The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 139: 1 blockbuster (middle)

Chapter 139 Blockbuster (Part 2)

Just when Lan Mo checked their tails, Zhang Yang tracked four of the eleven data streams that he tracked at almost the same time. Zhang Yang followed one of them without hesitation. ; Tracking the virus is easy for people to get rid of, but Zhang Yang will not be so easy to keep up with, because Zhang Yang has already tested these people's honeypots and various traps.

His firewall can completely block these things, so Zhang Yang is just like the legendary Changshan Zhao Zilong. It is a rampage on the network, and the infective insects spread through the telecommunications server have infected most of the domestic computers that are turned on. The majority of users are Netcom, but there is a conversion server between the blockbuster (Centre) of Chapter 139 of Telecom and Netcom, and it is impossible to organize the mad infection of insects.

You must know that the infectious insect is completely alive, and its ability to spread is terrible. It is not like an assassin virus. It is hung on a website. Only people who click on this website will be poisoned. The infected insect is after infecting a computer. It will automatically split, and then spread through any data stream circulated on this computer.

These data streams can be emails, files you send to others, or after a new IP address is detected, it will be automatically copied and spread. The virus technology that is far superior to the current technology makes the infection ability of infected insects can be simply described.

Although this data stream tracked by Zhang Yang is numerous in China, these are all covered by Zhang Yang’s infectious insects. After the infecting insects are opened, Zhang Yang’s invasion of him will not waste any effort at all. This kind of trap, but Zhang Yang simply ignored it, and each one was directly attacked by Zhang Yang, but this person could not get rid of Zhang Yang's tracking.

In just a few minutes, this person lost more than ten of them all over the country, and finally Chapter 139th blockbuster (middle) one left the country and jumped to Japanese, but Japanese At this moment, it is not immune. The spread of infectious insects has no borders. Even the submarine fiber optic cable relay server is completely covered by the publicized virus. So although the infected insects in Japan are not as terrible as the domestic ones, they have already been infected quite large. Degree.

More than 10 million computers cannot all be domestic. Soon, the tracked Zhang Yang was blocked by a powerful firewall. Zhang Yang quickly searched the IP. His eyes lit up immediately. It should be the other party's level. I don't know how many such levels.

This guy has the same idea as Zhang Yang, using the server of the Japanese Defense Agency. Try to check it, there are also insects in the server of the Defense Agency, but the difference between this large server and the ordinary one is that its firewall and preventive measures often have several layers, even if you hack into it afterwards In the system, there are still technicians waiting in line.

But even so, Zhang Yang did not hesitate. After passing directly, he began to crack into the system. Just halfway through, Zhang Yang was directly found by the firewall and blocked kicking out.

"I'm relying on this animal, ruthless enough." Zhang Yang could not help but scolded, the security strength of the firewall increased suddenly, obviously the other party directly alarmed the security personnel in the Defense Department. LGBD, hesitated for a while, Zhang Yang did not say anything, and directly used the trick that just attacked the National Computer Emergency Response Center, dd attack!

Although the DD attack is a barbarian's attack method, but this thing is the same as the person with natural power in martial arts. When the power reaches a level, the skill will not work. At this time, the DD attack is suitable. More than 15 million zombies, including many large servers. Although there is a delay through the submarine optical cable, so many and huge data streams are suddenly used by the defense agency servers. time.

The server of the Japanese Defense Agency immediately resembled an Alzheimer's patient who had suffered a delay. The reaction rate was so slow that Zhang Yang took the opportunity to directly drill into the server of the Defense Agency. As soon as he entered the server, Zhang Yang discovered that the reaction speed of these technicians was good, and a spare server was prepared over there.

There is almost no secret in the circle of hackers, especially this large-scale intrusion is easy to be detected by people, so it is almost Zhang Yang tracking this hacker to the periphery of the server of the Defense Department, most of the domestic hackers immediately know. Including GD, although domestic hackers do not know which great **** shot, but they sitting in front of the computer are all excited and yelled.

What is Niu Bī, this is Niu Bī, and it's just a shot, but the shot is a blockbuster. The hacker who has just been working in the country has been chased out almost instantaneously, and has also chased other people's territory. Since these hackers are organized, they must be quite familiar with each other, so Zhang Yang is not afraid of other people slipping away, just grab this one.

