirus software virus library to To achieve the purpose of prevention.

Zhang Yang did not do this naturally. His entire eyes began to shine. This program does not need to be too large. It can be modified directly on the basis of infected insects. Zhang Yang first quickly completely modified the mode of the infected insect, completely removed its active infection spread function, and at the same time removed all the parts that affected the system files and opened the computer.

In this way, the infestation becomes a software, instead of a virus. What Zhang Yang needs is to make an article on the detection function of infected insects. First, Zhang Yang needs to put a protective film on the entire system. This protective film is just a name. It is an invisible thing. Speaking of it, this thing has something to do with the simulation system. The difference between the same work is equivalent to wearing a layer of clothes to your original This layer of clothes can be unplugged at any time.

It is the same as our mobile phone film, but this layer of protective film will not affect your use. You can still use the software and various functions in the system, but once a virus invades, the computer virus will Will do illegal work.

This is for sure, no matter if it is any computer virus, even if it is a computer virus, it wants to infect the system and has achieved its own purpose, it will run autonomously. This membrane monitors the entire system, and any program that runs autonomously and illegally cannot escape its monitoring.

Regardless of whether it is to modify the system file or other actions, it will directly hit the membrane. After detecting this behavior, Zhang Yang’s modified infectious insects will directly copy the system file that the virus wants to modify, and the computer virus is not a human. As long as this file is detected, it will automatically infect the mutation.

As long as the membrane is closed, the virus is like a turtle in the urn. If you want to run, you can't run it. Just throw away the membrane after packaging. ! ! ! ;




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