The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 198: I'm still alive

Chapter 198 Lao Tzu is Alive

Chapter 198 Lao Tzu is Alive

In the silent room, there was only the sound of Zhang Yang knocking on the keyboard. This kind of sound has been going on for a long time. When Zhang Yang stopped all of a sudden, everyone immediately felt it. Zhao Fei immediately stood up and came over and asked, "What's wrong?" Zhang Yang looked at the body of the instructor lying flat next to him, and said with some frustration: "I may have no way to take everyone out."

Stretching his hands and patting Zhang Yang's shoulders, Zhao Fei said softly: "As Heizi said, we are sorry for you, we pulled you in, as for us... this situation has been thought of for a long time, there is a good saying It’s always going to pay back. What happened today is that I neglected Chapter 198. Lao Tzu is still alive. If he hadn’t searched them carefully, how could he hide a palm thunder.”

Although they may all disappear in this world with this huge smoke for a while, looking at the instructors who sacrificed themselves to save themselves, Zhang Yang’s **** is still in a state of dismay, and more importantly, when the instructors are perishing, Zhang Yang also Hearing what he said, maybe he still has parents to take care of outside, and now, even if they can’t go out, Zhang Yang can’t go to see his parents for him.

After thinking about all the possibilities, Zhang Yang gave up decadently. In this case, even the infected insects have no ability. The infected insects only invade the system, and like this kind of work to crack passwords, I want to force crack in a short time. , May be almost zero.

"Forget it, no matter, since we don't have much time, let's talk, and speaking, I don't know what your name is." Zhang Yangmeng stood up and said loudly.

Except for Zhang Yang, all the instructors had gathered at the mouth, and even the captives were **** and thrown near the mouth. Zhang Yang walked up to his mouth and sat down directly. After Zhang Yang, Chapter 198, who was still alive and sitting down, a few instructors spoke softly: "I'm sorry, let you follow us in."

"What I said, since I'm here, then I'm ready for this." Zhang Yang smiled softly, saying that he was not afraid of death, it was fake, even people who died once were more afraid of death. , But fear of death can not solve any problems. In this situation, Zhang Yang is not a god, nor is he a panacea. He has no way to crack this program.

"Instructor, tell me your name, I don't know you yet." Zhang Yang said with a smile.

"My name is Wang Long." Instructor No. 4 spoke first, and soon everyone reported their names.

"Instructor tell me about you? We are quite curious about your experience." Zhang Yang asked.

Zhao Fei smiled bitterly and sighed slightly: "I didn't expect that we would be left with four people after today's embarrassment. Yun Wei, remember a few of your eggs for me. Remember to avenge the old men. We are embarrassed by mercenaries. Believe you all remembered"

"Were the captain," Yun Wei and others roared with red eyes.

"Since you want to know, let me tell you something, huh, three years, only three years. At that time, we had a total of 48 brothers accepted this task, three years, in addition to the reduction of five due to injuries, We sent away 31 brothers. Today we died here, at least our ashes are still in our own land, but they may never be able to return to their homeland." Zhao Fei said slowly, as if Telling an irrelevant thing.

Zhang Yang silently, 31 people in three years, an average of 10 per year, Zhang Yang finally understands why after seeing the death of No. 4, No. 4 cried like a child holding Zhao Fei, they had sent away too many brothers Without knowing when it’s your turn, and Zhang Yang found that even after calming down at this moment, even if they knew that they would go to death after more than one hour, everyone was calm and calm enough that Zhang Yang was afraid to dare. Believe.

In this calm atmosphere, Zhang Yang felt that he was not so scared, and he talked and laughed with the instructors. "Actually, you have another choice." Suddenly, a sudden voice came in, and Zhang Yang looked back at them. It was the person who had just told Zhang Yang about the special device next to their bomb.

"What?" Zhao Fei raised an eyebrow.

"There is an important power supply pipeline under the device. If it blows up, then these black wires will not be able to detonate the device. At that time, even if the town in the distance may feel vibration, it will not be too much. It’s just that when the power supply pipe inside is blown up, this explosive device will probably explode within a few seconds.” The middle-aged man said softly.

