The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 200: Baptism (below)

Chapter Two Baptism (Part 2)

Chapter Two Baptism (Part 2)

"What are these?" Li Keqing, who was sitting with Zhang Yang, also saw that something was wrong, reached out and grabbed Zhang Yang's hand, and asked the voice.

"It's a comrade-in-arms of our instructor, who just sacrificed, but the instructor they have a task, there is no way to send it back, I can only send these things to their home." Zhang Yang paused, then said softly. Zhang Yang did not lie, but did not say completeness.

"Ah... that's how it is, but isn't it a peaceful age? How can it be sacrificed?" Li Keqing asked strangely.

"I don't know about this." Zhang Yang shook his head. Some things were like Li Keqing's chapter 200 baptism (below). They were simply unimaginable. Zhang Yang did not want to tell them. In fact, it was because there were too many. Ordinary people cannot imagine such things, so they simply cannot understand people like Zhao Fei.

"It's too late to sleep. I will ask the teacher for leave tomorrow, and then send the instructor back." Zhang Yang said softly.

"En." Li Keqing nodded, no objection.

After repacking things and putting them in the safe, Zhang Yang turned off the light and held Li Keqing to sleep. After a night of tossing, when he was completely relaxed, not only his body, even the jīng **** felt extremely tired, Zhang Yang tired I didn't even bother to take a shower, so I slept directly, and the other thoughts were gone.

By the time Zhang Yang opened his eyes, he had left his head and left early. Obviously Li Keqing had already got up to go to school. Looking at the time, it was already more than 9 am. Thinking of something else this morning, Zhang Yang jumped up from the top quickly, and then took a look at his mobile phone from the clothes. Zhao Fei didn't call, and the time had passed 5 iǎ. It is estimated that Li Yingjie's injury exceeded Imagine, otherwise, the operation can not have such a long chapter 200 baptism (below).

I changed my clothes and threw the clothes I changed yesterday into the washing machine to let it wash. Zhang Yang picked up the phone and called Wei Wuguang.

"Hello? Zhang Yang? Did your child skip the class? Did you dare to call me after class?" Wei Wuguang asked with his face covered.

Zhang Yang burst into sweat, but he forgot. They were all in class this morning. At this time, the class was already in class. Zhang Yang dared to call, obviously there was no class.

"Uh... that teacher Wei, I have something to do, so I don't want to skip class, yes, teacher Wei, I want to ask for leave, please take five days." The computer contest officially started a week later, and five days off should be enough, so Zhang Yang simply asked for a few more days, who knows what will happen.

"5 days? You dare to speak, do you see which freshman dare to ask for leave like you? Why do you ask for leave? If you don't tell me why, I won't agree." Wei Wuguang Her voice was a bit crying and laughing. When I saw such a bold freshman for the first time, I didn’t talk about the bright and truant class. I also called the class teacher and continued to ask for leave for a week.

"A friend of mine has an accident...I'm going to his funeral." Zhang Yang said seriously.

"Ah...really?" Wei Wuguang didn't quite believe it.

"Teacher, will I lie to you? I don't have to curse my friends even if I don't want to go to class anymore." Zhang Yang smiled bitterly.

"Okay, but don't lie. If you let me know that you lie, don't think about asking for leave in the future." Wei Wuguang warned.

"No problem, teacher, don't worry, how good a student I am, how could I lie." Zhang Yang immediately called out haha.

"Come on, then let's go early and go back early. I'll be more careful on the way." Since agreeing, Wei Wuguang didn't say much. After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang shook his head. Old Wei was so good at talking, it is estimated that it was because of the last thing he felt owed to Zhang Yang, otherwise, he would never speak so well.

Zhang Yang thought about it, since she wanted to take care of Li Yingjie, it was naturally impossible to stay in the dormitory. There are many districts near the large area. Zhang Yang is not short of money now. It is best to rent a house. Thinking of this, Zhang Yang simply put his phone in his pocket and the Zhang Yang bank card left by Li Keqing in his wallet, and stuffed it into his wallet. Zhang Yang went downstairs and walked outside.

There are a lot of students renting houses outside, so the rent near the school is relatively high. There is a very high-end area in the area less than 500 meters. Zhang Yang directly took a taxi to there, in the property room in the mouth. A lot of rental advertisements, looking for a three-bedroom and two halls, a house where you can carry a bag, Zhang Yang made a deposit.

The owner has entrusted the renting of the property to the property, and the key is placed in the property, so that the property owner can take it up and look at it, as written in the contract, decorated, and the furniture in the house is readily available. There is everything, and the environment of the iǎ district is also quite good. Although the floor is a little higher, on the 12th floor, there is nothing wrong with the elevator.

