The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 197: Horror accident (Part 2)

Chapter 197 Terrorist Accident (Part 2)

Chapter 197 Terrorist Accident (Part 2)

Zhang Yang's thoughts began to rotate rapidly. The entire human brain was like a high-speed machine. Countless thoughts connected all the things he encountered in series. After returning from rebirth, Zhang Yang's most feared person is that if Guo'an finds him, Zhang Yang just feels a little trouble, then when it appears, Zhang Yang is completely at a loss.

In the last life, the two spent five years together, but Zhang Yang found sadly that he knew nothing, at least when what he knew was completely overturned, the rest was unknown. For this reason, before encountering, Zhang Yang desperately improves his strength.

But no matter what, Chapter 197, The Horror Accident (Part 2) said, no matter what, Zhang Yang did not expect that when he came back to life, when this butterfly started to fan, he would touch in such an unexpected place To the unexpected, code storm is a password login method in front of you.

This is a unique skill, but it gave Zhang Yang a lot of good things, including this code storm, it can be said that this thing was encrypted in the world's landing at that time, what fingerprint authentication and the like were included, Zhang Yang felt that there was no such code storm Insurance

Fingerprint authentication and the like can be opened by collecting your fingerprints, but if you don’t tell the password to someone else, the forcible crack may be 0. The so-called code storm, the entered password will be automatically converted into machine language, which is 0 and 1, and these 0 and 1 will be completely sequenced. It is like a storm in nature, but it is just a number composed of 0 and 1 that forms a storm here.

When these codes enter a specific rule in the program, they will become another set of data, and then be matched with the key inside the program.? You will be completely wrong when you enter it. If you enter it successfully, the code storm will simulate the way the system login succeeds. If you don’t know Congratulations, if you fall into a trap made by jīng, the system will automatically lock all passwords.

All login methods will be locked. As for the locked time, it can be created by the user himself, and can be one minute, one hour, or one day.

In fact, the simulated computer system is exactly the same as the normally used computer system. The difference is that only real users know that a file in a folder in the simulated system will automatically pop up after double-clicking to open it. The second password input box.

After the second input, the entire storm will be unwound, so you can know how much this thing is. You must know that the code storm is completely mirroring your system, even if it is an ordinary personal computer system, the files inside are all There are hundreds of thousands, and any of these files may be the opening file of the second password input box.

Not subject to format, because these formats are just fake. Hundreds of thousands of files, if they are not real users, find you exhausted, not to mention the huge data files inside if the system is placed on the server Can make you crash.

Zhang Yang's face was uncertain, and Zhao Fei did not bother Zhang Yang, but just looked at him quietly. Everyone was attracted by Zhang Yang, and just a little scared by the number of horrible bombs. No one noticed that when Zhang Yang shouted the four words of code storm, one of the seven male nvs was twenty. The old man's face changed instantly, and then his hands slowly stretched into his pocket.

With a "bang" gunshot, Zhang Yang stood stunned in the spot and shivered the cold war of jīlingling, a burning sensation almost rubbing his shoulder through. Then a warm liquid sprayed directly on Zhang Yang's face, subconsciously sticking out the tongue iǎn, iǎn, and a **** smell with salty taste spread into the nose.


"Hei Zi..." accompanied by two exclamations, "bang" and "boom" sounded again with a gunshot and a dull sound, and with several screams, a figure directly smashed a large number of tables and chairs. Beside Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang suddenly recovered, and quickly turned back, Zhang Yang's eyes instantly turned red. All this seems cumbersome, but it almost happened between electric light and stone fire. When Zhang Yang turned his head, the instructor No. 9 who was responsible for protecting him had fallen to the ground, and blood was almost out of his neck on his neck. Blood was pouring out of his neck and mouth.

