The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 201: Man's responsibility

Chapter 201 Men's Responsibilities

I found a housekeeping company to help Li Yingjie hire a nanny, a girl about twenty-seven or eighty years old, although she has no culture, but from the chat, the person is very real. Zhang Yang was originally planning to leave money for Li Yingjie, but Li Yingjie said nothing, and said that he did, and Zhang Yang did not force him. Anyway, he came back in five or six days.

It was already noon when I returned to the school with the suitcase. When I saw Zhang Yang coming back, Fang Shaoyun asked strangely, "Why did you go? This day the gods are nagging, what is in your hand?"

"It's something my friend asked me to piggyback on. I just took a leave with the teacher. One of my friends had an accident. I'm going to a friend's funeral. It may take four or five days to come back. Chapter 211 Men's Responsibilities." Zhang Yang will tell Wei Wuguang the excuse again to Fang Shaoyun.

"Ah... so, I said, you haven't even seen a figure in the past two days, then when will you leave?" Fang Shaoyun scratched his head without asking much, after all, this kind of thing happened to young people is still regrettable Yes, everyone can leave it without asking.

Because Li Keqing already knew that Zhang Yang was coming out, he came over to help Zhang Yang pack up after school in the afternoon. In fact, Zhang Yang didn’t do anything. What surprised Zhang Yang was that when he looked at the home address of Instructor Ji Qiang in the afternoon, he was a little surprised. The home of the instructor Ji Qiangran and Li Keqing are in the same place.

They are all people from Inner Mongolia, and they are all from Bayannur city. Bayannur city belongs to Hetao Plain. Zhang Yang had followed Li Keqing in his last life. I didn’t expect Ji Qiang’s family to be in Bayannur city, Bayan. Because Naoer City is close to the Yellow River, it is also called Linhe City.

Almost half of China is crossed from H city, but fortunately, if you take a train from the capital of the autonomous region to Linhe, it will be six or seven hours. Booked the plane the next morning, Zhang Yang and Li Keqing said goodbye to them early in the morning and went directly to Li Yingjie. In Chapter 201, the man’s responsibility is estimated to be too long, and because of the comparison Mostly, Zhang Yang simply did not bring any clothes to change, and in Li Yingjie, he simply put on his military uniform.

After putting on a whole set of military uniforms from the inside out, after wearing the tie, looking at himself in the mirror, Zhang Yang couldn't help but narcissistically praised himself. Although the whole person has not changed, he changed into a uniform. Afterwards, these feelings were different. If it was not yesterday that Zhao Fei sent him the military uniform, Zhang Yang thought he was a soldier.

Every boy has a military dream, and Zhang Yang is no exception. In fact, until now, this dream has not disappeared. Of course, the dream belongs to the dream, and the reality belongs to the reality. I really want Zhang Yang to be a soldier. He won't do it if he dies. "Oh, okay, good, pretty handsome, you don't see it, you are quite military." Li Yingjie in a wheelchair looked at Zhang Yang in the back and said with full admiration.

"That's right, don't look at who I am, I am more like a soldier than you Zhaotou." Zhang Yang looked at the rank on his shoulder proudly, anyway, he is still one or two.

"Haha, you have to ask Zhao Tou yourself. I think the two of you are eighty-two radii. Both of you are serious. They are hooligans. I am afraid that the average iǎn can't compare with you." Li Yingjie haha Said with a laugh.

"Necessary, then I will go first, and the instructor will see you again." Zhang Yangchong and Li Yingjie waved their hands, and then walked outside carrying the box symbolizing all the instructors of Ji Qiang. This was Zhang Yang’s first time wearing military uniforms on the street. He had never thought that he would wear military uniforms on the street and walk to the street. It felt weird. Even if the military uniform was fake, Zhang Yang would involuntarily raise his head. Chest, walking like a real soldier, vigorously and vigorously.

The plane from H city to Hohhot arrived in more than two days. When Zhang Yang landed at the airport in this northern city, he only smiled bitterly and found that he seemed to forget that although H city in November is not cold, but The temperature in the north is already very low this time, and it will be minus zero sooner or later.

Fortunately, when he left, he wore a lot of clothes inside, so he could not feel the chill for the time being. When I went to Hohhot Railway Station and bought a train ticket to Linhe at noon, Zhang Yang casually found a place to eat a few meals, and sat quietly in the waiting hall of the railway station. After sitting for a while, Zhang Yang felt a little awkward, he It always felt like someone was staring at him, but he couldn't find out who was watching him.

Until the train ticket was checked, Zhang Yang didn't find out who was watching him, but the feeling of being stared at by him never disappeared. Finding his place and sitting down, Zhang Yang did not put down the box in his hand, but held it in his arms. Opposite Zhang Yang was an elderly man with gray hair. He was kind-hearted and kind-looking. After Zhang Yang sat down, he kept looking at him.

The inland trains are all very old green leather cars, and there are no EMUs. The hard seat cars are naturally no better.

"Iǎ dude, how old are you?" After the train started, the uncle sitting opposite asked, looking at Zhang Yang with a smile.

"20 this year." Zhang Yang smiled.

"Is it a major since just 20?" the old man asked in surprise.

"Well...because I studied early, and my grades were better, I was already a captain when I graduated from the military school." Zhang Yang did not explain specifically, but probably made an excuse. As for what other people think, it does not matter. What happened to Zhang Yang made Zhang Yang somewhat curious about the feeling of being watched.

Zhang Yang is not like people like Zhao Fei, they are not trained from life to death, there is no keen sense, but the feeling of others staring just now is estimated that anyone can feel it, anyway, someone is staring at you all the time As long as it is not a person with a big nerve, it can be felt.

