The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 187: It’s just right (Chinese)

Chapter 187 is just right (Part 2)

Chapter 187 is just right (Part 2)

Not only are domestic hackers a little ignorant, even many hackers in Japan are completely ignorant, everyone is preparing to launch an attack, but whoever thought of prompting that the network connection was interrupted, when everyone tried to log in again, found that all None of the Chinese websites can be opened, only a few can be opened reluctantly, but the speed of access is also slow like a snail. ;

In fact, not only hackers in China and Japan, but also many European and American hackers have been engaged in Japan. After discovering that Japanese hackers are preparing to go to China, these European and American hackers will naturally prepare to follow. Look at the excitement, who knows, just right with the 187th chapter in the past (center), they encountered the same problem as the Japanese hackers.

It has to be said that apart from some really rookie rookies, there are still smart people. Most of the hackers did not respond at first, but when they tried to revisit, they found that they could not access the Chinese website. But there is no problem with his own network connection. Some brains reacted quickly, and some people started to work on the submarine optical cable.

Waiting to understand what happened, everyone could not help but yell, who is this TD, so ruthless? Generally speaking, when hackers attack each other, there is very little idea to play the main optical cable. After all, this is like a nuclear weapon. Whoever starts first will easily cause revenge and the final result is that everyone has no fun to play.

Therefore, everyone usually ignores this as if it is an unspoken rule, but in fact it is more often because these main servers are used, it is easy to attract the high attention and tracking of various national intelligence departments. The gains outweigh the gains, after all, who doesn't want to be stared at as soon as they go online.

Everyone is a human being, and when someone makes mistakes, in case you don’t feel good about Chapter 187, you’re right. (Middle) You’re stared at, is that not a tragedy? Everyone still consciously abides by these unspoken rules, but now some people have started to work on this thing, is it okay? Many hackers immediately began to confirm the situation. If the main server was really attacked, then they would have to retaliate back.

But soon, this part of the people who know the existence of the main server of the submarine optical cable discovered that the main server is not a problem. The problem is the transfer server of the domestic network provider. This has little to do with that. After realizing that a master shot, everyone thought of a person.

You haven’t forgotten how this incident happened, isn’t it because gd is too arrogant in Japan, will it cause revenge by Japanese hackers? Unexpectedly, a large number of Japanese hackers just prepared to fight back, so gd directly copied the back path.

At this time, the expressions on the faces of all the people who are informed have become different. For European and American hackers, apart from their admiration for gd, they have been partly disdainful and partly eager to try. The general attitude of most people It is still mostly gloating, after all, this matter is ultimately the Japanese Ministry of Information to provoke gd, and then provoke gd to come in revenge.

It's just that everyone didn't expect gd's patience to be so good. It takes more than half a month for a toss, and there is still a growing trend.

The domestic hackers responded a little slower, but some people reacted quickly. Naturally, these Japanese hackers cannot disappear for a large part for no reason. Once they disappear, it is very likely that even if there is a problem with the network. When most of the Japanese hackers were cleaned up by Zhang Yang, the rest of these people naturally could not stop the domestic Chinese masters from uniting, and they were swept away at once.

At the moment, Zhang Yang blacked the official website of the National Information Security Center of Japan, which is the sixth time. The security personnel of the National Information Security Center of Japan are almost crying. If it is not really impossible to contact Zhang Yang, these people really want to tell gd, God, you have played well, it’s time to withdraw, it’s begging you .

Watching gd come in six out of six at the National Information Security Center of Japan, to be honest, even the lively hackers have a little sympathy for the security personnel responsible for this site, and it’s embarrassing to be able to persist for so long without crashing . After all, whoever exhibits this kind of thing may have an urge to die.

But seeing gd's latest announcement, even if these European and American hackers completely began to take away their gloating thoughts, they began to sympathize with these Japanese hackers.

"Dear rookies, please, play at home, don't run, what if you run and knock down your friends? Even if you can't hit your friends, stepping on uāuā grass is not good. By the way, tell the website by the way You don’t have to worry about the security staff, this is the last time I hacked your website, I’m so embarrassed, although you are so enthusiastic, I’m also a little embarrassed. I’ll change places next time, I heard You guys are good. I just found a few classics. It is said that the skills of the masturbation team are also good, so everyone will come to see Kazakhstan together."

