The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 154: Shameless (on)

Chapter 154 Shameless (Part 1)

Chapter 154 Shameless (Part 1)

"Lost." When it comes to the miserable life of that month, Zhang Yang has a feeling of looking back, and Zhang Yang really feels sad for the recruits of their troops in Zhao Fei. I really don't know how those people are in Zhao Fei. The one who has survived under his hands and can persist for a year and a half is definitely a strongman.

"Lost? No." Zhao Mengmeng asked inconceivably. It seems that she remembered that she didn't tell Zhang Yang except Sanwei last time, as if all the other information she could say?

"Of course you lost, did you say that I could not lose? The one that our instructor talked to him at the time said that it was a matter of state secrets." Speaking of this, Zhang Yang was speechless and had seen Chapter 154 Shameless ( (Top) Shameless, I have never seen Zhao Fei so shameless, playing to death.

"Giggle..." After listening to Zhang Yang talk about the situation at that time, Zhao Mengmeng immediately giggled while covering her mouth. It was almost at the entrance of the school that Zhao Mengmeng shook his hand at Zhang Yang and said, "Then we will have time to talk next time. You know what I call. I will go back to the dormitory first."

"Hey, wait, do you live here?" When Zhao Mengmeng told Zhang Yang’s dormitory last time, he only said a few buildings. Zhang Yang didn’t know the number of these buildings at all, and Zhao Mengmeng took the direction If Zhang Yang remembers correctly, it is the dormitory area of ​​the School of Management.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Zhao Mengmeng stopped and asked Zhang Yang strangely.

"What professional are you?" Zhang Yang secretly said, wouldn't it be so coincident? Isn’t this a sleepy person giving someone a pillow?

"Accounting." Zhao Mengmeng quickly gave an answer that excited Zhang Yang. He quickly waved his fist, and Zhang Yang was full of weird faces. Could it be because of his rebirth? What is this thinking about?

When Zhao Mengmeng said that he lived here, Zhang Yang knew that Zhao Mengmeng had a great chapter 154. Shameless (Part 1). It is possible to learn this major. The major accounting major is quite famous. Under the management school, coupled with abundant auxiliary resources, financial and international trade and the like are quite comprehensive, so the competition of the major accounting profession is very cruel, especially accounting graduate students, so the choice of the major of the application of the college of management is mostly selected. accounting.

"Hey, that's just right, Sister, do me a favor? How about showing me a financial statement? See if there are any problems in this report. Of course, don't let Sister do your work in vain, how can I pay you a salary? What?" Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Financial statements? Where did it come from?" Zhao Mengmeng stopped her pace and came over and asked curiously.

"Uh, you don't have to ask this question, you just say yes." Zhang Yang doesn't know what to say about this question, he can't say he stole it from someone else's company?

"Of course it's okay, anyway, I haven't been okay recently. I'm going to prepare for the postgraduate exam. I can see the financial statements. The salary is fine. You can just invite me to dinner." Zhao Mengmeng nodded briskly. Say look at what's wrong, what do you mean mainly depends on the problem?"

"Uh, there is no tax evasion or tax evasion." It's okay to say that. Anyway, when it comes to Zhao Mengmeng's financial information, you can replace all the company names and the like in it, and you can't see anything.

"Tax evasion and tax evasion?" Zhao Mengmeng's face is a little weird, and she looked at Zhang Yang up and down. It seems that she doesn't understand what Zhang Yang has to do with tax evasion and tax evasion. It seems that this is the tax, the Ministry of Industry and Commerce?

"Uh, it's like this. A friend of mine started a company at home, but his father's health has been bad recently, so you know." Zhang Yang quickly made an excuse.

"That's right, understand, it's okay, you can take it, I will help you to see, big deal I will help you find my mentor to see, I know some professors in the School of Management." Zhao Mengmeng thought Think, then nodded and said.

"OK, then I'll call you then." After the last bet, Zhang Yang saved Zhao Mengmeng's phone in his phone book.

Watching Zhao Mengmeng back to the dormitory, Zhang Yang quickly walked to the school. He didn't expect this key problem to be solved so easily, but thinking about the huge financial information, I am afraid that Zhao Mengmeng can't finish it in a day or two.

Going out of the school, Zhang Yang immediately saw Gao Gang's car parked not far from the school entrance. Gao Gang also obviously saw Zhang Yang. Before Zhang Yang walked by, Gao Gang opened the car and walked down.

"Haha, brother, but thank you this time, haha, but I just got the news, Pan Hu was taken to the hospital this morning." Just got off the bus, and Gao Gang smiled proudly across the distance. Said.

Zhang Yang also smiled, this blood is estimated to make Pan Hu hurt enough. "Brother, this is what we said, your remuneration is in the card, it is done with your ID card, the password is six zeros, you have to change it when you have time." Gao Gang will quickly An envelope in his hand was handed over. Because Zhang Yang’s information was used during the negotiation yesterday, Gao Gang also had Zhang Yang’s ID card information. With Gao Gang’s contacts, it’s not difficult to get a card with his ID card.

