The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 196: Terrorist accident (middle)

Chapter 196 Terrorist Accidents (Part 2)

Chapter 196 Terrorist Accidents (Part 2)

Zhang Yang didn't have a computer system in front of him, he just checked it briefly, and Zhang Yang couldn't help but smiled bitterly. LB Ah really T is afraid of what comes. The whole system has been locked, although there is a possibility of cracking But after a simple inspection, Zhang Yang knew that the system was not strictly rigorous. More importantly, the entire system was in the countdown at the moment. ;

"What's the matter?" There was no danger in the hall anymore, everyone came together, only No. 5 and No. 6 looked at the seven male nvs in white coats. These seven men had male nvs, aged 20 Chapter 196 Terrorist Accidents (7) from the ages of seven to eight to the forties. "Interview them. If I guessed right, there might be a bomb in our laboratory beyond our imagination." Zhang Yang smiled bitterly.

"Bomb?" Zhao Fei froze for a moment, his face immediately became difficult to look at, and quickly stood up and said: "No. 4." After speaking, he rushed to the seven male nv.

"I said, I said." No. 4 just drew a dagger from his body, and one of the seven male nv couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Say it."

"In the northeast corner, here, I will take you there, but the bomb has been activated, and we may not be able to get out." The man's face was full of fear and frustration, and when he stood up, the double uǐ was still trembling.

On the 4th, he dragged him directly to the northeast corner. When he got there, the man made a few strokes on the wall, and then there was a low mechanical sound immediately from the ground on the northeast corner. The heavy ground slowly moved to the sides. Moving away, then a square object about five or six cubic meters was lifted from below.

When this thing appeared, Zhang Yang, who came together behind them, heard the terrible accident on the 4th chapter 196th chapter (middle). With a sigh of relief, Zhang Yang noticed that Zhao Fei's face was also abnormal Ugly.

"What's this?" Zhang Yang didn't know anything about these yellow metal encapsulated things. He could only quickly pull Zhao Fei and asked.

"Hei Suojim μm20 superfine fried me grass" Zhang Yang's question did not answer. Instead, the dumbfounded No. 4 over there couldn't help but call it out.

The attitude of No. 4 made Zhang Yang's scalp numb. Looking at Zhao Fei and others who changed their face because of No. 4 words, Zhang Yang finally couldn't help but say: "Can you tell me, what the **** is this thing?" What made them change their face on the 4th, Zhang Yang knew that it was not a good thing, but in this case, the talents who can hold back without asking are ghosts.

"Horsogin is a name for bombing, do you know TNT? Under the same volume of famous bombing, Hesorkin is 158 of TNT's power, which means that Hessogin is 50% more powerful than TNT of the same volume, and μm20 refers to the diameter of the fried particles, that is to say, the diameter of the fried particles inside is in the order of micrometers." No. 4 smiled bitterly.

"Does it matter?" Zhang Yang couldn't help but ask. Although he knew that the result might be terrible, he asked.

"What does it matter? The finer the fried particles, the greater the power, and the ultra-fine frying that reaches the micron level is more than 10 times the same volume. That is to say, at least 2 tons of explosive power you see at present is equivalent to About 30 tons of TNT." No. 4 said with a wry smile.

30 tons? Zhang Yang stayed on the spot directly, although he had no idea about TNT, but TD, let alone TNT, is that you put 30 tons of smoke and firecrackers together and T can blow up the building directly. Too. Looking at a meter on the yellow iron sheet? * 鳎trait锯醞醯醞醯醯醞醯韯黯Han Huanglang Lang Yaozhao×Instant Sakura Jian Shuo anxiously blasting the plague and arching the plough?br/>

Although the plan? *Xia Xiaxian neon Ben gown? It is three minutes, but Zhang Yang did not feel that the system could be cracked in such a short time.

"Can we just play directed blasting and leave here?" Zhao Fei quickly raised his head and asked.

"No" this time, it was not No. 4, but Zhang Yang. With a bitter smile, Zhang Yang quickly pointed to the surrounding glass and said, "I see these glasses, they are not simple glasses. I have just discovered that these glasses have the function of electromagnetic interference. In other words, you see When it is glass, in fact, it must be equipped with a wire function. If I am a designer, I will connect this glass with this huge smoke, so everyone in this room will be like a circle. The rat in the cage."

"If I'm not wrong, it's not just around us. I'm afraid that the sky board and the ground are also covered with similar things." This kind of stuff is already installed around it, so it is impossible to put the sky board and the ground Omissions, let alone such a large leak. Besides, this building has 11 floors underground. The reinforced concrete on the ground is not something that they can blast in a while.

