The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 195: Horror accident (on)

Chapter 195 Terrorist Accidents (Part 1)

Chapter 195 Terrorist Accidents (Part 1)

It’s okay to crack the error anyway. Zhang Yang simply entered the law of the cracking software he found, and then began to crack the encryption program. The cracking work was naturally given to the image and image processing components on the satellite 2 and satellite 1. Waiting for it to be more suitable for some basic analytical tasks, and the huge resources of the No. 2 satellite are more suitable for such tasks that need to be cracked.

With the law of publicity, no matter whether it is successful or not, the cracking process is very simple. The computer will calculate and crack according to the input law, so that it needs to carry out a lot of probabilities, especially with the super computer to the 100th. Chapter 95 Terrorist Accidents (Part 1) This kind of thing is probably a matter of minutes.

A crisp sound sounded, and the original sealed steel suddenly heard a soft sound, and then began to slowly move to the sides.

Although No. 4 was arranged there for the blasting required for directional blasting, there were still people watching Zhang Yang's side. After the "click" came out, Zhao Fei and others first got stunned and then reacted instantly. No. 9 responsible for Zhang Yang’s safety narrowed his eyes, drank his heart, and slammed Zhang Yang directly. Zhang Yang had not waited for a recovery, and the whole person was rushed to the wall next to it.

The notebook in his arms fell directly on the ground, before Zhang Yang had time to distress his notebook. The violent automatic sound of "Dada" started to swiftly start to sound, and Zhang Yang was crushed by the number 9 on the ground. Zhao Fei and their automatic rifles were all equipped with silencers, but with the automatic opening of the steel, the sound of bullets striking the steel could not stop.

The more powerful gunfire came from the steel. Obviously, apart from the 7 floors, there are security personnel on the 4th floor underground. Pressed by No. 9, Zhang Yang has no chance. Chapter 195 The Terrorist Accident (Part 1) will look up to see what the fighting between the two sides is like, but he can hear the screams of people from the roaring bullets. .

The violent gunshots sounded for about three minutes before they calmed down completely. After the gunshots stopped, No. 9 quickly rose from Zhang Yang and asked him, "No. 13, are you okay?"

"It's okay." While agreeing, he endured his violently beating heart, Zhang Yang stood up, Zhao Fei and they had walked out of their respective fighting places. From the appearance, they should be fine. On the 4th, they had already rushed Entering the steel, Zhang Yang's face was a little red, and the violent gunshot made his adrenaline secrete quickly, and his breathing did not stabilize until this moment.

When he recovered, Zhang Yang saw his notebook on the ground. This thing was the most important thing for whether he could go out. Zhang Yang rushed over quickly. Picking up the notebook from the ground, Zhang Yang was relieved. It is indeed a military notebook. If it fell, there was nothing at all. It was still operating normally. And the notebook was just upside down on the ground. It was already on the steel plate behind the notebook. With a pit, it is estimated that it was swept by stray bullets.

Picking up the notebook from the ground, Zhang Yang raised his head. As soon as he raised his head, Zhang Yang froze. The place where the notebook fell was exactly the junction of steel and the wall. When Zhang Yang picked up the notebook, his eyes just saw the inside of the corridor behind the steel.

There were six corpses lying inside. The bright red blood had completely stained the corridor. The head of the corpse closest to Zhang Yang was half removed by a bullet. The bright red blood and white uāuā's brain plasma merged together and flowed to the ground. A severe nausea, and a violent twitching of the stomach, the **** smell in the air seemed to be more unpleasant than some bad smells.

There was a squirm in the stomach, Zhang Yang almost did not hold back the direct vomiting spouting out, forced to endure severe discomfort, Zhang Yang quickly turned his head, directly pulled the data cable from his computer, and then directly rushed into the eye In the passage, until he ran to the 4th side of the innermost defense, Zhang Yang suddenly stopped and began to breathe heavily.

