The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 155: Shameless (below)

Chapter 155 Shameless (Part 2)

Chapter 155 Shameless (Part 2)

Zhang Yang really can’t listen anymore. He’s afraid to affect his own appetite. To be honest, your own values ​​and geometry, others have no right to interfere, but you have to use your theory to impose on others, then It's disgusting, especially when I'm a lobbyist

"I said, such a hot meal won't burn your mouth? If you think you're right, then the man you told you to give you 1 million. You can't go to sleep with someone else? You're here What are you talking about?" Zhang Yang quickly turned back and sneered and said. ;

Zhang Yang's voice immediately turned Wang Danxue and their tablemates back, even Li Ke's Chapter 155 Shameless (Part 2) Qing turned his back. When he saw Zhang Yang, Li Keqing's face was still full of embarrassment Through her side, Zhang Yang saw Li Keqing's meal and didn't move much. You don't need to think of Zhang Yang to know that Ren Lixin's words made Li Keqing at a loss, just look at her red-eared face.

That is, Li Keqing, if you change other nv students, I am afraid that you will have been ordered to **** away. How can Ren Lixin be there for BB for so long, listening to her has some influence on food.

Zhang Yang stood up quickly, walked to Li Keqing, put her plate directly on her table, and then said: "Ke Qing comes over here to eat, if you can't eat, you have to sit in the afternoon. I'm hungry." Zhang Yang hasn't even bothered to look at her from the beginning to the end.

"Oh." Li Keqing promised aloud, then stood up cleverly, walked to Zhang Yang's side and sat down, Wang Danxue and some of them also quickly picked up their dinner plates, and then looked around. The empty space above the table said, "Several handsome guys, is there no one next to you?"

"No one, no one." The boys around the several tables froze for a moment, and then immediately said shamelessly in Chapter 155 Shameless (below). I didn't expect there was such a benefit. Wang Danxue and their desk The girl's quality is not bad, plus Li Keqing, they are a total of five people, no matter whether it is the table on the side of Zhang Yang, or other tables, there are no more than 5 empty seats, and they can only sit separately.

Originally, Li Keqing had only three nv students left on their table. The other two Zhang Yang did not know it, not from their class. Zhang Yang only knew Ren Lixin alone, but at the moment Ren Lixin's face was like a pig liver, full of face Fuchsia.

"Zhang Yang, you're afraid that I've gotten your heart off, and you can't refute it? Is that true? A man like you who has no ability, that is, a simple iǎnv child like Ke Qing will be fooled by you." Ren Lixin's voice immediately It became tapered, and some hysterical words made many people in the cafeteria look over strangely.

"Fuck, I said that you are never finished, I am too lazy to care about you, you are not finished, I have no ability to talk to you, I have heard what you just said, according to your theory, if you are in the future Married people must marry someone with money, right?" Zhang Yang stood up, turned his head and sneered.

"Yes, what's wrong with it?" Ren Lixin was not outrageous.

"Okay, you just said that if you graduated and someone had a million, you would marry him. Is that what you said right? Then I can understand it, people bought it for a million. All your life? Now even if you go to the street to find an ordinary hair salon for Sister I, Sister I will get 200 yuan a night? You marry someone for one million, starting from the age of twenty-five when you graduate, to Your 45-year-old Lao Zhuhuang has spent 20 years in total, even if you do it with others once a night, a total of 7300 days in 20 years, once a day, the average of one million is less than 140 yuan. It’s not as good as you are shouting here? Are you ashamed or not?"

Since she was not afraid anymore, Zhang Yang was too lazy to save her face. Originally, Zhang Yang felt that although she was a little bit nasty, she was an nv boy anyway. A good man wouldn't fight nv. Zhang Yang was too lazy to quarrel with her under the general public, but Now that people don’t care anymore, Zhang Yang is too lazy to care, and throws out a series of questions directly.

Although Zhang Yang's voice was not loud, it was enough for most of the people in the cafeteria to eat. Although everyone didn't know the cause and effect, everyone's words heard Zhang Yang's words, and everyone immediately heard something, immediately directed at Ren Li Xin Zhi pointed out a discussion.

"Zhang Yang...Well, she is also an nv child anyway." Li Keqing blushed almost, and Zhang Yang just said it was too straightforward. Even Wang Danxue could not bear them, let alone Li Keqing. However, Li Keqing still pulled the Yang Yang sleeve, and whispered.

"You..." Ren Lixin's face was blue and red, and there was no way to say that the two nv students who were with her could not stand it, and quickly pulled Ren Lixin's arm out of the cafeteria.

When the three nv people walked out of the cafeteria, the dozen boys sitting around Zhang Yang shouted loudly. Zhang Yang punched everyone and then sat down. Although Ren Lixin was chased away, Zhang Yang was still a little depressed, and had a good meal, which made her like this.

"I said, Zhang Yang is okay, mathematics is good." Wang Danxue's face over there ridiculed slightly.

"I said why did you come with her, I haven't seen this kind of nv person yet." Zhang Yang rolled his eyes.

"We haven't known each other for a long time, who knows she is such a person, we will not eat with her in the future," Zhang Meng said several of them.

