The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 179: Genius (Part 2)

Chapter 179 Genius (Part 2)

Chapter 179 Genius (Part 2)

Listening to Zhang Yang talking about his thoughts a little bit, Bai Su's expression became even more weird, and slowly became shocked. This expression was not pretended by Bai Su. ; As a master of applied psychology, when learning to disguise, Bai Su naturally understands what kind of expression is most suitable under what circumstances, so it is impossible for others to see any flaws in Bai Su's expression.

But this time, Bai Su's expression wasn't really pretended, but it was really shocked by Zhang Yang. Since Bai Su is a genius, Bai Su has hardly admired anyone, but now Bai Su has to admire Zhang Yang. Well, to be honest, before contacting Zhang Yang, when he received the genius of Chapter 179 of the mission (below), Bai Su was still a little bit sullied.

But close to someone who has never learned a computer, and finally has to evaluate this person's computer talent? To be honest, Bai Su was eager to say that, if you guys first evaluated me, I would have completed a master's degree in computer science when I graduated from university for four years. Naturally, Bai Su is proud of it.

But Zhang Yang's many ideas in this software make Bai Su have a sense of admiration. At least in Bai Su's view, these ideas are simply not something she can come up with. After listening to Zhang Yang's ideas, Bai Su even wants to see See how Zhang Yang's head grows, how can he come up with such a clever way.

In fact, it is true that Bai Su is a genius, but not all geniuses are always geniuses, and geniuses in China seem to be those with good academic performance and high scores, while abroad, geniuses are those weird ideas and put into practical action People, these talents are geniuses.

This is also the biggest drawback of the domestic education system. Throughout the history of civilization development in the world, those scientists who stay in the history books have achieved such great achievements precisely because they dare to dare to do so. Chapter 179: Genius (Part 2): If you dare to dare to think, you have to be in front of dare to do it. However, the domestic education method has made too many people's thinking rigid, such as those who are learning computers in China now. More people of these college students just want to learn this knowledge, and then find a good job.

To learn knowledge well, they just learn, not to put forward their ideas in the field of science. It is not shameful to dare to think, and countless technologies appear in history because of dare to think. But in the domestic environment, it must be said that it is sad. Many scholars who put forward their ideas will be ridiculed by the people around them. They laugh at these people's arrogance, arrogance, and unrealistic. I'm gone, which of the scientists who have made significant contributions to the progress of science and technology in the entire human society is not arrogant?

Two hundred years ago, the plane was still a myth, but now? Not to mention the plane, even humans in space flew up. In the past, Zhang Yang also had this disease. There is no way to live in such an environment. As long as it is a person, there is no way to avoid it. This is the way the whole society is, so there are so few geniuses.

But even such a thing as rebirth caused Zhang Yang to come across. What else do you dare not think about? Therefore, after the rebirth, the previous rules and regulations, those things that were impossible for Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang simply left behind. Let go of your own thinking, many problems in the past life can not be solved, this life has come up with solutions.

For example, infectious insects, the infectious insects in Zhang Yang’s hands are already too powerful, even if they get the last life, I am afraid that such infectious insect viruses will cause huge madness in the world.

With Zhang Yang's thoughts, various thoughts in Bai Su's mind could not help but came up, and soon Bai Su tried to put forward his own opinions.

"How about your programming?" Bai Su couldn't help but ask, if he couldn't make up his mind, he had to have the strength to transform these things into finished products.

"Uh, it's okay, although it didn't take long to learn, but now it's no problem to write some iǎ software." Zhang Yang shrugged and said.

"That's good, in fact, I think your idea is good, but such a huge software is definitely not completed in one day, may not be able to catch up in the computer competition?" Bai Su nodded, and then he was full of admiration. Said.

"Try it as much as possible. I don't know if it can be done. If it doesn't work, I will write a software at that time. If I lose, I lose. I don't want to lose this diploma. I don't worry about not finding a job." Zhang Yang said with a grin.

Bai Su would like to add that you are not short of money now. But Bai Su still didn't say it. After all, no one knew about it. If Zhang Yang didn't tell her, she? 隼矗視飭倭浭姿豭iā After a bit of his thoughts, the three did not continue to speak I just started looking down at the information I found.

Zhang Yang did not deliberately show it to Bai Su, he did look at the information. An afternoon passed by in the library. When Zhang Yang was in the library, the Black Eagle got the report sent by Bai Su, and looked at the investigation of Zhang Yang and the report of the Yang action. Especially the incident at noon today made the Black Eagle affirmed. Zhang Yang It is really just to know gd.

All that is needed now is to investigate whether Zhang Yang knows the actual identity of gd. At noon, according to the tracking of the two masters in the network monitor, the shot should be GD. Under that circumstance, you can easily get rid of the tracking of several masters, and the technical strength is absolutely quite bullish.

