The Strongest Hacker

: 189 Finally relaxed

189th finally relaxed

189th finally relaxed

"Oh, it's okay, thank you." Bai Su smiled reluctantly, thinking about his situation, Bai Su quickly recovered his emotions, looked at Zhang Yang seriously, and Bai Su said, "I hope to see you again in the future." you."

"Me too, when are you leaving? I invite you to dinner and see you off." Zhang Yang nodded seriously. He had wanted to add a sentence to his heart. We will never see you again. If we say goodbye, there must be no good thing. But think about it, in addition to Bai Su's identity, this girl still listened well for more than half a month, so Zhang Yang thought about it.

"No, if you have a chance, I'll invite you to dinner. I finally got rid of it for a hundred and eighty-ninth. I have no time, and my things have been sent away. Say hello, I've been to Keqing just now." Bai Su shook his head slightly and said sadly.

Zhang Yang also felt Bai Su's emotions. Although he didn't understand why Bai Su would become this profession, but everyone has his own ambitions and Zhang Yang couldn't say anything.

"Then I'm gone, goodbye." Bai Su stood up from above and said with a hand extended.

"Well, goodbye. I'll send you." Zhang Yang nodded, stood up, reached out and shook hands with Bai Su.

"No, just stay in the room, someone will pick me up." Bai Su smiled at Zhang Yang. Suddenly Bai Su held Zhang Yang's hand and put Zhang Yang directly in front of her. Bai Su leaned up together, gnked on Zhang Yang's left cheek, then turned around and ran away.

Zhang Yang was stunned. Zhang Yang didn't recover until the dormitory in the living room heard a "bang". After recovering from God, Zhang Yang couldn't help mō where mō's face was ěn, and gave a bitter smile. What's going on? Could it be that after the one-hundred eighty-ninth was finally relaxed for almost a month, his character broke out? Make Bai Su like himself?

Zhang Yang would rather believe that Bai Su was just a parting ěn, simple ěn, nothing else, and soon the sound of opening came, and Li Keqing's voice also rang, Zhang Yang hurried out and walked out to the dormitory , Saw Li Keqing, Li Yuxuan and Fang Shaoyun three came in from outside.

Seeing Zhang Yang coming out, the three men were stunned, Fang Shaoyun's face instantly became extremely weird, and Li Keqing and Li Yuxuan froze for a moment, a trace of anger flashed on Li Yuxuan's face, and Li Keqing was back to normal There was no expression on his face, and the three felt weird. Zhang Yang looked at the three suspiciously and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong? We still want to ask what happened to you," Li Yuxuan asked angrily.

"Uh? What are you doing? Exploded?" Zhang Yang choked, where did Li Yuxuan get so angry? Zhang Yang's gaze involuntarily turned to Fang Shaoyun. Fang Shaoyun stood behind two nv and couldn't help squeezing his eyebrows, but how could Zhang Yang understand Fang Shaoyun's body language, Li Yuxuan immediately found Zhang Yang's gaze, and turned back and immediately glared Fang Shaoyun. : "What are you doing? What's up to you here, and staying there."

Fang Shaoyun immediately choked, and honestly stepped back a few steps. When he stepped back, Fang Shaoyun gave Zhang Yang a self-assured look.

Halo, Zhang Yang didn't understand the situation at all, this was all done. Li Yuxuan was just about to say something, Li Keqing stretched out her hand and pulled her: "Fine Yuxuan." After that, Li Keqing took out the handkerchief from his pocket, then walked to Zhang Yang and took it up to Zhang Yang's left Face, and then said: "Bai Su is also true, is it not afraid of causing our misunderstanding."

Li Keqing's movement made Zhang Yangmeng react. I don't need to think, Zhang Yang knows what Li Keqing wiped. No wonder Li Yuxuan and Fang Shaoyun are this movement. It turns out that there is a lipstick mark left by Bai Su on his face. This nv person, Lin If you leave, you will have a stumbling block for yourself, day.

Zhang Yang was full of depression, wiped the seal on Zhang Yang's face, and looked at Zhang Yang's depressed expression on his face. Li Keqing couldn't help but laughed and said, "I didn't see it, you are still popular."