It seems to know that he is going to die, and this middle-aged person does not want to involve too many innocent people. If he does not do this, I am afraid that the town on the north side will be destroyed directly. After listening to the middle-aged man, Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment. He suddenly understood why the town was okay in his last life. At the last moment, Zhao Fei did not need to think about their choice at all.

"Thank you." For a long time, Zhao Fei took a serious look at this middle-aged man, nodded at him, and then stood up and said: "No. 4, ready to blast, then please tell us which pipe we need to blow up. Also , I want to know, has the confidential information obtained here been transmitted?"

Although Zhao Fei has obtained a hard disk for storing data, no one can guarantee that the other party has cracked the data inside. "No, the encryption method of the program inside is very advanced. Although this laboratory has huge computer resources, it still has no effect." The middle-aged man shook his head without concealing it. In his opinion, everyone has already come out. not going.

The time passed quickly, and soon there was 30 minutes left. Zhao Fei ordered Yun Wei to leave. When Yun Wei left, Zhang Yang shouted to Yun Wei: "Instructor Yun, if you go out, trouble You help me bring a message to my parents and say I am not filial. Also, tell Li Keqing that my promise may not be fulfilled. If there is an afterlife, I will marry her."

Yun Wei's eyes were instantly red, and he nodded heavily. Yun Wei tried to straighten his body and shouted, "Salute..."

Watching the movement of the four instructors outside uniformly, Zhang Yang followed Zhao Fei and their two uǐ together and stood up to salute. For a long time, Yun Wei finally looked at Zhao Fei and turned around to walk outside.

When Yunwei and they left, Zhao Fei and others seemed to have been struck by ōu. Everyone sat on the ground at once. Zhao Fei gave everyone a serious look, and then looked at the timer on the time bomb and suddenly laughed. He smiled and said: "There are 28 minutes and 32 seconds. It seems that this is the last time we live in this world. I just don't know if this thing is accurate or not."

accurate? Zhang Yang's head was as if struck by thunder. A bright light struck the brain. Zhang Yangmeng jumped from the ground and laughed: "Haha... I thought, I thought, we don't have to die." Zhang Yangmeng laughed wildly After a few clicks, the whole person sprang up directly from the ground and rushed to the host computer like a madman.

Zhao Fei was shocked by Zhang Yang first, and then suddenly recovered. Zhang Yang's words made them excited. If it was possible, no one wanted to die. Zhao Fei hurriedly released his thumb from the detonator. It was not too late to detonate this thing in the last few seconds. If it can be unlocked, they don’t have to die.

Frantically rushed to the computer, Zhang Yang started to quickly knock on the keyboard like a madman. After experimenting with a few commands, Zhang Yang's face was a burst of ecstasy. Although the entire system was locked, but not everything If you can't do it, some D commands are still possible, but you can't do major operations on the entire system, otherwise, it will directly detonate the entire bomb.

Those people were already tied together, so all the instructors stood behind Zhang Yang. Zhao Fei didn’t want to disturb, but he couldn’t help but ask: “Zhang Yang, did you just say that the system cannot be unlocked? Are you now? is there any method?"

"I just thought that the whole system could not be unlocked, but now we don't need to unlock the entire system, I can make this bomb unable to explode." Zhang Yang said quickly as he struck the keyboard quickly. Zhao Fei and they all understand computers, but they only know how to do things, and the technology is not that high.

"I've checked it, because the timing system of this time bomb is bound to the entire computer, which is also not like ordinary time bombs, which can be directly removed by the person who eliminated the bomb. This is its advantage. , But the instructor just reminded me of your words, its entire timing system is directly used by the system time of the computer itself, which is understandable, but there is a huge leaky hands on the keyboard crazy work.

Lines of code can't stop the screen, but because Zhang Yang didn't touch the timing system and crack the system, he didn't touch the bomb at all.

