The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 138: 1 blockbuster (on)

Chapter 138 Blockbuster

Zhang Yang has been unable to answer their questions. He just ignored a question. The second time he released the special killer virus that chased down the assassin virus was adapted from the infecting insects. Previously, he changed the original infecting insects. Living in the entire network, the infecting insect is a super virus researched by Zhang Yang. It has the ability to infect with the genes of the same type of virus, that is, the source code. ;

That is to say, if an anti-virus software can find and kill it, then the infectious insect virus will mutate autonomously once. When the autonomously mutated infecting insect virus encounters another non-mutated one, their source code will proceed. Automatically change, so that the infectious insect virus that has not been mutated is mutated in Chapter 138 with a blockbuster (top), and then has a way to evade this antivirus software.

To use an analogy, it is like an ant. Worker ants and soldier ants will flow through their antennae to know where there is something or what is dangerous, so as to avoid the danger.

But Zhang Yang neglected that he put it out. The killer virus for assassins is also adapted from the infecting insect virus. Both have the same function. When the killing virus for assassin and the infected virus are in contact, Both started the crazy act of changing the source code.

Although they are a homologous, they are independent viruses, and they are not a function at all. Zhang Yang does not know what will happen to this kind of change. Zhang Yang feels a little dizzy. You know, the computer virus itself has certain The danger includes the same for virus authors.

There have been many viruses that have mutated themselves out of the control of virus authors in history. Even virus authors can’t control these viruses, but those viruses are simple viruses. If this super virus is publicized, it will also happen. Zhang Yang didn't know if he could kill it with the blockbuster chapter 138. If you want to kill it, there is only one possibility. That is, if Zhang Yang releases her mother's nest, then it is possible to completely eliminate these viruses.

But now it is out of control. Now even if Zhang Yang wants to stop it, he can’t stop it. He can only wait to see what happens after the active mutation.

This mutation does not take long, it can be completed within a few minutes, and then all infected insect viruses will mutate with each other unless they are in an independent. About a few minutes later, the infecting insect virus in the telecommunications server had completed the mutation. Zhang Yang quickly tested it, and the thing that broke away from Zhang Yang's control did not happen.

Quickly captured one of them back, Zhang Yang began to analyze it with analysis software, because it was his own virus, and the analysis results came out soon. Zhang Yang compared with the previous, he was a little dumbfounded, between the two Zhang Yang did not know exactly how to make the change, but although the infective insect after the mutation has not changed much, its source code has been largely different.

This is not a mutation under the law of mutation, but Zhang Yang does not know what has changed in this part. Tested the commonly used functions, as before, nothing changed.

"No, I can't hold it anymore. The other party's attack was too powerful, and I immediately broke through the last firewall." Suddenly, the voice of Lan Mo came from the sound. The server of the National Computer Emergency Response Center is hacked, and the shame is the entire country. Although everyone may have various opinions about this country and ZF, but at this time, no one will care about those things. That's our internal affair. When external, everyone will be united.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Yang asked quickly, and the matter of the infection can be put in the future, and now the hackers will be solved first.

"What are you doing with gd? You can't keep it anymore. Although the system of the National Computer Emergency Response Center was written by us, but it also borrowed from Microsoft's operating system, li system, etc., they obviously have We haven’t found any leaks and the analysis capabilities of this group of people are very strong.” Lan Mo said the situation quickly.

"It is estimated that they will shut down the server soon."

"Let's come." After a silence, Zhang Yang was ready to start. Although the computer infected with the insects could not be regarded as Zhang Yang because Zhang Yang did not have control of them, Zhang Yang could do something with the insects. , Such as the most basic DD attack!

"You come? What do you want to do?" Everyone in the chat room was stunned.

"You will know in a moment." Zhang Yang smiled strangely, and then began to prepare directly. How huge is the more than 15 million DD attacks? Although more than ninety-nine percent of these computers are personal computers, so many computers are almost as powerful as two or three data centers.

More than 10 million units seem unlikely, but this is not entirely impossible. The number of assassin virus infections has not been checked before. But Zhang Yang is the most, that is, he can launch a dd attack through an infection. If he wants to gain control of these computers, he has to invade one by one. These are two concepts.

