The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 190: Man (1)

Chapter 190 Men (1)

Chapter 190 Men (1)

Tossing this thing aside, Zhang Yang did not have any interest in experimenting, and went directly to the bed to sleep. ;

Time is like the rǔ ditch of nv people, and slowly it’s gone. As time gets closer and closer to the computer competition, Zhang Yang is getting busier, especially in special effects software, Zhang Yang has almost got a clue It’s just a pity that the computer resources needed are getting bigger and bigger, and Zhang Yang feels helpless.

Because after writing this way, when the final wait is completed, I am afraid that other computers except the super computer will not work at all. However, half of the writing has been done. Can't you just throw it like this? Chapter 190 Men (1) As for the software used to participate in the computer competition, Zhang Yang looked at the previous award-winning software, but in fact these award-winning software are not very practical.

At least I haven't heard of any famous software that was dug up in this competition. Zhang Yang has decided what software to use for the competition. That is a professional system sorting software. As we all know, most people who play computer will not sort the system, and in the last life, before 360 ​​appeared, it was a headache for everyone to sort the computer. At present, the market is basically There is no software to organize the system.

Although Matrix Security has launched the latest software at the moment, although Zhang Yang told Gao Gang through gd’s mouth, he didn’t say exactly what Zhang Yang said was just some functions. For the finishing system, in fact, even The 360 ​​of the previous life is not quite complete.

Zhang Yang's software for organizing the system does not just remove system trash, but for all current systems on the market, it automatically detects the status of the system, detects whether the system is missing critical files, and helps users close some unused ones, but The processes, programs, ports, etc. that consume system functions are also included in Chapter 190 Men (1).

To the greatest extent, it can help users to organize the entire system thoroughly, even those who have just learned to use computers will use this software. Especially in the function of organizing the system, Zhang Yang's software has been thoroughly optimized. After a lot of people use the computer for a long time, they will find that the system's response speed becomes slower, and errors often occur.

This software will not only clean up the long-term accumulation of garbage, but also automatically exclude the damaged files of the system, and disk fragmentation.

It can be said that this software is based on Zhang Yang's experience of his two lifetimes and various optimization experiences of later generations. It is the most suitable solution for ordinary people.

It is not easy to make such a software. You must be very familiar with the system. Zhang Yang also added the software to detect hardware and automatically search for and update the hardware driver. In 2004, especially the hardware driver, still It is a headache for most people.

As for the registration of the computer contest, Tan Yudie helped Zhang Yang, Zhang Yang did not use his own hands, as for whether Zou Xiang would beat Zhang Yang himself, he was completely not worried. There were Tan Yudie, even if Zou Xiang His uncle is also the director of the Municipal Education Bureau.

The time is nearing mid-November, and in a few days it will be the computer contest. Zhang Yang has also completely relaxed. In the disordered array, Zhang Yang has broken through the first level of B, but after killing the first level of B The second level is completely different from the first level, at least Zhang Yang’s experience on the first level is completely useless.

However, Zhang Yang is already mentally prepared. Anyway, he is just as much as the first level. What else can he do?

Stopping the movements in his hand, Zhang Yang took a break, just preparing to get up to pour a glass of water, his cell phone suddenly rang. Take out the mobile phone placed on the table, it is a strange number, Zhang Yang paused, and then answered the phone. "Hello."

"It's me, Zhao Fei." Zhao Fei's voice came from the phone.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment. Since the last time he came out from which Song Zhaojun, the two have never seen each other, and in the middle Zhang Yang called Zhao Fei several times, and did not get through. I don’t know what he did. Unexpectedly, Zhao Fei took the initiative to call him.

"Good instructor." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, don't talk too much nonsense. You once said that if I need your help, I will talk. I need something to help you now, but tell me first, does your computer technology pass?" Zhao Fei did not greet him. ,Go straight.

Zhang Yang froze for a moment before nodding busy. Although Zhao Fei couldn't see it, Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Of course."

"Are you sure? This is not a joke." Zhao Fei's tone was very serious, and Zhang Yang couldn't help being serious.

"Affirmation." Zhang Yang said seriously, if there is anyone else who can let Zhang Yang disclose his identity, then Zhao Fei is one.

Anyway, even if he reveals his identity, Zhang Yang is not dangerous. The above is not to kill him, but to use his technology. But if Zhao Fei is in trouble and needs Zhang Yang's technology, Zhang Yang will do it without hesitation. Song Zhaojun's things, Zhao Fei did it without any hesitation.

"Okay, but I still have to remind you in advance about this matter. If you are here to help, you should be mentally prepared. I will do my best to ensure your safety, but I cannot guarantee it 100%." Zhao Fei's tone was low.

Zhang Yang immediately fell silent. Who was Zhao Fei and what job, Zhang Yang naturally knew that since Zhao Fei said so, then the danger in his mouth must be related to life safety. After a while, Zhang Yang nodded lightly. : "Instructor, tell me the location, I will go, but I have a request, if I can."

