The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 188: That’s right (below)

Chapter 188 is just right (Part 2)

Chapter 188 is just right (Part 2)

Because of gd, the intelligence departments responsible for cybersecurity in various countries are paying attention to this incident. When Japanese hackers want to pass through other countries and the hackers in these countries fight back, the intelligence ministers responsible for cybersecurity in various countries will almost The chin fell.

The same is true for Black Hawk, who opened his mouth. Black Hawk finally had to say that gd is really a demon. At this time, not only Chinese and Japanese hackers are lively, but almost all the world is going to be lively, especially in the United States, Russia, and India, which are countries with direct optical cable connections to China.

To be honest, Zhang Yang also had some surprises. He didn't expect Chapter 188 to be upset (below). Finally, it will develop to this point, and there will be a hacker war all over the world. This time, the hacking war covering such a large area will not only alarm hackers, in fact, all major companies with business in the network have strengthened their own security levels, especially the major security companies, even working overtime overnight

No way, almost all the customers of major security companies have called to ask the major security companies responsible for their company's security business to send technical personnel in the past. The problem is that although each security company is said to be an international security giant, its annual profit is also There are quite a lot, but where to find so many people?

"A sneeze" "A sneeze" Zhang Yang even sneezed several times and sneezed his nose. Zhang Yang said a bit depressed. Who is this nagging me? "In fact, there are more people who are nagging, and if grievances can be seen, some people will find out in space at this time, almost all over the world, grievances are skyrocketing, and most of them go to gd, also It was directed at Zhang Yang.

It is estimated that this is the largest collective curse activity, right? I wonder if I can apply for the Guinness World Records. Even Gao Gang couldn't help but whisper gd in his heart, there is no way to get rid of Chapter 188 (below), most security companies in the world have obtained the matrix security technology authorization, although It’s just a special kill, but there’s no reason why everyone is busy, letting you matrix idle safely, right?

What's more, because last time, Matrix Security recaptured many large customers from Baiying Security, and especially Matrix Security's personal business development speed is very fast. For more than half a month, Matrix Security Three server groups have been added. The last hacking war gave Matrix Security the best publicity, plus Matrix Security’s personal antivirus software was completely free, and Zhang Yang had some experience copying back from his last 360.

Therefore, this kind of software that meets the actual needs of the majority of users is naturally very popular. Now that such a big thing has happened, even those large customers of Matrix Security will not require Matrix Security to send technical personnel because of this matter. Matrix Security’s technical department also has You have to work overtime collectively and wait in the company in case something special happens.

It is most appropriate to use this word to describe the situation in the world at this moment. For various reasons, the hacker war that bō has risen is like a Mars thrown into the oil barrel. It was originally Japanese hackers and Chinese hackers, Japanese hackers and European and American hackers. The conflict between the hackers, but then, some rookie rooks came out and started to pound, and because of the sensation caused by this thing in the hacker world around the world, all kinds of hidden masters also appeared.

This is the best description of the new hatred and the old hate coming together. There is also a contradiction between the hackers. Well, the whole world immediately sets it. And the bad luck is the server group of each company. There is no way. Which of these hackers does not have to be calculated according to the standard of GD. If the strength of GD is counted as a five-star, then the strength of Zhang Yang can now be exaggerated. Said it is a six-star, and considered a seven-star master. But around four stars in the world, the number of hackers at almost that level adds up to at least one thousand.

Those below four stars will not be mentioned, but it is not to say that these hackers below four stars will not be threatened. Anything, a large number of them will cause qualitative changes. Even if it is a lot of rookies, one person downloads an invasion written by a master. I am afraid that the software will cause trouble for these companies.

Although this close to a thousand masters is impossible to be all online, it is not a pity if such a large-scale "collective activity" of the hacker world is missed? Many hackers rushed in with a vest wearing this idea and joined in the excitement. Anyway, the various intrusions did not use their real IDs at all. They all wore the vest in the muddy water mō fish and lived free. Take off a bunch of wolves in sheep's clothing.

"Me, this bitch." In the chat room, suddenly GD couldn't help but screamed, Shenyue and other people all looked at each other calmly, and there was very little such emotional expression.

"What's wrong?" Or Lan Mo first asked.

"It's okay, I just came across an ID called Big mimi. This guy actually attacked me and stuffed me with several G movies, LBGD, guess who?" GD couldn't help but scolded.

"Who?" Everyone looked at each other a little bit, although they said that there were only seven people in their circle, but the seven of them are in a relatively good relationship. It does not mean that the hackers they know are only each other. In fact, they reach the level of GD. Domestically, there are many people in the world of hackers.

"Fuck, it's that **** QRT." GD couldn't help but screamed depressed.

