The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 178: Genius (Part 1)

Chapter 178 Genius (Part 1)

Chapter 178 Genius (Part 1)

"Really?" Bai Su didn't believe it.

"Cut, of course it is true. It happened that I had a new idea recently, and it was only half a month away from the National University Student Computer Contest. I had to do preparations. I went to the library. You two go or not. "Zhang Yang blinked and asked Bai Su, Li Keqing, needless to say, was dragged out of the classroom by Zhang Yang, and she would be fine to go back to the dormitory. Since Zhang Yang is willing to go to the library, Li Keqing is also going.

"Go, why not go, I'm going to see if you are as powerful as you said, or you are bragging." Bai Su agreed without thinking, 178th Zhang Tiancai (above) Zhang Yang smiled and said: "Let's go.? *Funny girl rebelliously humorously ridiculously lazy played surname surname  mantle pose 夭 with hissing  private 獠 Pang Xie Yan forgiveness ?br/>

After all, the task taught to Bai Su above is probably to monitor himself and report his actions. But what Zhang Yang didn't expect was that although he probably guessed it, the process of following things was completely different. Although Bai Su received the task of approaching Zhang Yang and reporting everything about Zhang Yang, Bai Su didn't know the relationship between Zhang Yang and GD at all. Black Hawk never told Bai Su about this matter.

In other words, when iǎwu arranged for Bai Su to approach Zhang Yang in the name of training, he did not mention this stubble at all, but used another excuse. Every agent who joined Guoan will receive various Such training tasks, these tasks are to get you close to a person, get a part of the task goal from this person, this task goal can be anything, such as the person's detailed information and so on.

The goal of such training can be an ordinary person or some retired agents arranged by the National Security Bureau, but it is undeniable that the content of such training will take the 178th chapter of genius from the novice every year. So, the task that Bai Su received was simply to approach Zhang Yang, and then report all the information of Zhang Yang, as well as comment on Zhang Yang’s talent in computers. Nothing else was mentioned with Bai Su at all.

So Bai Su didn’t know that her task wasn’t just as simple as it seemed, but in fact, as long as she got the content reported by Bai Su, the Blackhawks only needed to synthesize these things and the people monitoring gd on the network, and compare them one by one. You can get the answer.

This can be described as a double benefit. If Zhang Yang knew that the Black Hawks had sent him a rookie agent, I wonder if it would be a little unsatisfactory, but if this is some jīng sharp agent, I am afraid that Zhang Yang can find that the other party is still an unknown.

Since Bai Su was also going, the three of them walked directly to the library. When betting with Zou Xiang, Zhang Yangxin made a decision to participate in the National University Student Computer Contest, and he must get the noun and participate. Zhang Yang has thought about this competition before and after, and participating in this competition can be said to be more than one thing. First, taking this opportunity, Zhang Yang will let Bai Su understand part of what Zhang Yang wants her to see, her own strength, and let Bai Su report the wrong information to the Guoan network supervisor.

Secondly, Zhang Yang also wanted to take the opportunity to meet some people. He didn't want to really go through the four-year college course honestly. He has come all over again in his previous life. In four years of his life, he will be tired of himself.

Third, Zhang Yang also wanted to borrow Bai Su's hand to see if he could perfect an idea of ​​his previous life. If this software is developed, the profits that can be generated by that time may not be as simple as tens of millions. After all, Bai Su's file was too big, and she might not have any talent in the computer field, but she didn't know if she could give herself a hint.

Fourth, it's about Tan Yudie. Anyway, when Guoan came to him, Tan Yudie sold Zhang Yang's favor. Zhang Yang wasn't used to being owed to others, so he took this opportunity to return Tan Yudie. A human relationship counts. If the software that Zhang Yang had conceived in his life could really be researched, he would definitely get the first place in the computer competition.

After entering the library, Zhang Yang quickly moved to the computer professional book area. There is one of the largest libraries in China. The books stored here are definitely one of the most comprehensive libraries in universities in the country. Perhaps many people think that in the era when the Internet is so popular, it is better to find a lot of information on the Internet, but it is actually wrong. The book naturally has the use of the book, and many things are described in more detail in the book.