"It's less than 2 kilometers away from the town next to it. It's so powerful that it exploded in such a narrow space... I'm afraid..." No. 4 words were not continued, but none of them were stupid. Understand the meaning in Word 4.

"You neglected something." Suddenly a sudden voice rang out, and the oldest man among the seven male nvs suddenly spoke lightly.

"What?" Zhang Yang couldn't help asking.

"There" the man pointed to the bottom right corner of the pile of terrorist bombs. There is an iǎ-shaped sealed instrument that is less than one meter high. Everyone can't understand the structure, and originally thought it was this big smoke. part of uā.

"To tell you the truth, the real purpose of these people is not those black ropes at all, the gadgets are powerful, but you look too much at the device, it is a strong magnetic cyclotron acceleration hydrogen device." The long name Let everyone have a bad hunch.

"You don't need to understand what it does, you just need to know that although this piece is not comparable to nuclear weapons, if it is triggered by those black wires, the explosive power will definitely be much larger than what you see. "It seems that everyone does not understand this, the middle-aged man continued.

"If you don’t want to die, is there any way to get rid of it, now? Falcon Foundation! Shun Yuan Fan Jian Si Min Won Rong Shao 辽 file feed?br/>

"It's not that we don't want to help, we don't understand the computer, and as long as the bomb is started, it is possible to avoid the explosion only if it is disassembled, or the entire system is cracked." Here, the man's eyes turned to Publicity. Everyone's eyes looked at Zhang Yang coincidentally. At this time, even if these people all saw it, Zhang Yang was the computer master in the middle-aged man's mouth just now.

After stunned for a while, Zhang Yang didn't talk nonsense. He went straight to the computer and put his hands on the keyboard. Zhang Yang didn't do it immediately, but closed his eyes. Saying not to be afraid is false, even if Zhang Yang has died once, but no matter who he is, when faced with death, no one does not miss this world, Zhang Yang is no exception, and he is not a saint.

His mood is not calm at all. If he doesn't calm his mood, this system may have to let him finish playing immediately. This is not playing games, nor is it not to hack others' computers. If you fail, you can repeat it. Zhang Yang's mind flashed in the face of his parents. He was born again. He hadn't returned to his home, nor had he seen his parents, and Li Keqing, who was staying at school. I'm afraid he was waiting for him to return at the moment.

Zhao Fei did not speak, nor did they bother Zhang Yang. For a long time, Zhang Yang suddenly opened his eyes and quickly took his notebook from the side. He directly pulled the data cable under these monitors and connected it to his computer. This time bomb should be connected to the entire computer system.

Zhang Yang can't use infecting insects. Although infecting insects are always unfavorable, Zhang Yang dare not use it at the moment. For example, there are definitely many traps and baits in this timing system. The biggest problem of infecting insects now is to simulate. It is imperative to test, and once the test is wrong, the result is needless to say.

Therefore, Zhang Yang can only rely on his own strength to connect his laptop to the network. Although he cannot connect to the outside network, he can still connect to the computer in front of him. After checking the system heartily, Zhang Yang laughed bitterly. The entire locked system is like a huge software at the moment, and needs to be cracked by Zhang Yang.

At the outermost first layer of this software, an independent 18-digit password is required. This password is not a program set up by this time bomb, but a program to lock the system. If you want to cancel the time bomb procedure, you must first unlock the locked system, so that Zhang Yang has room for work.

Take a deep yourself not to think about any other problems, Zhang Yang's jīng God began to concentrate highly, his hands quickly built up on the keyboard, and I heartily tested the password login After the program confirmed that it had no traps, Zhang Yang entered its login interface.

When the picture on the desktop turned, countless number codes suddenly appeared on the screen of the blue screen. These number codes formed countless complex patterns and began to rotate around the entire table in disorder. The countless numbers were completely composed of zero and one. The codes of different lengths form a beautiful picture on the desktop.

"Code Storm" Zhang Yang exclaimed directly, and suddenly stood up from his seat. Zhang Yang's movements surprised Zhao Fei, who was absorbed in it. Zhang Yang's face was full of consternation, inexplicable, and a weird saying. If the emotion that does not come out is that Zhang Yang was shocked, bitter, and unbelievable when he saw the bomb, then when he saw this login encryption program named Code Storm, he was completely shocked.

This TD is a unique skill A! ! ! ;




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