Under Zhang Yang’s instantaneous attack by dd, the opponent is impossible, and he has no time to clear all traces. If he is not afraid of violence, he will never take this opportunity to leave, but will help the Defense Agency Security personnel defend the server.

Only in this way, he has the opportunity to remove all traces of him in the Defense Agency server, otherwise, it would be useless even if he left now. With traces of invasion left by him, Zhang Yang could easily go up the mō of Shunto Mō.

Zhang Yang is doing a lot of work here, and many hackers who followed Zhang Yang to Japan immediately targeted their other websites. Although they still pay attention to this, these hackers did not come to participate, and everyone did not tacitly agree. Obstructing the action of the gods is like the hero in a costume TV series, and the iǎ character next to him is just watching.

After entering the server of the Defense Department, Zhang Yang instantly opened the hidden ability of the virus infected by the insect. After the infected insect infects other computers, it will automatically kill other viruses in this computer, as well as destroy the firewall inside the system and delete the data. Wait, but Zhang Yang used infectious insects in China just to find these people, so he turned off all the functions about destruction.

But here, there is no need. Zhang Yang has no good feelings for this country, or that Zhang Yang has no good feelings for any other country. In this world, when it is true that its own country is strong, other countries, It’s all shit.

Countless history proves that there is only interest between countries, and there can be no alliance or friendly relationship. Even if the two sides are an alliance in the first second, and there is sufficient interest in the second, it is possible to throw the declaration of war directly to Your face.

Zhang Yang himself did not experiment with the destructive ability of the infecting insects. After he launched it, the server inside the entire defense hall immediately became restless. Fortunately, Zhang Yang did not let it directly damage the system. Otherwise, the system would be broken.

At the same time that the security personnel were fighting the fire, Zhang Yang had obtained the highest administrative authority. Without further ado, Zhang Yang kicked all the administrators except himself into the system, and then deleted these accounts. After doing all this, Zhang Yang began to modify the homepage of the official website of the Defense Agency.

War, war sister? The virus I wrote was killed by someone, so you ran to install B, and you ran before installing B? Don’t you run? You put a virus to jeopardize the security of the public network, do you still have reason? "

The following registration Zhang Yang originally wanted to write GD. Later, after typing these three words, Zhang Yang deleted it again. *, GD must have hatred in the last incident. If he put it up again later, idiot Everyone knows that Zhang Yang did it. Although GD can't do anything to him, it feels uncomfortable to be missed by a great god.

So after hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang simply raised his name. Anyway, the name gd is also famous. In the future, Zhang Yang can’t use this ID when he’s appointed, so throw it away, so that’s fine. Use this later. ID does something bad, and no one else will say anything.

The website of the Defense Agency was killed in less than ten minutes before and after. The horrible attack power stunned all the hackers who paid attention to this incident, and the ID of gd became famous all at once. , Someone went to China to go to Dese, but in the end, Dese did not succeed but angered him. So this gd is definitely a Chinese hacker.

At this moment, it is not just those people in the hacker circle who are paying attention to this matter on the Internet. People in various forums all the time have known this because the major websites have been hacked. Everyone does not sleep in the middle of the night and waits here. Looking at the excitement, at first everyone was filled with indignation, but now everyone is happy.

Especially Zhang Yang’s post was almost instantaneous, and many domestic security companies have been dismal for two days, and when gd made such a mess, they almost immediately gave them a These security companies The executives also followed the excitement happily, and even Matrix came out to kill the virus for a sudden.

Seeing such an announcement, these managers almost sipped tea on the computer screen in front of them. This gd is poisonous enough to actually play this kind of psychological warfare and actually understand the power of public opinion. Look, what everyone said is good, you put a virus to jeopardize network security, well, since people put a virus to jeopardize network security, then you launch a huge data attack like dd, and directly consider the official server of the Japanese Defense Agency to crash what happened?

Is this considered to endanger network security? But because the previous assassin virus was too big, all people, whether they are the CEOs of major companies or personal computers, have almost been infected with the assassin virus, so this person who placed the virus is naturally more defensive than Heiyueben. The gd of the hall is much more conspicuous.

Immediately speaking to these people on the Internet, many people actually call gd a hero for gd. Isn't that the sweat of the CEOs of various security companies? Isn't this just a hundred steps and a hundred steps? Why did these fifty steps become heroes? ! ! ! ;




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