"Aren't you going to get things?" Li Keqing asked when everyone's emotions had stabilized.

"Fetch it back, he will leave when he has something, and I will come over for dinner. Who knows, I heard her talking there as soon as I entered the cafeteria. But you are also Qingqing, and you will not let her when you meet such a person in the future. The more you let her, the harder she is, if you don't refute, she still doesn't know what to say." Zhang Yang said.

Li Keqing nodded, looked around, and saw that everyone didn’t pay attention to it, and then continued to say: "Actually, I also think that what she just said ǐng is unpleasant, but I think she said her, I don’t Just listen to her. Besides, everyone is a classmate. I don’t see when I look up and I don’t talk.”

Knowing that Li Keqing's Ge was born like this, Zhang Yang could only nodded helplessly. Li Keqing was too kind, and she really couldn't do some things. "By the way, Fang Shaoyun called me just now and said that he was asking whether the two of our robots were assembled or not, and your mobile phone was turned off." Li Keqing ate a few mouthfuls of food before thinking of anything, iǎ said.

"Shut down?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and mō looked at the phone. Sure enough, it was estimated that there was no electricity.

"Then what are you going to assemble it into?" Zhang Yang asked the phone in his pocket again.

"It doesn't matter what it looks like, I remember there seems to be no requirement?" Li Keqing said after thinking about it.

"Then just go out and buy a toy on the market. Anyway, it depends mainly on the energy we assemble and its core of grassroots control." Zhang Yang thought about it and said.

"Um, okay, listen to you." Li Keqing nodded, and after a while she said a little embarrassed: "Zhang Yang, I am sorry, trouble you, I really don't understand this at all, just from iǎ When I watched TV, I became interested in this. I knew I wouldn’t join this club at that time. It is also possible to change to another club."

"If you don't understand, you can learn it, and I don't understand this anyway. Fang Shaoyun is here. If we don't understand, we can ask him. Fang Shaoyun's brother, you secretly tell him a few secrets about Li Yuxuan, and he will not be happy at that time. Biandudang is left to us to send." Zhang Yang sold Fang Shaoyun without hesitation.

"Okay, you two continue to eat, let's go first...don't disturb you anymore." Li Keqing was just about to speak, Wang Danxue's voice rang, and Li Keqing, who looked up, immediately saw the smile of Wang Danxue. They, Li Keqing's face immediately turned red.

Zhang Yang smiled and waved his hand generously, said: "Then see you, and invite you to dinner someday."

"I said Zhang Yang, you can't always be a white wolf with empty gloves? How many times have you asked for dinner? I haven't seen it until now." Wang Danxue was a little depressed and looked at him angrily. Zhang Yang said at a glance.

"Haha, it must be certain, you can rest assured, you will definitely be indispensable." Zhang Yang said with a smile, quickly said. They sent Wang Danxue away, and Zhang Yang and Li Keqing also walked out of the cafeteria after eating.

"You call Fang Shaoyun and ask if the toy you bought is okay? If so, let's buy a few large toys, then disassemble it and reassemble it." Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Okay." Zhang Yang's mobile phone was dead, so he could only call Li Keqing. Zhang Yang had only one last class in the afternoon, so they had a lot of time in the middle. While following Li Keqing out of the school, they called Fang Shaoyun. phone. The phone was quickly connected, Li Keqing said a few words to it, and then handed the phone to Zhang Yang.

"...Hey, Zhang Yang, if you don't have any requirements for appearance, you just need to buy an electric car or the like. Anyway, as long as we have some parts inside, the materials I bring are not in the materials, other It's nothing, and I also understand the programming chip. It will mainly depend on your programming ability, and the other is no problem." After receiving the call, Fang Shaoyun said quickly.

"Okay, I know." Hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang said to Li Keqing: "Ke Qing, let's go out and buy some toys now."

Li Keqing nodded and had no comments, the two immediately walked out of the school together. From the canteen to the school, after passing a tree-lined road, it is the main road in the school. However, the greening of the large campus is quite good. The broad asphalt road that is equivalent to the upper and lower six lanes is under the tall weeping willow.

Just turned from the road on the side next to the A roar of the engine passed, and then a black Mercedes-Benz crossed directly from Zhang Yang and Li Keqing, and then drove forward, black The Mercedes Benz walked about three or four hundred meters, and one of the red tail lights stopped directly at the side of the road, then fell back to the back.

Zhang Yang frowned and stretched his hand to hold Li Keqing's wrist. The two stopped. Li Keqing looked back at Zhang Yang unclearly. Zhang Yang narrowed his eyes and said quickly: "It's okay. It's probably a boring person again. "

Soon, the black Mercedes-Benz car opened, and Zhang Yang saw Ren Lixin from the co-pilot position at a glance. Zhang Yang saw many posts in the nv discerning place from the Internet in his last life. Many of the studies are also very reasonable. Yes, glancing at Ren Lixin’s walk, Zhang Yang knew that she hadn’t been a nv long ago.

The driver of the cab also quickly opened. A boy, about twenty-four or fourteen years old, wearing a black shirt, got out of the car, and walked directly to Zhang Yang. ! ! ! ;




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