Looking at this message, everyone began to mourn for these people, but more people thought that gd was enough, it was like you ran into someone's house~~~jiān got his wife, and finally waited for her husband After returning, he **** his husband again, and in front of others, he came over to his wife again. This is simply a luluǒ play, and it is estimated that the individual can't stand it.

Now everyone understands it, just that gd did it.

It's not just these lively hackers who are silent for Japanese hackers at this moment. At this moment, the black eagle looked at gd's back and forth movements, almost like Miyamoto iǎjiro, vomiting blood and fainting. In fact, because of the gd, Black Hawk has probably guessed that Japanese hackers must take action, so the security level of major domestic official websites has been raised to a state of emergency.

Just now Japanese hackers flooded in. How could the Bureau of Network Supervision not know, but Black Hawk was a little surprised that so many Japanese hackers just flooded in, and most of them disappeared all at once, and the rest was quickly Was swept away by domestic hackers.

Blackhawk’s response is naturally much faster than these hackers. After all, his men have dedicated analysts. These people have just handed the intelligence to Blackhawk, and Zhang Yang’s announcement was issued. Looking at the latest announcement by gd, Black Hawk scolded the dog **** in his heart, and didn't know to worry about him.

You said that you just copied the backs of these hackers. You don’t have to talk. It is estimated that these hackers will calm down and will not come again, but you come out like this, is this not a typical fire? And this guy not only molested the National Information Security Center of Japan, but also piggybacked on to the Defense Agency and the official website of the Self-Defense Force. Moreover, I am afraid that no one thought that the Self-Defense Force in the gd announcement was wrong.

I'm afraid that the word in the middle is written like that for gd. After watching several pictures and movies on the official website of the team, Black Hawk also began to mourn for his peers. At the same time, Black Hawk felt a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he was investigating the matter of gd. I am afraid that gd does not know yet. Otherwise, the gd will come to such a place on his own site, and the Black Hawk is probably the same as Hashimoto Saburo.

As the Black Hawk thought, most Japanese hackers were prepared to accept the reality after being suddenly brought back by gd. They were ready to accept the reality. In reality, it's still a matter of washing.

But I didn't expect that gd is just enough to hit the face. After the fight, I still have to ridicule. This time, the hackers who were originally grieved and angry at the game and were ready to accept the reality can't stand it anymore. As the saying goes, it is bearable. Unbearable, even if we can't beat you, is it okay to cause trouble to others?

And you are not a panacea? Okay, you got rid of the submarine fiber optic cable transfer server in Japan and China, we can't log in directly, but since you can log in to gd in Japan, then we can naturally. At the moment, these Japanese hackers are a little crazy, and they are crazy again.

As soon as these Japanese hackers started, Zhang Yang was happy, and he couldn't help but whispered something to let you see the excitement, and I let you see the excitement. "Zhang Yang's words were not addressed to Japanese hackers, nor to domestic hackers, but to those European and American hackers who watched the lively period. During this time, many European and American hackers followed the scene like watching monkeys. Zhang Yang looked at them a little uncomfortable.

If these Japanese hackers still want to visit the Chinese website, of course, there is no way out. The first nature is like Zhang Yang. Log in to the United States from Japan first, then find it in the United States, and then through the United States and then through China and the United States submarine optical cable to log in to China.

Another part was turned to Russia, and transferred to Russia, but no matter which country was transferred, anyway, the European and American countries are the most. The problem is that the number of Japanese hackers gathered is quite large, although Most of the technology is average, but there are also many good players The problem is that so many hackers need to switch to battle, which has serious problems. First of all, go to the United States to find the United States first. I want to invade, but so many European and American hackers are watching lively. Although Japanese hackers are looking for Chinese hackers, you can’t invade our server in front of us?

This is like you wanting to go to the wife of your enemies, but you can’t go face to face, you have to go from the neighbor’s house, but when you go from the neighbor’s house, you have to go smoothly and even the neighbor’s wife is rude. , Can the neighbors make it?

The European and American hackers who were just happily sullied now were a little bit uncomfortable. Everyone couldn't help but cursed the gd. At that time, the curse was cursed, just like what was said above. It's hilarious, but Nima's, can't you be rude to my wife? Although the disaster suffered was innocent, these European and American hackers could not resist at all.

accurate? It's just right. Zhang Yang looked at this coquettish situation and immediately lost his heart and heart. A! ! ! ;




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