These things are not even found in forums like nubi, and although many books have been published for a long time, they are books decades ago, but these books are not necessarily useless.

Soon Zhang Yang borrowed seven or eight books to come back. Looking at the books that Zhang Yang held, Bai Su was very surprised and asked, "Do you understand?" These books are very professional English-printed books, and they are A book with a fairly high degree of professionalism, many vocabulary will not be learned in high school.

"Well, I understand. I was interested in computers in high school, but I haven’t had any learning channels. I can only think about it myself. After the third year off, I almost went to our library to find materials, but unfortunately, we There is very little information about this area. Later, I heard people say that if you want to learn computer well, you need to learn English well, so..." Zhang Yang smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He was not afraid of Guo'an going to check these things. These words Zhang Yang said But it is true.

When he graduated from the third year of high school, he spent most of his vacation in the library, but he was not looking at computer materials in the library, but he said that even if Guo'an went to check, he could not find it. What, that library is a library covered by the city’s public welfare activities. It provides free book reading for everyone and does not allow borrowing. As long as you are not bad, you can read it without registration. So I couldn't find it.

During the speech, Li Keqing also came back with the book, but Li Keqing borrowed some basic computer books.

"By the way, since you made a bet with Zou Xiang, you must participate in the National College Students Computer Contest. If I remember correctly, the main investigation in this contest is about programming. What software do you want to write? No?" Bai Su asked quickly.

Hearing Bai Su's question, Li Keqing next to him was also worried and focused his attention on Zhang Yang. "Of course, I have thought about it. This idea came out of my high school, but I had no chance and no conditions to realize it before, but now I have the opportunity." Zhang Yang said nothing. .

In fact, the idea of ​​this software was only after Zhang Yang’s lifetime technology has grown to a certain point, but he didn’t write this thing until he was reborn. Let’s talk about what kind of hacker Zhang Yang wanted to write and the computer virus. Ah, it doesn't matter much.

"You talk about it, I listen, it's not my bragging, my computer technology is very powerful." Bai Su blinked and said half-truly.

"Is it? Hehe, there is nothing to say in fact. I thought of it when I watched the United States. You should know that Hollywood movies can sell well all over the world because Hollywood movies can be invested in More money, and more importantly, about the post-production technology of computers, so-called movie special effects," Zhang Yang said quickly.

"The software you want to make has something to do with the movie special effects?" Bai Su's face is weird, and he can't tell the expression.

Zhang Yang nodded lightly. Of course he understood why Bai Su was so weird. Although she didn't say it, she obviously felt overwhelmed with Zhang Yang's ideas.

How much resources are needed for computer special effects? It is no exaggeration to say that it is an astronomical figure, such as the live-action version of Transformers that came out in a few years, the sci-fi action that everyone knows is the entire Transformers trilogy, and the total investment of the three movies is 500 million. 60 million US dollars, and at least one third of the 560 million US dollars is spent on special effects production.

It’s close to $170 million and these are just three movies. The special effects used in Hollywood’s annual movie production are combined with a huge and horrifying number of profits. Computer special effects are not so easy to do. Image, and various large-scale scenes, the computer resources required are a terrible number.

And all these summed up, there is only one result. That is, this thing is not something that can be played by individuals. It needs a group and Zhang Yang has to make such a software in just one Isn’t that nonsense?

Nor can it be blamed that Bai Su doesn't believe it. In fact, as long as anyone who knows a computer probably won't believe this, it's already pretty good that Bai Su can hold back without hitting Yang on the spot.

"Actually, I already have an idea." Zhang Yang hesitated, and then said his own idea. In fact, Zhang Yang came up with it while playing a simulated city. In Zhang Yang’s idea, he wanted to write a software similar to a simulated city, while being equipped with large environmental considerations and various replacement systems.

Of course, it is definitely not the same as the game. The resources in this system must use the real environment, and how to use huge resources is a problem. In fact, it is not enough to make a software. What is needed is a huge database and material library.

Although materials and databases are more important, the function of the software is more important. Zhang Yang tried to write this software in his life. Although he did not succeed when he died, it does not mean that Zhang Yang did not make any progress. A! ! ! ;




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