After setting the target, Zhang Yang directly launched the offensive, and the huge information flow almost flowed to the National Computer Emergency Response Center like water. Zhang Yang chose the same target as the server of the National Computer Emergency Response Center. Everyone wants to attack the server. All through the bandwidth, Zhang Yang launched such a huge DD attack. He put most of the attacks in the telecommunications room outside the server of the emergency center. The entire room was attacked, and the network on the emergency processing center was immediately blocked.

Don’t say it’s an offensive at this time. If you don’t quit, your data flow will probably stalemate for a long time. There will be no response. The huge data flow will not only attack the server to the brink of collapse, but also will All the nearby hackers, whether they were helpers or intruders, squeezed aside.

Although everyone is showing data flow, Zhang Yang can still analyze which ones are others through the software. After the attacks of these people were delayed, Zhang Yang directly opened his own software, completely removed the infected insects in the telecommunications server closest to the emergency processing center server, and directly took control of the server after passing.

Immediately after gaining control, Zhang Yang started scanning all internal data streams of the server. Except for the channel to the emergency processing center server, the other channels of Zhang Yang were directly turned off. So that he can catch these people to the greatest extent. Put the tracking virus attached to the firewall. In addition to the DD data stream launched by himself, Zhang Yang conducted anti-tracking on all other data streams.

After confirming that the virus started working, Zhang Yang stopped the DD attack instantly. The huge DD attack and even Zhang Yang's network had an impact. When he stopped, he heard the voice in the chat room again.

" god, where did you get the DD attack launched by so many servers and the DD attack launched by a large number of zombies? It can be distinguished as long as the expert analyzes it casually.

"I also have a virus." Zhang Yang just replied that the entire chat room was instantly silent. As many as tens of millions of zombie computers can only be controlled by viruses, and then they can be hacked, even if they invade one every second. , It is impossible to reach tens of millions

But tens of millions of zombie computers are also controlled by viruses. Why didn't they find this virus? They even found the assassin virus, but nobody actually discovered the virus! Including GD!

None of the seven people in the chat room are stupid. Everyone immediately thought of the most crucial point. In front of me... there is a more powerful person! Of course, Zhang Yang did not know that these people have changed so many ideas in such a short time. Zhang Yang is now staring nervously at the tracking interface of the tracking virus.

"I rely on... wait, I was bitten." Suddenly, there was a scream of Gu Zhu's residual dream in the chat room.

Zhang Yang quickly glanced at the tracking interface. The individuals he is tracking now, there are several people in it. The enemy Zhang Yang does not know. After a glance, Zhang Yang discovered that a data stream in Beijing had apparently found a tracking virus and was trying to get rid of it.

"Are you in Beijing recently?" Zhang Yang asked quickly in the chat room.

"How do you know?" Gu Zhu's residual dream stunned for a while.

"Nothing, the virus I placed is tracking all the data streams just now." After that, Zhang Yang directly deleted the virus. With Zhang Yang's actions, the lonely bamboo dream in the chat room suddenly became quiet.

Guzhu's residual dream is a little ignorant, virus? Actually just a virus? Isn't there a master who specializes in tracking? Looking at the tracing data stream that has disappeared on Guzhu Mengmeng knows that gd is not bragging, and people are really tracking with viruses.

"Great God, won't you follow us too? I don't find anyone following me now." Lan Mo said weakly in the channel.

As soon as Lan Mo's voice fell, Zhang Yang found that one of the remaining 12 tracking interfaces had disappeared. The location of this disappearance was an IP in Shenyang City.

"You ruthless!" GD suddenly appeared two words, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and immediately reacted. This should be that GD was also tracked by his virus, but the great **** is the great god, and he got rid of it almost instantly.

"Uh, accidentally, I don't know that these are you, but you guys check it out." Zhang Yang said quickly on the channel. The concealment of the tracking virus is actually similar to that of the infected insect, but because it wants to actively track the data flow of others. , So analysis is unavoidable, and the possibility of its discovery is greatly increased, as long as it is a very heart-thinking person, you can find it if you check it several times. ! ! ! ;




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