But what the Black Hawk can't think of is that the guy GD actually backed the gd for the second time. In the afternoon, Zhang Yang and the three spent in the library until the three had dinner in the school cafeteria. Looking at the figure of Bai Su leaving, Zhang Yang's eyes sparkled inexplicably.

Because Bai Su is here, Zhang Yang has to postpone many things. He had originally planned to let Zhao Mengmeng help him see if Baiying’s finances were safe, but with the arrival of Bai Su, Zhang Yang had to take this idea. Give up, at least not at present, otherwise how should he come up with Baiying's safe financial information?

Because of this kind of thing, I am afraid that only hacking into Baiying's secure servers can do this, so this matter can only be dragged back temporarily. On the way back to the dormitory, Zhang Yang felt that Li Keqing's mood was a little low, and walked to the iǎ woods near the dormitory. Zhang Yang took Li Keqing and sat down on a stone table under a big tree. He looked at Li Keqing and Zhang Yang asked : "What's wrong with Keqing?"

"Nothing." Li Keqing raised his head and smiled reluctantly, shaking his head.

I don’t know much about Li Keqing. Besides, she will not be the kind of person who will hide her emotions. After thinking about it, Zhang Yang reached out and gently put Li Keqing into her arms. After struggling a little, Li Keqing extended her hand. He hugged Zhang Yang's back and hugged him tightly.

Feeling Li Keqing's attachment, Zhang Yang hugged her and said softly, "Ke Qing, you can tell me anything, you must know, in this life, I am your biggest dependant, no matter what, you have to tell me , I will not let you suffer a little grievance." Zhang Yang said this very slowly, more like a manifesto, while still telling Li Keqing what he had never said in his previous life.

Lifting his head from Zhang Yang’s arms, Li Keqing looked at Zhang Yang’s face seriously, and said after a long time: “Zhang Yang, I think... I don’t think I am good enough for you, you are so good, and you will be very successful in the future, And I am just a very simple iǎnv born. Except for the long and beautiful, everything else is useless. I think it is more like Bai Su, or Tan Yudie is more suitable with you."

After talking, Li Keqing looked at Zhang Yang with pitiful face, and looked at Li Keqing's expression. Zhang Yang was distressed, **** and funny, but Zhang Yang understood that the problem was on himself. What happened today made Li Keqing too much pressure. Especially for those 80 million things, Zhang Yang noticed a bit of sorrow in Li Keqing’s eyebrows after speaking about it at the meal, and the recent incidents of Tan Yudie and Bai Su made her feel seven. Up and down.

Looking at Li Keqing in his arms, Zhang Yang didn't speak, but just bowed his head sharply, facing down to Li Keqing's ruddy iǎn mouth, when the faint fragrance poured into his nose, that sweet mouth made Zhang Yang desperate She entered her body. Li Keqing's body first stiffened slowly, and then slowly relaxed, cuddling Zhang Yang's back with his hands unconsciously.

When Zhang Yang's tongue was entangled with the soft, wet lilac tongue, Zhang Yang felt that the whole person was about to explode~ explode. For a long time, Zhang Yang let her go until Li Keqing's breath was a little short. She looked down and looked a little away. Li Keqing, who was flushed, Zhang Yang hugged her tightly into her arms, and then directly grabbed her. With only one hand, stick it in his T-shirt and put it directly on his heart, before seriously saying, "Do you feel it?"

"En." Li Keqing blushed and nodded gently.

Zhang Yang said softly, "Those messy things, but Qingqing, don't think so much. I just want to tell you that I love you will never change in this life. This will not change either now or in the future. No matter whether I am rich, no money, or poor, it will not change, what are we living for? In order to one day, when both of us are wrinkled, my hand can still hold your hand , And other things are not brought in life, not taken in death, what do UU reading care about? When we all leave this world, we can still be with us, this is my biggest Happy now."

"Well, I understand." Li Keqing's face also flashed a longing, as if thinking of both of them being gray-haired.

"So, you must not want to understand these messy things in the future? Is there any money? I will give you uā in the future, and then, you are my wife, I will give uā money for my wife, just right." Zhang Yang A vicious look.

"Pouting", looking at Zhang Yang's fierce appearance, Li Keqing instead couldn't hold back and laughed suddenly. But she nodded her head seriously and reached out lovingly, mō Zhang Yang's face said, "I remember."

Listening to Li Keqing's words, Zhang Yang was happy with uā. In two lifetimes, Zhang Yang knew Li Keqing too well. When she said this, it meant that Li Keqing would never leave him in her life, no matter what happened. . In a certain way, this very weak nv boy is surprisingly determined. A! ! ! </p>;




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