The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 186: It’s just right (Part 1)

Chapter 186 is just right (Part 1)

Chapter 186 is just right (Part 1)

After waiting for more than a second, the National Information Security Center of Japan issued an announcement according to Zhang Yang's statement that this website had just been hacked and nothing else was said. Zhang Yang followed the Japanese news and found that other big-name international media demanded an interview with Miyamoto Jiro.

As for the attitude of Miyamoto iǎjiro, I am afraid no one has made it clear at this time, but obviously, Miyamoto iǎjiro did not mean to issue a press conference. It is estimated that the Japanese Prime Minister is in trouble with him at this time.

Zhang Yang sneered with his hands dragging his chin. NND, Chapter 186 was really upset. (Part 1) I ignored the words of buddies. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang didn't hesitate and turned his goal directly. The website of the Japanese Defense Agency. After effortlessly killing the website of the Japanese Defense Agency, Zhang Yang did not hide his whereabouts.

All the login accounts of its website are directly kicked out of the system, and then all the framework of the website is completely destroyed. Zhang Yang also secretly left the insects on their servers, unless the Defense Agency formatted all the servers in depth, otherwise, I'm afraid I can never get rid of infected insects.

After doing all this, Zhang Yang directly changed the homepage of the website.

"Miyamoto iǎjiro is disobedient. As fellow colleagues, please quickly agree to my terms, otherwise, the next one is the website of the masturbation team." After hanging up his name, Zhang Yang quickly left the Defense Department. The website, then directly transferred to the official website of the Japan Self-Defense Force, directly into the infected insects.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang turned directly to the official website of other major Japanese government ministries. After quickly infecting all the infective insects with these systems, Zhang Yang was considered a close up. When Chapter 186 was uncomfortable That's right (on), Zhang Yang didn't have live infections, just let the infections lurk in, just in case.

When Zhang Yang finished all this, he opened the website of the Heimen Forum again. At this moment, whether it is domestic or foreign, the Internet is completely lively. Miyamoto Ijijiro did not respond to Zhang Yang’s words, and all the hackers are waiting. Look at the excitement, in fact everyone think about what gd will do with the Japanese politics.

Although hackers are not invincible, but if a super hacker really targets a website, no matter what type of website this website is, it will definitely be overwhelmed. The silence of Miyamoto iǎjiro and the resignation of Hashimoto Sanrou illustrate this problem.

After waiting for a long time, the official website of the National Information Security Center of Japan has not changed. Just after everyone thought that gd really gave up today, and tomorrow will shift the target to the Japanese financial system, these idle and boring hackers immediately found several defense agencies 'S website was hacked and replaced with a new announcement.

A look at the commenters below, everyone has a feeling of crying and laughing, is gd really crazy today? Or is gd an angry youth? Otherwise, why not have a lot of trouble with Japanese politics? Everyone no longer has to guess which country the gd is from. I am afraid that this style of behavior will not be from a second country.

But for the "special" requirement of gd, everyone is really speechless. Throughout the ages, the so-called people do not fight against officials. Although it is put into modern society, this may be a lot smaller, especially in the field of hackers. The hackers who play against the political fǔ website are not the first of the gd. Kevin Mitte. Nick, if it wasn't for a carelessness to let the FBI catch him, I'm afraid Kevin will also be scorched by the FBI and the CIA.

But, no matter which hacker, I am afraid that everyone will see the suspects want their own money for the first time, right? However, if you think about it carefully, everyone understands that gd is playing Japanese politics. If you really agree to his request like gd, wouldn’t it be a compromise to a hacker?

But if you don’t agree, what if gd really starts with the financial system? The foreign exchange market cannot tolerate hackers. Although it is said that such a place must have data backup, even if it is hacked by a hacker, it will not affect it, but not everyone understands this. Once panic is triggered, it will cause disaster. It's not a little bit.

Less than a last resort, all political parties will not make fun of the financial system. The reason why Zhang Yang dared to play like this has two purposes. First of all, Bai Su is next to Zhang Yang. The more Zhang Yang’s gd on the Internet plays, the higher his suspicion. Anyway, those who tracked it were impossible to find Zhang Yang. You must know that Zhang Yang's current two levels are two satellites, and the first external firewall is the NASA network system.

If someone wants to track down, skipping a springboard for Zhang Yang, the next step is the NASA network system. These security personnel are different from other hackers. When they track down, they must take into account the influence of political fǔ. It is impossible to go unscrupulously. The system of important ministries in other countries will lead to international disputes, so it is impossible for these security personnel to find publicity.

Thirdly, Zhang Yang is actually experimenting with the ability to infect insects. After the infection is mutated, Zhang Yang fully understands that this infected insect is actually blunt. Even if Zhang Yang now re-copy all the works he has done, I am afraid that he will not get it. Another same virus, there are too many coincidences and accidents to get such a thing.

Just like the advanced technology in history, many were produced in an accident, and then it was impossible to re-synthesize such a thing for a long time. Until the technical reserve reached a certain critical point, then this limit will not be exceeded.

After several experiments, Zhang Yang is more and more satisfied with the infectious insects born under this accident. It can be said that now the infecting insects and the mother nest have almost become two artifacts in Zhang Yang’s hands, although Zhang Yang will not be in the entire hacker world. Invincible, but it will definitely allow Zhang Yang to reach a place where he is more ambitious than his last life.

In fact, Zhang Yang has now exceeded the limits of his previous life. However, in summary, the last hapless object is Japanese politics. There is no way, who would let them dare to count themselves? Although I don't know which hapless egg gave me the top tank, but anyway, it was under the name of his gd, Zhang Yang could not make them comfortable.