Li Keqing's attitude embarrassed Zhang Yang for a while and didn't know how to talk. No matter if it is changed to any other nv person, this reaction is impossible. Li Yuxuan and Fang Shaoyun next to him were even more incredible. For a long time, Li Yuxuan came over and took Li Keqing's hand and said: "Ke Qing, how can you do this, you can get used to you, and one day you will spoil him ."

"Okay, you don't know Zhang Yang's personality, how can he and Bai Su be able to talk about it, and you don't know Bai Su's person yet? It's estimated that he's gone, and finally Zhang Yang is just angry." Li Keqing said with a smile Instead, she comforted Li Yuxuan.

"Forget it, I'm speechless, just the two of you. I don't care anymore. Let's go first." Li Yuxuan rolled his eyes. The reactions of Li Keqing and Zhang Yang were far beyond her expectations. Li Keqing was not angry. And Zhang Yang did not explain the endlessly like ordinary boys. Obviously, the trust between the two is far beyond the imagination of others.

Fang Shaoyun quickly gave Zhang Yang an eye and followed Li Yuxuan away. "Ke Qing, come." After the two left, Zhang Yang took Li Keqing's hand back to his room.

"Ke Qing... I..." Zhang Yang hesitated, and thought it was better to explain.

"Okay, don't say it, I believe you, there is nothing to explain, I have confidence in myself." Li Keqing said with a smile.

"Yeah." Zhang Yang nodded and didn't explain it. Just like Li Keqing said, she believed that she would do it, so there was nothing to explain. But Bai Su was gone, and he was completely relaxed. He didn't have to worry about how to toss and toss in the future.

Li Keqing actually had something to do with Bai Su's departure. The two people chatted for a while before Zhang Yang sent Li Keqing back to the dormitory. Before returning to his computer, Zhang Yang saw the robot placed next to his computer. It was the first thing he did with Li Keqing himself. Unfortunately, Li Keqing didn't go to the robot community in the end, and this thing could only stay here as a spare in Zhang Yang.

Sitting in front of the computer again, Zhang Yang turned on the computer and looked at the situation. At this moment, the entire network is completely thorough. Only the domestic situation is relatively relatively good. Looking at the situation, it is estimated that it will be fine after a while. Zhang Yang opened the game of disordered array and started to pass. This game is too great, especially in the place of B. Obviously, there are some rules, otherwise, it is absolutely mortal.

There is a reminder level before entering level B. There are no enemies in it, but there are only four reminder buttons. Zhang Yang has directed Mary one by one to jump up and check it, all of which are very formulaic prompts. But Zhang Yang always felt that there was no key point in this place. Quickly instructing Mary to jump around in front of the four prompt buttons. Suddenly Zhang Yang’s eyes narrowed. When he jumped unconsciously, he suddenly found out, If you read the four hints in reverse, it seems to be the programming code.

After hesitating for a while, Zhang Yang quickly opened C++, and then carefully entered the characters of the four sentences directly into C++. When the last character was entered, Zhang Yang immediately affirmed that these four sentences were all codes. , But it is clear that even a hundreds of iǎ programs cannot be written in four sentences.

Careful research has deliberated on the role of these four sentences in the entire program, because Zhang Yang only has these four sentences, without the entire program, he is not able to determine exactly what role these four sentences play, but Zhang Yang has understood that these four lines of code are definitely an important part of an encryption algorithm. In short, the hint in the entire game may be an encryption algorithm.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yangmeng remembered that from the first level, there were many prompts for each level, and Zhang Yang immediately turned back and started to cross the level again. In fact, as long as you have passed once and you know where to hide, these levels will be very easy to pass. Next, Zhang Yang quickly wrote all the prompted sentences backwards to C++. Sure enough, these are all one-sentence codes.

Genius, write the code in these prompt statements, don’t say, these prompt statements are very logical and there is nothing wrong with them. Write all these prompts in the order they appear, and Zhang Yang found that This is not right.