"No. 11" Zhao Fei shouted with red eyes, and a quick voice of No. 11 came from the headset: "What's wrong? What happened? I'll be here soon"

"Instructor" Zhang Yangmeng screamed and rushed to the side of No.9, ignoring the blood swarming on the ground, he directly lifted him up, his hands helpless to cover the two huge blood above his neck

"Cough...cough..." The blood that kept swarming in the mouth made the instructor 9 unable to speak at all, only to cough, the already loose eyes turned hard to look at Zhang Yang, "... ...Yes...Yes...I'm sorry...cough..." Just after three words, the blood foam in his mouth made him choke.

"Teach...Instructor...Don't talk...Don't talk..." The tears in Zhang Yang's eyes did not know when it came out, one of the seven captives over there had fallen to the ground and spilled on the floor The pistol above tells Zhang Yang everything. Obviously this man understands what it means for Zhang Yang to shout out the code storm. When he was about to kill Zhang Yang, the instructor 9 helped him block a shot, and the bullet passed directly through the instructor 9 Neck, wiped Zhang Yang's shoulder and flew out.

"Sorry...sorry...will...pull you...pull...pull in...push in. mother..." The vague voice stopped abruptly and was Zhang Yangfu The body in his arms sank violently, and the body of Instructor No. 9 turned straight to the side.

"Don't die, instructor... Instructor... I still want to invite you to drink... You haven't drank my wine..." Zhang Yang's hands helplessly covered the blood on his neck and let the gurgling blood Can't stop flowing out of the fingers, tears swarming out and blurring Zhang Yang's eyes, reaching out a handful of tears, the oil paint on Zhang Yang's face was immediately smeared into a pile by blood.

"I am your mother" No. 4 squatting on the other side of the instructor jumped up from the ground, directly picked up the gun in his hand and aimed at the remaining male nv.

The No. 2 and No. 3 beside No. 4 directly fell on No. 4 and directly pressed him to the ground. "You let me go, let me go, let me kill them"

"Wang Long" Zhao Feimeng yelled, stood up and walked to the side of No. 4, grabbed his collar with both hands and lifted him from the ground.

"Captain..." No. 4 shouted the captain, and suddenly "wow" burst into tears, holding Zhao Fei like a child, crying painfully.

"Captain, I'm here soon. What happened?" Inside the headset, the rapid sound of No. 11 rang.

"No.11, don't come in, stay outside, there is a bomb inside." Zhao Feimeng remembered, shouting loudly into the headphones.

Staring staringly at the body of the instructor in his arms, Zhang Yang gently put the body of the instructor No. 9 on the ground, stood up sharply from the ground, reached out his hands to wipe away tears, and quickly turned to the computer.

An instructor because of his death, Zhang Yang did not want to see all the instructors here died. Although Zhang Yang and them had no jiā set except Zhao Fei, when Instructor No. 9 stood behind Zhang Yang without hesitation, Zhang Yang felt himself The blood in the body surged wildly and could no longer calm down.

Wiping his hands on the clothes, Zhang Yang's face returned to calm, and began to quickly hit on the keyboard. Code storms are not unsolvable, just like every programmer will subconsciously leave one in his own software that he can do, and code storms are no exception.

At first, it may be to let Zhang Yang completely trust himself, or he wrote a more advanced similar program. Not only did he tell Zhang Yang after the code storm, but he also passed the source code, so for Zhang Yang, it was just It's just a little trouble.

The whole hall was quiet again, only Zhang Yang’s sound of striking the keyboard continued to echo, while Zhao Fei had been slowly inside the headset, and what happened outside the 10th and 11th, there were two injuries. The instructors were all over, so they sat quietly outside the glass wall and watched them inside.

A clear sound of "ding" sounded, the code storm in front of him disappeared, and a real system appeared in front of Zhang Yang. All the functions of the entire system are almost closed, only a countdown timer?

Looked at the There is another time, Zhang Yang quickly opened the meter? Rebellion Noisy α ship spring  桓龀 ご strontium    bad Na Mo 耄    recruited with the use of fluorescein to blame the condemnation 敕绫   emperor choke swelling ê 艹

Zhang Yang's hand stopped involuntarily. A! ! ! ;




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