"Uh..." Everyone choked, everyone knows QRT, this guy is more of a British hacker, but they have a relationship with GD. The problem is that this powerful guy is quite strange, he likes it the most. The thing to do is to start with your friends.

"Big mimi? Me, this guy is as usual." Shenyue couldn't help but scream. In fact, the situation encountered by GD at this moment is common in the world at this moment, and many people will be suddenly popped up The master was taken aback, and then he found that this master was someone he knew well.

That’s it, completely. In this case, let alone Zhang Yang's eyes, the head of the intelligence department of Blackhawks has a feeling of helplessness. There are a lot of network security staff in each country, but there are certainly not many real masters. Where to go, but at the moment this kind of attack that spreads over all networks, I am afraid that there will be no more staff than busy?

Not to mention anything else, even in countries like Africa, where the network infrastructure is quite backward, hackers ran over and wandered around. Relatively speaking, although there have been many intrusion incidents on China's network, it is relatively "quiet" compared to other countries. Zhang Yang was bored for a while.

There are naturally a lot of people who see gd being idle. Although everyone is quite unhappy about this situation, but no matter how uncomfortable they are, there is no way they can. The situation in front of me is not shifted by personal will. Everyone can only look at it depressed. Instead, the culprit of all this, gd, was there to watch the excitement.

The knocking sound of "bang" suddenly rang in the living room, Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and then quickly shut down his programs quickly. Fortunately, he had nothing to do at this time, and there was nothing to turn off these programs. After the main system was hidden, Zhang Yang switched to another linu system, and then opened several scanning software, blind on the network

"Is Zhang Yang here?" Bai Su's voice came from the living room.

"Here." I didn't expect it was Bai Su, but Zhang Yang had already pretended to be disguised, so he immediately shouted.

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, Bai Su immediately walked in from the living room and saw Zhang Yang sitting in front of the computer with a scanner or something. Bai Su immediately smiled and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What can I do, my apprentice provokes such a big thing. Of course, I, a master, can't look on. I'm watching lively on the Internet." Zhang Yang said with a smile. During this time, Zhang Yang has been learning "invasion knowledge" with Bai Su. Therefore, Zhang Yang knows these things without having to hide from Bai Su.

Because of the previous gd intrusion incidents, Zhang Yang and gd committed serious inconsistency, so Bai Su has obviously shifted the focus.

"Oh, you are here, I just knew about it." Looking at Zhang Yang's screen, Bai Su felt a sigh of emotion. It was Zhang Yang's time to study in the summer vacation, which is three or four months. Zhang Yang's current computer Technological progress is so fast, I am afraid that it has an inseparable relationship with his apprentice gd.

During this time, Zhang Yang has been studying with her. Bai Su naturally knows how amazing Zhang Yang's progress is. Without knowing Bai Su, she knows that Zhang Yang is not only studying with her, but is still making trouble with the current Internet. gd learning.

Otherwise, Zhang Yang's level of progress cannot be so fast, especially his talents in software and cracking encryption make Bai Su, a self-proclaimed genius, a bit ashamed.

For this situation, there is no good way for the Black Hawk who received the report from Bai Su. GD is willing to do anything, and they can’t stop it. However, since GD is willing to teach a master apprentice, Black Hawk will not object, anyway, this apprentice The network supervision bureau already knows and has a good relationship with him. It is possible that the apprentices of gd will be recruited into the network supervision bureau in the future, so gd will naturally not trouble him.

Black Hawk is a good idea, but Black Hawk may never think that gd and Zhang Yang are the same person. And Zhang Yang's talents in software writing and encryption cracking have surprised Blackhawk a little, because a security tracker, that is, the nickname given to these intelligence departments by hackers, commonly known as the hunter, is cracking the encryption. The field must be highly talented, if you want to track others, traps set by others, etc., you will naturally have to crack.

For this Black Hawk did not hesitate to include Zhang Yang as a backup key training target, but I am afraid that Black Hawk could not have imagined that Zhang Yang could never go to the Internet Supervision Bureau to work for him.

"I came to tell you something." Bai Su hesitated before speaking.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yang turned around and looked at Bai Su sitting there, asking strangely.

"Uh, it's like this, because there are things in my family, I might have to quit school." Bai Su said calmly.

Withdraw from school? Zhang Yang immediately understood in his heart, I am afraid that Bai Su's mission is over. Since he is not their goal, then there is no need for surveillance. Perhaps the so-called suspension of school is the end of the task?

"How long? Can't you never come? Is something wrong at home? What, if I need money, I still have a little bit." Zhang Yang understood, but he could only figure out that he was confused. A! ! ! ;




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