The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 199: Baptism (on)

A "click" followed by a sound of mechanical transmission, the specially-made tempered glass surrounding them was directly retracted to the ground. Zhang Yang remembered that there was no solution to this trouble, and it was unexpected that this thing would be lifted directly. "I More and More"

"We leave here, No. 3 and No. 4, you two take No. 9, we go." Zhao Fei's voice violently rang. Everyone nodded and immediately started to pack up and walked outside. Zhang Yang quickly picked up his notebook and took the lead to go outside.

As for the captives, Zhang Yang did not know what to do with Zhao Fei, and he didn’t even ask. After Zhang Yang came up from the ground, he found that two cars had rushed towards here in the distance. Needless to say, Yunwei, they found that there was no explosion, and turned back.

It didn't take long for Zhang Yang to come up, and Zhao Fei followed them from the inside, watching the car in the distance approaching quickly, Zhao Fei waved his hand, and the captives were also brought up.

When the car stopped, the two of No. 10 and No. 11 jumped out of the car with ecstasy, Zhao Fei stopped the speed of the two approaching, said quickly: "Let's leave first, the bomb is at 10 Explode in minutes."

"Yes!" No. 10 and No. 11 could not say anything, and went back directly to the car. Although the two vans were a little crowded with 18 people, especially when there were two seriously injured people, but now they have no reason to worry about these. After the crowds crowded into the car, No. 10 and No. 11 directly started the car and left here.

All the captives were shut in another car, and three instructors watched, while Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei, Yun Wei and Li Yingjie, two injured instructors, and the body of Instructor No. 9 were in another car.

"Zhang Yang, thank you. All of us owe you a life." Zhao Fei said seriously.

"Instructor needless to say, speaking, I still owe you a life." Zhang Yang smiled reluctantly and shook his head.

"Well, you can rest assured today, we will not tell you, and you will not be mentioned in the report. As for the captives, you can also rest assured that they will never say anything, we promise you Definitely do it, and I still need your help." Zhao Fei thought about it and said seriously.

"Instructor you say." Zhang Yang did not hesitate.

"What we did today will cause international disputes, so we will disappear for a long time. Yun Wei’s injury is not a big problem. Li Yingjie’s leg needs surgery. He can’t exercise for a long distance and needs your care. "Recommended "Baidu/Chess-ZiXiao/Xiao/Net Reading"" Zhao Fei said.

"I have no problem taking care of it, but are we taking him to the hospital now?" Zhang Yang had no problem with taking care of Li Yingjie. The problem was that Li Yingjie's instructor's leg had been broken. If he didn't go to the hospital, he would be crippled in the future.

"No, when I get to the city in a while, we will first go to the place where we settled down. We will find someone to give him bones, which can be completed in the morning, mainly because he needs someone to take care of him, maybe one month, maybe two or three months, This time will trouble you, we have no way to appear."

"Where are you going, instructor? Can't you go back to the army? Even if you need to avoid the attention of other countries, at least today, you must return it?" Zhang Yang asked strangely.

"Due to the chance, there are things that I can’t tell you and tell you, it’s not good for you. I can only tell you that these people are actually single-line contacts, another system, and you are an instructor in your school. Things, no one else knows our identity, it is highly confidential, anyway, as long as you know, even Guoan, unless the highest level of authorization is obtained, today’s actions will be sealed for at least fifty years. They also have no Right to read." Zhao Fei explained to Zhang Yang vaguely.

"I see, what about the instructor's future?"

"We deal with these, but I'm afraid you have to help us to do one thing. I will give you a copy when I get to the ground. After you see it, you will understand what to do." Zhao Fei sighed. Speak softly.

Knowing that it was impossible to ask anything again, Zhang Yang nodded and continued to ask. A loud bang was made not long after Zhang Yang and Zhao Fei had just discussed the matter, accompanied by a huge flash of light, followed by a blast from a distance. Looking out of the van window, a huge firework rose in the distance. With such a terrible explosive power, I am afraid there will be nothing left in the whole building there.

When it was close to four o'clock in the morning, the two vans stopped in a large yard in front and behind. This is the old city of H city, and there are many courtyards similar to the courtyard, but it seems to be a factory, so the area is not small, but the surrounding environment is very messy.

After getting off the car, everyone was doing their own things in an orderly way, and Zhao Fei walked directly into the main house. It took about twenty minutes before Zhao Fei came out of it and handed Zhang Yang a big Gave him a key and said: "You go back to see it. After reading it, you will understand. Tomorrow morning, after Li Yingjie completed the operation, I will call you, and I will trouble you later."