"You all know that the computer's time is 24 hours, and when we first came in, his countdown was more than 2 hours, that is, it was more than 120 minutes and 7,200 seconds, but the countdown jumped every 60 seconds. Here, it subtracts the time per second from the overall more than 7200 seconds, but the countdown software is to extract the system time, that is, it not only counts down 7200 seconds, but also meets the requirement of reducing 2 hours. The double conditions will trigger the bomb, but because the network inside has been cut off, the system cannot automatically synchronize the time from the network, so if I completely modify the time setting set in BI?" Zhang Yang said quickly.

"Modify? How to modify?" Zhao Fei still did not understand.

"For example, I will set 1 minute equal to 60 seconds, set to 1 minute equal to 61 seconds?" Zhang Yang directly gave everyone an answer. Zhang Yang's words made everyone stunned for a moment. One minute equals 61 seconds? This is of course wrong, but the computer is a machine, as long as the time is not synchronized, it is just a rigid program, that is, if you set 1 minute equal to 60 seconds, it thinks that 1 minute is 60 seconds, and you set 1 minute Equal to 61 seconds, then it is equal to 61 seconds.

Hearing this, Zhao Fei's response was not slow, and they immediately understood what Zhang Yang meant. In other words, the countdown of this bomb is the time to extract the system, but when it now has 1200 seconds left, which is another 1200 seconds, and the system time is reduced by 20 minutes, then the bomb will start and explode directly. .

When Zhang Yang changed 1 minute to 61 seconds, these 1200 seconds have been reduced, in line with an option to start the bomb, but because now 1 minute is equal to 61 seconds, a reduction of 1200 seconds means that it has only been reduced by more than 19 minutes. If it is less than 20 minutes, the other condition cannot be met if it is reduced by 20 minutes, and the bomb will not explode.

And the time has been going. When the condition of reducing by 20 minutes is met, more than 1200 seconds have passed, and the other condition is not met. What is the result, there is no need to talk about it.

"Can it be done?" Zhao Fei and others worried.

"If you can try it, you will know." Zhang Yang replied quickly. In fact, Zhang Yang could not guarantee that he would succeed. 1 minute = 60 seconds is written in the C chip, which is directly burned in the hardware, but it does not mean that it cannot be changed from the software.

It can be modified from the D system, but this function will cause greater damage to C, will damage the life of C, or even burn directly, but now, Zhang Yang can’t take care of that much. One percent of hope is better than the total. Direct death is good.

It didn't take long to modify this. When Zhang Yang heavily knocked down the carriage return, there was a short pause in the system program, and Zhang Yang almost jumped out of his heart. If the system crashed, I am afraid that the entire bomb will directly "bang" "Exploded.

It was only quickly that the system returned to normal. Zhang Yang silently looked at the system time. After confirming that it had been successfully modified, Zhang Yang was relieved to look at the time and there were less than five minutes left.

The remaining five minutes were extremely difficult, even Zhao Fei stared at that countdown motionlessly? Lao Lao ⒌ recruited to analysing Lun 圈 笠 朇 氲 氲 Neon roasting  rebellious strontium beach worms "Zhangzao search Α?br/>

He was a little afraid to's heartbeat could not be heard into his ears. After a few seconds, Zhang Yang opened his eyes violently. What is the independent plan? *饕丫 Flashing Shun Tang Kang?, but the whole bomb did not explode.

"Wow, I'm still alive." Zhang Yang couldn't help but cheer, and even Zhao Fei and the couple hugged each other. Instructor No. 4 patted the shoulder of Instructor No. 9 with tears in his eyes, and wept a little, saying, "Hei Zi, did you see it, did you see it, I don't need to die, why did you die in TD?" What? Why did you die?"

In talking, Instructor No. 4 cried again, and I could see that I was afraid that Instructor No. 4 and Instructor No. 9 had the deepest feelings. The crying of Instructor No. 4 made Zhang Yang and they could not help crying. Silently looked at the body of the instructor who had become cold. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come (.m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.) A! ! ! ;




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