As for the Japanese Ministry of Information, Zhang Yang hasn't even thought about it. When the Ministry of Information of other countries comes in, the first thing that must be dealt with is National Security. National Security is responsible for this. He will not care why you came in the end. In addition, Guo'an can't find Zhang Yang. Is it possible for the Japanese Ministry of Information?

You know, they can’t mobilize a lot of domestic resources. Now even Guo’an is being looked at by Zhang Yang to an unpredictable person. Zhang Yang is like a fish put back into the sea. . Sea and sky

Soon, the official website of the Defense Agency also recovered, ripped off the announcement issued by Zhang Yang, and then posted the same announcement as the official website of the National Information Security Center of Japan, that is, this site was just hacked. But who was it, and there was obviously a publicity hanging there, but these two websites were stupid and stupid.

What Zhang Yang did not know is that now the entire Japanese hacker community has been rioting. Because of Zhang Yang’s toss, these people have been linked together. The hacker community in each country has a circle, and then this circle is in contact with other countries. The hacker has another circle, these circles gather together, and finally entangled to form a circle of hackers all over the world.

Just after Zhang Yang wondered whether he would continue to hack several websites of Japanese politics, many hackers in the Japanese hacker community started, and these people rushed directly to major domestic official websites. Obviously, these Japanese hackers Want to play Wei Wei Zhao. The problem is that now it is not just Japanese hackers who are united together. Domestic hackers are going crazy because of gd, and these hackers are also screamed by the sting of ji.

It can be said that these hackers did not go crazy with the gd under this kind of sting. First, because they did not have the technology, they could not guarantee that they could get rid of the Japanese government’s master tracking. Second, because of the action of gd. All The Japanese government’s website has improved the security level. It can be said that there are a lot of security personnel on guard during the twenty-fourth day. Their technology is not enough. Naturally, they don’t have the strength to hack. Only gd can do it. To.

Even the depressed GD hiding in the back has been a little fascinated by the past few days, almost impulsively followed the gd to go crazy, but then GD still refrained, think about the jiā episodes that happened with the animal two times before, and finally GD decided to bear with it when he almost ended up depressed. Others are Martians, but we are humans, not suitable for survival on Mars.

Anyway, although it is only gd who is hands-on, in fact, a large number of hacker groups have gathered in the Internet industry in Japan, not only in China, but many hackers in Europe and the United States are watching lively. So many people are paying attention to this network, and although everyone's technology is high-end, but so many people are monitoring the network, so many hackers in Japan can't hide their actions.

Almost Japanese hackers have just rushed to several official websites in China. The domestic hackers knew that they had been tried by gd stabbing, but everyone was a little bit uncomfortable and didn’t dare to go as gd ā, but now it is actually bullied by people, **** it, is it okay? At the moment, many hackers almost immediately copied the software and rushed to the battlefield.

The whole network was hot immediately, and there was another "blooming storm" on the network. GD and others were speechless to gd. This beast was triggered by two hacking wars within half a month. The hacking wars on the network, The result is not just that you lose or win. Although most of the data on the network is virtual data, but the outbreak of such a large-scale struggle, the final loss is still not a number.

Even so many domestic rookie hackers can know the actions of so many hackers. Zhang Yang will not be unaware of it. Unlike last time, Zhang Yang was discovered at the beginning of their actions. When he discovered the movements of these people, Zhang Yang sneered immediately. LGBD, since you dare to start, don't blame Lao Tzu's hands.

Zhang Yang quickly started to hit the keyboard. In fact, although Zhang Yang did not expect a step, he was also prepared, so Zhang Yang was ready for the future. If you want to invade, then you need to have an internet connection. If you don’t have an internet connection, you invade a fart, so you don’t care about the Japanese hackers who entered the country, but just start copying these people.

From Japan to the country, there are only three routes. These three routes are the submarine cables connecting the two countries. Because Zhang Yang connects from satellites and then launches a springboard in the United States, his network is the submarine cables from the United States to Japan. It was almost a circle around the earth before coming back, so Zhang Yang did not hesitate to start.

There is a main server in the place where the submarine optical cables are connected in each of the two countries, but Zhang Yang did not have the idea of ​​playing this main server. That thing is like a nuclear weapon, and it is easier to go wrong. Zhang Yang does not want to let the Japanese government fǔ dog jump the wall, but After the submarine optical cable is landed on the main server, it will pass through the network operators of each country, for example, China is the server of telecommunications and network, and then it will be connected to the domestic network.

Zhang Yang's goal directly hit the server of the Japanese network provider. Here, Zhang Yang has already placed a trap. Almost when these Japanese hackers began to fight in twos and threes, Zhang Yang began to act. By repeatedly computing huge amounts of data instantly, the CPUs of several major servers are almost at a terrible speed, and then dropped and calculated again and again. Inside these servers, the CPU directly exploded a series of fires and burned directly. .

All Japanese IPs need to go through the Japanese network operator server before they enter the country through the submarine optical cable. When the transit servers of these major network operators are destroyed, the large-scale Japanese hackers immediately As a rule, it is usually dropped directly.

The huge attack flow just now reduced by more than 80% almost instantaneously, and the rest is just like Zhang Yang in other countries, and then through other countries to enter the country to visit, such people Zhang Yang naturally have no way Stop, he is not a god, it is impossible to kill all the servers in Japan, that is unrealistic.

Everyone had sharpened their swords and prepared to do a big fight, but who knows that when one side just entered the battlefield, it disappeared directly, leaving a part, and the other side immediately dumbfounded. Many domestic hackers are dumbfounded at the disappearing enemies. What is the situation? Is it that the other party is just playing tricks? But it's not like it.

Almost no one can react to this situation. Although it is across the Internet, everyone is with big eyes. This is the case of Shenma A! ! ! ;




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