Weird No. 4 raised his head and glanced at Yang Yang, but soon turned his eyes back and began alerting the road ahead. Zhao Fei whispered in the back, and soon No. 2 and No. 3 also went to No. 4 and Zhang Yang to start vigilance. The sound of dragging the corpse came from behind, and the **** smell in the air seemed to be thicker, and Zhang Yang did not dare to look back.

Those responsible for security are all white, and according to their skill, I am afraid that they are all international mercenary organizations, but they must be some second-rate figures, otherwise the mercenaries of those famous mercenary companies will definitely It is impossible to pass through customs or smuggle into the country.

Soon, footsteps came from behind, and Zhao Fei walked to Zhang Yang's side, first gesturing to a few people around him, and after everyone started rushing in, Zhao Fei patted Zhang Yang's shoulder without saying much, but softly. Two words were spoken: "Let's go."

Zhang Yang nodded, followed Zhao Fei and No. 9 and immediately walked down. On the way, Zhang Yang's eyes scanned the roof of this floor unstoppably. On the ceiling of the corridor, there were two high-speed data lines with the thickness of two people's thumbs. To all places, there are definitely huge computers with amazing calculations, otherwise, it is impossible to use these things.

"The second floor is under control, and the other party seems to have evacuated all the personnel. We are advancing to the third floor." When Zhang Yang walked to the entrance of the stairway, the voice of the No. 2 report was already heard from the headset. There is no problem with the third layer. After the fourth layer, the environment in front of me has completely changed.

Just after the fourth floor, Zhang Yang discovered three high-power air-conditioning channels. Obviously, there are a large number of servers, and the area of ​​this floor is probably far beyond the other three floors. Turning from the corner of the passage, Zhang Yang is suddenly in front of him. The layout of the fourth floor exceeds Zhang Yang's imagination. Unlike the three floors above, it is more like a large underground parking lot.

Except for the main load-bearing beams, the rest are open spaces, and only a few of the obvious servers are separated by transparent glass. In the center of the lobby, there are several large screens, which should be the monitors of those servers.

More importantly, in the other two outer corners, there are some jīng secret instruments that Zhang Yang can’t understand. Looking at the scale and the degree of protection of these instruments, Zhang Yang knows that these instruments are definitely not simple, and their requirements for the environment Very demanding, Zhang Yang can't even understand how Pan-Asian Union did all this.

You know, this is not a foreign country, or those places in Africa with snakes and snakes. Such a huge underground laboratory can hide the above eyes and ears. This is really not what ordinary people can do. If you want to do this, I am afraid there is only one possibility...that is, some of these people also help cover up in China, otherwise, these things cannot appear for no reason.

At the moment, there were about seven or eight people standing in the middle of the entire fourth floor. These people did not have any unexpected expressions after they saw Zhao Fei. They just raised their hands quickly. Although the situation was somewhat unexpected, Zhao Fei did not relax his vigilance. After waving his hand, in addition to Zhao Fei, Zhang Yang, and No. 9 who were guarding the mouth, other people immediately entered the fourth floor and began to search quickly.



Reports from other players soon came from several corners of "Safety", and Zhao Fei was also surprised by the situation in front of him.

"Oh, it looks like you are the famous "embarrassment." The middle-aged man in his forties, who was clearly in the middle, said with a smile, he was not nervous at all.

Zhang Yang looked at Zhao Fei with some surprise, embarrassed? As the saying goes, embarrassment is jiān, which is not a good word. Zhao Fei did not answer, neither acknowledge nor deny, but just took a step forward: "Since you recognize us, then you should know the purpose of our coming, teach something, I will give you jiā related Handled by the Ministry."

"Haha...Wolf, are you stupid, or do you think I'm stupid? Is there any difference between dying now and dying in a while? Since you are here, I must have gotten some information, but it's a pity, though It is said that this contact point has been destroyed, but it is worthwhile to see the famous embarrassment." The middle-aged man smiled softly and said.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Fei didn't talk nonsense. He took two steps forward and stopped about seven or eight meters from the middle-aged man.