"Thanks." Zhang Yang smiled and thanked. To be honest, Zhang Yang still admired Gao Gang, 80 million. This is not a number. This number is a large number for anyone, Gao Gang. Give it, give it, there is no ambiguity at all, this attitude alone is like a person doing big things.

"It's just a matter of saying this. By the way, I'm still at noon. I won't eat with you anymore. You must invite me to dinner someday." Gao Gang said with a quick smile.

"No problem." Zhang Yang nodded briskly. After saying goodbye to Gao Gang, Zhang Yang took the bank card out of the envelope. When he took the money into his hand, Zhang Yang found that he was actually quite calm. Although he still had some iǎjī in his heart, he did not imagine It's so moving.

Putting the card into his wallet, Zhang Yang only quickly walked to the school cafeteria, when Zhang Yang remembered that he hadn't eaten yet. nv children are slow to eat. Although Zhang Yang probably spent more than 20 minutes, Li Keqing and several of them should not have eaten yet.

Several of Zhang Yang's meals were basically in the No. 4 canteen. When Zhang Yang entered the canteen, he immediately saw a few nv children sitting together, Li Keqing and Wang Danxue sitting there. Zhang Yang did not go directly, but went to the line to buy food first.

The tables in the school cafeteria are all fixed on the ground. A table can seat eight people. Li Keqing and their table are already filled with eight nv children. Zhang Yang simply walked to the table next to them with his meal. Li Keqing is Sitting back to Zhang Yang, plus a few of them did not know what topic they were discussing, anyway, Zhang Yang saw Wang Yaxue's discussion of Zhang Yawu claws, it was very strong.

"...You're right? We always want to marry someone, anyway, find a golden turtle son? There are a lot of rich handsome guys, maybe you can make one." Not too far behind Li Keqing, Zhang Yang just Hearing the voice of an nv person vigorously preaching the theory of the supremacy of money, Zhang Yang frowned and said nothing, each person's values ​​were different, how did others think it was their business.

"Not necessarily? Do you have to live with you as a man for money in your life? I think it is still important to love. Marriage is a matter of life, how can you make a decision rashly?" Zhang Meng, who was sitting on the other side, retorted quickly .

"Cut, you are too unrealistic. Feelings are built on material basis, okay? Graduated, the house can't afford it, the car can't afford it, and you still hope to talk about feelings? Everyday, rice, oil, salt, vinegar and tea are enough for you. Accepted." Another nv student also said quickly.

Unable to bear mō's nose, Zhang Yang didn't join in to interrupt this group of nv people to discuss issues, and simply sat on the table behind Li Keqing and them.

"...That's right, Ke Qing, please think about what I just said, but I'm doing it for you." Another voice rang, and when I heard this familiar voice, Yang Yang's brow furrowed sharply. This voice Zhang Yang can recognize, this nv person is Ren Lixin, Zhang Yang does not want to make any evaluation of her character. In the last life, this nv person has served as a lot of lobbyists for Pan Wenlong, just to persuade Li Keqing to be Pan Wenlong’s nv friend, she How did they sit with Li Keqing and them?

"Okay, Ren Lixin, are you too immoral? Is there anyone behind you who says so? What is wrong with other people's publicity?" Wang Danxue's voice rang.

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows but didn't expect to have a relationship with him. "What is he good about? Isn't he a poor boy? Can the rival Liu Chang be rich? Yesterday Liu Chang also told me that if Ke Qing was willing to be his nv friend, he would buy a sports car for Ke Qing immediately. I don’t mean it to be sunny, too?” Ren Lixin said again.

Depressed by Zhang Yang, why don't these nv people know shame at all? "Okay, Ren Lixin, you should also know the posts on the forum a few days ago. If you don’t know, you go back and ask. What are the good things for the rich? Pan Wenlong is from our class. Is there enough money at home? Did you watch the video? Disgusting or disgusting, there are a few of these men who are really good for you, not just to play with you." Wang Danxue next to him couldn't stand it, said with sarcasm.

"Men in the world are generally Other men are not so dry, they just have no money, they have money, and then, what happens even if it is fun? For whom to play is not fun, if someone Willing to pay a million, I will marry him." Ren Lixin immediately ridiculed.

Zhang Yang was speechless for a while. To be honest, Zhang Yang had never spoken with Ren Lixin in his previous life, but I heard that the character of this nv person was not very good, but Zhang Yang did not expect her to dare to speak so clearly. She looks good and looks pretty, but anyway, here is somehow the school cafeteria. Although the voice of the discussion among them is not too loud, they can still be heard by the tables around them.

As soon as Ren Lixin's words came out, Zhang Yang noticed that the faces of the boys on the surrounding tables were a little ugly. This was just hitting the faces of all the boys. "What is the difference between this TD and what it sells?" said a boy with disgust on a table next to Zhang Yang.

"Don't you guys have no skill, and finally we blame our nv people? If you can earn a million now, I will take back what I said." Ren Lixin glared at the boy. ! ! ! ;




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