"I understand." Zhang Yang reached for the box and nodded, no nonsense.

"Wash it, you can go back after washing." Zhao Fei nodded softly. Zhang Yang agreed, and then walked directly into the room, unloading all the things on his body, and then washing off the camouflage on his face and the blood on his body. During the action, Zhang Yang put it on his clothes. A camouflage suit, so although the clothes inside also have blood stains, it is not too obvious.

By the time Zhang Yang finished packing and walked into the courtyard, Zhao Fei and they had settled everything, and all the instructors were waiting in the courtyard.

"The instructors, see you next time. I have the opportunity to invite you to drink." Zhang Yang pretended to smile and waved his hand, but there was no way to laugh on his face.

"Salute!" Zhao Fei did not talk nonsense, just snorted. The uniform military salute made Zhang Yang's eyes a little blurry, holding back his tears, Zhang Yang waved his hand, turned around and quickly walked out, this time separately, I don't know when it will be the next time I meet.

After coming out of the yard, it took Zhang Yang more than ten minutes to walk to a nearby lively street and stopped a taxi. After reporting the place name, Zhang Yang's entire talent relaxed completely.

Looking at the night scene beyond the window, Zhang Yang felt that something in his body had quietly changed, and even he couldn't tell what it was, but Zhang Yang understood that his future path might be more firm, Even more loyal, and more courageous.

A man's change may be at such a special moment, a special night. From the back of the school and into the campus, Zhang Yang sneaked back into the dormitory and stood in the hallway. Zhang Yang suddenly missed Li Keqing and wanted to think about it, but it was too late at this time, Zhang Yang was afraid to alarm Li Yuxuan, only Can stop.

Secretly opened the door of his dormitory, the room was very quiet, Fang Shaoyun was already asleep when Zhang Yang left, so he should not know that Zhang Yang went out. Quietly opened his door, Zhang Yang quickly locked the door from the inside, and just locked the door, a dark figure slammed down from the bed.

Zhang Yang was taken aback. Just when he was about to ask who was it, Li Keqing's voice came over: "Is Zhang Yang you?" "It's me, Ke Qing, why are you here?" Zhang Yang froze for a moment, and then quickly The lights in the room turned on, Li Keqing was shrinking under Zhang Yang's quilt, her eyes were still red. After seeing that it was Zhang Yang, she jumped directly from the bed and rushed into Zhang Yang's arms with bare feet. .

Holding Li Keqing tightly, Zhang Yang seemed to melt her into her body. "Zhang Yang, what did you do? After you left, I was uneasy all night. I was so scared and scared, and I ran to you secretly, but I was very careful. Fang Shaoyun didn't hear it, nobody knew. You are out." Li Keqing, who buried her head in Zhang Yang's arms, sobbed.

"Good okay, I'm okay." Zhang Yang took Li Keqing's small face in his arms, kissed the tears in her eyes, and whispered. "I just went out and helped the instructor to do something, nothing, no danger." Coaxed Li Keqing for a while, until she stopped crying, Zhang Yang quickly took off her clothes and stuffed it under the bed.

Just now Li Keqing was uneasy and should not have noticed that Zhang Yang once held the instructor No. 9, and the blood from the instructor had penetrated the camouflage suit and part of it was on his leg. Putting on his big pants, hesitating a moment, Zhang Yang took the safe that the instructor gave him.

Since I can show it to Then it should not be a shameful thing, hesitated for a moment, but Zhang Yang or Zhao Fei gave him if the safe was opened. When the safe was opened, it was printed in a touch of red Li Keqing looked at the inside of the box curiously.

When the box was completely opened, Zhang Yang was obviously stunned. He saw a bright red national flag. On the lid of the safe was an officer’s card, a few photos, and an envelope. The photo was no one else, it was the number 9. Instructor. Raise the national flag, neatly stacked a whole set of military uniforms under the national flag, next to the military uniform is a white ceramic jar, there are three neat first-class medals beside the jar, and two other Envelopes.

Zhang Yang's hands became a little trembling, and he took out the officer's card and looked at it. It turned out to be the officer's card of instructor 9, who was called Ji Qiang. Instructor Ji Qiang had just sacrificed, and naturally Zhao Fei could not prepare all these things at once, especially the contents in the white ceramic jar, which must be the ashes of the instructor Ji Qiang. Reminiscent of what Zhao Fei once said, give Zhang Yang a copy Things, Zhang Yang can already think, these things are probably prepared in advance.

Not only Ji Qiang, but also Zhao Fei and Yun Wei each have a copy. Except for this suicide note, nothing else is true.

(To be continued) (..) (the strongest hacker)

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