"Come and fetch it yourself. This time it was our miscalculation. I didn't expect that what I got at the price of two senior moles was indeed just fake information that had been trapped by people." Said with regret.

Zhang Yang didn't understand the conversation between them, but he probably could understand what it means. This senior mole should be regarded as a senior spy, right? As for the information they obtained, it should have been made by others. Otherwise, Zhao Fei could not appear here. Listening to this middle-aged person, Zhao Fei is obviously in some special ministry, so famous. It's just that this nickname is really not very nice.

"Okay, then the second question, what else is there?" Zhao Fei glanced at the middle-aged man and continued to ask.

"If you have the ability, you can find it yourself. Didn't you bring in a very good computer expert? However, I am afraid that even if you know there is something here, this information cannot be sent out." Said here, this middle-aged People's eyes are on Zhang Yang's body. I am afraid that as long as they are Zhao Fei, they can see that Zhang Yang is not a combatant. This middle-aged man is obviously not simple.

He glanced at the middle-aged man's eyes. Zhang Yang's heart was a jump. He had a bad hunch. I don't know why. The news of the previous life appeared again in Zhang Yang's mind. Natural gas explosion... Judging from the current situation, Zhao Fei, they have no possibility, and there is no need to completely blow up here, then there is only another possibility.

"This man is dragging time," Zhang Yang raised a spirit, and suddenly recovered, shouting loudly.

"Haha is late" Almost Zhang Yang's words just fell. The middle-aged man's right hand fell sharply and directly knocked on the keyboard next to it. Almost his hand just fell on the keyboard. With a bang, Zhao Fei did not know when the pistol carried in his hand was lifted directly, and the middle-aged man's eyebrows appeared a blood straight down. Go down.

With a clatter, he smashed a lot of folders behind him and fell to the ground. The seven or eight people standing behind the middle-aged man made a scream and were scared to squat directly on the ground. Zhang Yang froze directly, without waiting for Zhang Yang to come back. The "buzz" sounded like a beep. The computer that was originally quiet as if it had been shut down immediately started to operate. Dozens of huge displays placed directly in the center of the hall directly Lit up.

"Clapping" and "Clapping" two clear sounds passed directly from behind Zhang Yang. Both Zhang Yang and No. 9 standing next to him were startled. Both men turned their heads back. No. 9 directly picked up the automatic rifle in their hands. Even Zhang Yang took the pistol above the big subconsciously. come out.

The crisp sounds of “click” and “click” rang continuously along the walls, and pieces of transparent tempered glass rose directly from the ground. Within a few minutes, the entire room was strengthened by transparency The glass was shrouded in an instant, and the huge space became a huge cage.

The subconscious No. 9 was about to shoot. A bright light flashed through Zhang Yang’s mind and shouted loudly: “Don’t shoot, everyone don’t move these glasses.” Then Zhang Yang quickly opened the computer in his hand. Look, Zhang Yang is a little dizzy, D, I just forgot to look at the computer when I just came down from the 7th floor No wonder the life detector above is useless, it turns out that there is strong electromagnetic interference installed here.

Not to mention the life detector, even the wireless network of Zhang Yang's notebook has been interrupted. "No. 10, No. 11, can you hear it?" Zhang Yang quickly shouted in the headset.

"Okay? What's wrong?" The sound of No. 10 and No. 11 came from the headset. Zhang Yang immediately frowned. It seems that this electromagnetic interference is not directed at all signals. It seems that the pointer is specific to some and can transmit data. Network signal. Zhang Yang quickly put his notebook on the table next to it and rushed directly to the computer in the center.

"What's the matter?" When Zhang Yang did this, Zhao Fei didn't say anything. After Zhang Yang stopped, Zhao Fei asked.

"I won't dare to guarantee it until I'm sure." Zhang Yang's scalp is a little numb, and Zhang Yang has no courage to think about the consequences. If he contacts what happened in his previous life, this middle-aged man in this laboratory may be prepared for them A big gift. A! ! ! ;




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