When a software is running, even a wrong symbol in the code may cause the program to fail to run. Although Zhang Yang has proved that all sentences are programming code, the order between these codes is likely to be wrong, and there are some codes. There is a clear lack of logic between them and there is a clear lack of things between many codes.

In the Japanese, I don’t have to think about Zhang Yang knowing that although he has passed the level, he obviously didn’t find everything in this game. Everyone who has played the game of Super Mary knows that the real jīng essence is all kinds of dark piles. The things on the bright side are actually not fun, and in this version, the dark piles are extremely useful. If you really want to find all the secret piles of this game, Zhang Yang will understand that I am afraid that I have to drag back in the first level.

Slowly starting from the first level, you have to re-test everything, such as some hidden wells, Zhang Yang has to try to see if you can get in. Don't even say that this kind of tossing is just the first level. Zhang Yang tossed out seven hidden hidden piles. There are some tips in these hidden piles without exception.

Zhang Yang rolled his eyes in complete depression, but fortunately, he already knew how to get through, and it took a lot of thought to find these dark piles.

It wasn't until early in the morning that Zhang Yang almost found all the secret piles. The entire C++ has been filled with enough code statements, but these statements are still missing the most critical part. These places can't be guessed. Zhang Yang has tried to fill in the missing parts by himself, but this combination is infinite.

But although the key part is missing, Zhang Yang has also seen that this is indeed a new type of encryption algorithm, or that this is an encryption method, and it seems that it is to encrypt the file. With this algorithm, you can use Some files are encrypted into some codes, or other unrelated words and numbers.

Once again, I ran through all the levels before the first level B, and Zhang Yang did not find the missing part. "Sun" Zhang Yang couldn't help but screamed. He has been tossing this game all night, and the last bit of patience is almost worn out.

Depressed, Mary stepped on a turtle, and the turtle made a cry before dying. Looking at the letter that appeared on the screen, Zhang Yang's eyes suddenly lit up.

I don’t think so. Zhang Yang quickly and quickly made Mary step on another crow. A character fluttered on the crow’s head. Zhang Yang’s eyes were strange when he saw this character.

"Laozi counts you ruthlessly" Zhang Yang couldn't help but gesture a middle finger. Although he didn't know who was the target of this middle finger, Zhang Yang understood that it was a super. In this version of Super Marie, after the monster is trampled to death, random characters will appear on the head. At first, it is just publicized that this is only the author of this version who came out to tease the player's emotions.

But now it seems that this is not the case. Zhang Yang depressed and returned the game to the beginning, and then started a strange, a strange step on it, and then copied all the characters that appeared on their heads. When Zhang Yang tried his best to finally kill all the monsters in the first level and wrote out the characters that appeared on his head, Zhang Yang was already sure that he had guessed right.

But if Zhang Yang remembered correctly, these monsters were trampled to death, and the characters that appeared on the head appeared to appear randomly, but what is the rule, Zhang Yang had to step on again.

After restarting the game again, after stepping on the first crow, Zhang Yang quickly remembered the characters that came out of the crow's head, and then compared it with the one he just copied, Zhang Yang couldn't help but start talking. My grass is really like this

The pointer on the wall was jumping quickly. Zhang Yang struggled in front of the computer with red At five in the morning, Zhang Yang quickly pushed the keyboard to a piece, and then raised a roar. LGBD, it was finally over. When there were more than five iǎs, he abused them a total of eleven times. Finally, he confirmed that the characters that appeared on the iǎi's head took 9 cycles.

That is to say, there are nine sets of patterns. After connecting all these characters into a sentence, Zhang Yang finally got this complete program.

It's not easy, Zhang Yang almost burst into tears, and he was looking for something this evening. He was just being tortured. It was almost inhumane.

Put all the codes out, Zhang Yang ran the software composed of these codes, it is indeed an encryption algorithm, Zhang Yang analyzed it with his own analysis software, and soon sorted out the operation principle of this encryption algorithm and its encryption method. Came out.

After sorting it out, to be honest, Zhang Yang has been psychologically prepared, but this thing still gave Zhang Yang a big shock. This encryption algorithm is definitely more advanced than any one currently used in the world. A! ! ! ;




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