"You said." Zhao Fei asked directly.

"The things I helped, if possible, I hope you don't tell anyone when you report tasks." Zhang Yang tentatively asked if Zhao Fei could not take the initiative to report about him, it would be best.

"That's it?" Zhao Fei asked in surprise.

"That's it." Zhang Yang nodded heavily. Others promised that Zhang Yang couldn't believe it, but people like Zhao Fei wouldn't say it as long as they agreed.

"No problem, I agreed, you may have doubts, but the quality of our team is not the same as the special forces you think. So, you take a taxi to No. 22 Road, bring your tools, I need Your help, I will explain to you when you come." Zhao Fei agreed directly, and then told Zhang Yang an address.

The manly husband, who lives between heaven and earth, does something and does nothing. Hearing Zhao Fei agreed, Zhang Yang did not hesitate anymore, after hanging up the phone. Zhang Yang quickly tucked the phone into his pocket, then quickly saved the written software, and pulled the notebook next to it to start copying the software quickly.

Because I don't know what level of help Zhao Fei needs, but just in case, Zhang Yang copied all the software he could use into his computer.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yang put the notebook in his bag, then changed his clothes and went straight out. Walking into the corridor, hesitating a moment, Zhang Yang quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Li Keqing to let her out.

Li Keqing quickly came out of the dormitory and saw the publicity in the corridor. Li Keqing asked in surprise: "Where did you go in the middle of the night?"

Looking at Li Keqing in pajamas, hesitating a moment, Zhang Yang reached out and hugged her fiercely, and then took out all the bank cards in his body and stuffed them into Li Keqing's hands: "This is all my bank cards, My money is in it, and the password is your birthday." At this point, Zhang Yang lowered his head to Li Keqing's forehead before continuing: "The instructor is in trouble and needs me to help."

"You..." Li Keqing's face was in a state of consternation, and it was not clear what Zhang Yang meant, but Zhang Yang had let go of her, and quickly greeted her with her hand and said, "I'll go first, I'll be busy after a while. Phone." After that, Zhang Yang turned his head and ran away.

It was not until Zhang Yang disappeared deep in the corridor that Li Keqing recovered. Looking at the pile of bank cards in his hand, Li Keqing suddenly had a bad hunch. How did it feel like it was in Jiji? Otherwise, why do you give yourself a bank card? Li Keqing was shocked when the instructor who contacted Zhang Yang said was in a hurry, immediately raised uǐ and chased in the direction that Zhang Yang left.

After running a few steps, Li Keqing stopped her footsteps again. After hesitating for a while, she gritted her teeth and walked into her room worriedly.

When Zhang Yang ran out of the school entrance, he looked at the time. At 9:32 pm, Zhang Yang stopped a taxi and directly reported the place name that Zhao Fei said. The city H is so big. Zhao Fei said this. Zhang Yang has never been to the location, and he doesn't know where it is.

But the master looked back at Zhang Yang after he heard the place name Zhang Yang said. The taxi quickly entered the traffic, and Zhang Yang couldn't help but start to think about what kind of trouble Zhao Fei encountered. Based on the quality of Zhao Fei's army, even if it was not a special force, it was absolutely the same, but the specific What was it, Zhao Fei said that he would explain it to him when he arrived, and Zhang Yang did not understand.

More, what Zhang Yang thinks is what kind of trouble Zhao Fei can encounter. In an international metropolis such as City H, if he is looking for terrorists, criminals or the like, it certainly has nothing to do with Zhang Yang, he will not fight , But what exactly is the trouble, Zhang Yang really can't think of it.

The taxi was moving fast in the traffic, and Zhang Yang's emotions were still moving. At about 10:20, the taxi stopped and looked up at the window. Zhang Yang was surprised. This is actually a big detached villa, and it seems that there are villas around it.

After handing over the money to the Zhang Yang also dashed, and after dropping the next sentence without looking for it, he directly pushed off the car. According to the brand provided by Zhao Fei, Zhang Yang directly rang the bell.

Waiting for a while, suddenly clicked away from the inside, and it was Zhao Fei, but Zhao Fei was almost fully armed at the moment. Looking at the weapon in Zhao Fei’s hand, Zhang Yang had some scalp tingling .

"Come, come in." Seeing Zhang Yang coming, Zhao Fei smiled at Zhang Yang, and then let Zhang Yang into the house.

Entering the living room, Zhang Yang noticed that there were nine people in the living room, that is, the instructors that Zhang Yang had drunk with last time, counted together with Zhao Fei, a total of 10 people, but Yun Wei was the only one in it. And another person.

"How about Cloud Instructor?" Zhang Yang couldn't help asking.

"I will tell you this later, you sit down first, we still have time, I will tell you about this matter first." Zhao Fei patted Zhang Yang's shoulder, motioned him to sit down. A! ! ! ;




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