Because he didn't know when Zhao Fei would call, Zhang Yang simply signed a contract with the property and paid a rent of nearly 40,000 yuan a year. Zhang Yang just signed the contract and took the key. Zhao Fei's phone came over: "Zhang Yang, I have arranged it here. What about you? Do you need me to find a house for you?"

"No, I've found it, Unit 1203, Unit 9, Building 9, District I." Zhang Yang quickly reported the name of the house he rented to Zhao Fei.

"Well, I'll be there in about half an hour." Zhao Fei agreed, and then hung up the phone. Zhang Yang thought about it for a few days. He was going to leave for a few days. No one could take care of Li Yingjie. He had to go to housekeeping to find a nanny. When I waited for more than half a year in the rented house, knocks came from outside, and when I opened it, I saw a piece of plastered Li Yingjie from the ankle to the big uǐ sitting in a wheelchair, pushing the car behind Zhao Fei and Wang Long, the others did not come. Wang Long also carried two large suitcases in his hand, which should be Li Yingjie's salute.

I found a bedroom for Xiangying Li, and after putting him down, Zhao Fei handed over one of the boxes: "This is for you. If you want to send the sunspots home, or wear these."

Zhang Yang took it strangely, "What is it?"

"You open it and see if you know it." Zhao Fei smiled.

Zhang Yang immediately put the box on it, and quickly opened it. After opening, Zhang Yang couldn't help but wow: "Is this really fake?" As he said, Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at Zhao fly.

"What do you say?" Zhao Fei rolled his eyes.

"That must be fake, how could it be true." Zhang Yang was a little depressed. There was a whole set of military uniforms in the box, from formal suits to mí color suits, as well as underwear, inner half sleeves, etc. These are not the most important. The most important thing is that the military rank on the top of the clothes is two bars and one star

And not only only the rank, but also the officer’s card. Zhang Yang took the curious officer’s card and looked at it. The photo inside is his, but the name is not Zhang Yang, but Zheng Shouliang. Everything is available, at least. Zhang Yang couldn't tell the difference between the military certificate of the instructor Ji Qiang he had ever seen.

"Who did this? It's the same as the real one." Zhang Yang asked curiously, this faker was too powerful, and could be so real.

"It's the same as the real thing, which is true." Zhao Fei rolled his eyes.

"You pull it instructor, you just tease me, I don't even have a ceremony, I become a major? What a joke." Zhang Yang is a little depressed, he is not stupid, even if he can get a real officer certificate , His rank can not be a major.

"Haha, it looks like you're not stupid, okay, rest assured, this thing is definitely made by experts, even if you let the picket go to see, they can't recognize this as fake." Zhao Fei said with a smile .

"Isn't that possible? What are you kidding? You look at this officer's ID card and it shows that I'm just 20 years old, but I'm already a major. Isn't that why?" Zhang Yang said depressively, it's okay to fake, but you Is it at least a bit logical?

"You are so ignorant? You don’t know it doesn’t mean you don’t. You just go back like this. The military uniform is made according to your figure. It fits perfectly. When you go back, you must wear it. The way to send Kuroko back, but we must at least let Kuroko's parents know that Kuroko sacrificed his life for the country." Zhao Fei's face became very serious and said seriously.

"Well, I know." Zhang Yang nodded, didn't he just fake a soldier? The super bombs have been dismantled, are you afraid of this?

"There is one million in this card, which is Heizi’s pension. You transfer it to his parents. This card contains 500,000, which are all collected by us, and you also give it to Heizi’s parents. . By the way, tell them that although he lost a son, all of us will be his sons in the future." Zhao Fei said softly.

Zhang Yang nodded Even if Zhao Fei didn't say, Zhang Yang would take care of Ji Qiang's parents until they died. Ji Qiang died for Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang's life can be said to be Ji Qiang rescued them, of course, there is no need to talk about them between them, Zhang Yang also rescued them, and Zhao Fei, I am afraid that they have not rescued each other once or twice. The feelings between them have long exceeded Brother.

"We are gone." After settling in, Zhao Fei greeted Zhang Yang and Li Yingjie, and turned away with Wang Long. After Zhao Fei left, Zhang Yang said to Li Yingjie: "Instructor, these are my It’s possible that nobody will take care of you when I go out. I’ll hire a babysitter to take care of you first. If you have anything, call me."

Li Yingjie smiled: "It's okay, right, by the way, I told you a few of them told me, let me train you for this short period of time, so that you can't even beat you, it happens during your military training. Zhao Touer told us everything."

Zhang Yang was full of black lines, but he had no opinion, nodded quickly to agree. A! ! ! ;




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