The time on the train did not pass quickly, but the time was not too long, and the time of a few hours was quickly passed by Zhang Yang. By the time he arrived in Linhe City, it was already more than 9 o'clock in the evening. It was definitely not the time to visit this evening. I found a hotel to stay in. Zhang Yang took out all the information of instructor Ji Qiang and looked at it.

Instructor Ji Qiang did not get married or have any objects. There were only a pair of old parents in the family. Because they were old children, Ji Qiang’s parents were very old, and Ji Qiang had sacrificed. The two old men did not even have a pensioner. .

One night without words, the next morning, Zhang Yang got up, got dressed and drove to the home of Instructor Ji Qiang. The home of Ji Qiang was on the edge of the suburb of Linhe City. The father of Instructor Ji Qiang opened the curtain in front of his house. A car repair shop, life is still gone, the mother does not have any formal work, usually in the store to help.

After getting off the taxi, Zhang Yang raised his eyes and saw the repair shop, which was already filled with all kinds of spare parts. An old man in a yellow military uniform was busy there. It was a very old military uniform. It should be the military uniform when it was just liberated, but the father of instructor Ji Qiang was also a soldier.

From the appearance, he doesn't look like he has just passed 60. The busy wind and sun all year round make him look much older than his true age, and even his back is slightly curved. Zhang Yang stood there silently and looked at it with a suitcase. He didn't know how to go up and talk, but Zhang Yang knew that although the instructor Ji Qiang died, the two old people might be very sad, but this news must let them know. These things in the box may be the only thoughts of the two old men.

And I’m afraid that the instructor Ji Qiang hasn’t been back for a long time. Pedestrians passing by don’t stop throwing curious glances to Zhang Yang, while the old man is still busy with his booth, using the parts and tools for car repairs. Tidy it up neatly, then put it in the mouth from the store.

Until the neighbor next to the old man pointed at Zhang Yang and said something, the old man discovered Zhang Yang's existence and turned his head to look at Zhang Yang. When the old man saw Zhang Yang and the box carried in Zhang Yang's hand, the old man's body could not help shaking, and there was a trace of panic on his face.

Zhang Yang felt sad for a while. He already understood that the old man might have guessed it. In fact, every family member of the soldiers is afraid of such a situation. When a strange soldier appears in his mouth neatly dressed and his son is not around, there is a lot of bad news.

The two men stared at each other for a long time, and Zhang Yang slowly picked up the box in his hand, then held it in his hand and slowly walked towards the old man. Zhang Yang knew it was cruel, but he had to go again. After two steps, Zhang Yang's eyes turned red.

Walking in front of the old man, Zhang Yang asked quietly, "Are you Brother Ji Qiangji's father?"

"I... I am, Comrade iǎ... My son... He... what's wrong with him?" The old man's voice trembled.

"Ji... Brother Ji...he sacrificed." Zhang Yang's eyes closed for a long time before finally saying this.

With a "snap" and a clear sound, Zhang Yang glanced down at the sound. At the back of the shop, an old lady with the same gray hair, a plastic water cup in her hand also fell asleep on the ground. The tea was dripped slowly, and the mother of instructor Ji Qiang opened his mouth. Without waiting for a word, the whole person fell back.

Zhang Yang hurriedly put down the box in his hand and rushed over to help Ji Qiang's mother up from the ground: "Auntie, Auntie wakes up."

"Old lady, old lady, are you okay? The strong son is gone... If you have three long and two short... what shall I do?" Instructor Ji Qiang's father also hurried over and said anxiously.

"I called for an ambulance." Zhang Yang quickly pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket. If something went wrong with the old man, Zhang Yang could not replace the instructor who had passed away.

The phone was quickly connected, because instructor Ji Qiang's information contained the address of his home, so Zhang Yang easily reported the address here. The neighbors all quickly joined together. Everyone comforted the elderly with all their hands. It can be seen that Ji Qiang’s family has lived here for a long time, and the feelings of the neighbors and neighbors are good. Everyone already knows the news, and everyone is a little sighed.

After the ambulance came, he simply rescued. The old man woke up and sent the ambulance away before Zhang Yang entered the house. Zhang Yang has opened the box and all the contents are taken out. Ji Qiang’s parents are holding the contents of the box and crying. The neighbors in the house are also touching the tears. Zhang Yang’s tears can’t help but flow down. .

"Comrade iǎ... Could you tell me how our family had sacrificed their strong son?" Ji Qiang's father cried for a while before looking at Zhang Yang and asking.

Zhang Yang went to the bed and squatted down, looking at Ji Qiang’s father’s face, Zhang Yang wiped his tears, and said hoarsely, "We were sacrificed to save me when we were performing the task. Uncle and aunt, you can rest assured , Brother Ji has left, and I will be your son in the future, and 12 of our comrades in the same class. We will all be your sons in the future. This time they can’t see you because of the end of the mission. Come take care of you."

Zhang Yang said in a word, this is not only Zhao Fei's voice, but also Zhang Yang's voice.

Zhang Yang's words directly caused Ji Qiang's parents to hold him and wept bitterly again, until the neighbors in the house feared that the old man would cry and break his body. They couldn't stop persuading that the two old talents finally stopped crying. "Boy, what is your name? Can you tell me what happened when Ji Qiang died?" Ji Qiang's father looked at Zhang Yang and calmed his emotions.

"Uncle, my name is Zhang Yang..." Hesitated for a moment, and finally Zhang Yang said that he had concealed the situation at that time. Although the truth of the matter let the two elderly people know that there is nothing, but there are other neighbors around after all. It was a trouble as soon as the matter was spread.

After listening, Ji Qiang’s mother began to cry again, but Ji Qiang’s father stretched out his hand and patted Zhang Yang’s shoulder, and said softly, “Boy, you are suffering, although Ji Qiang has sacrificed, but don’t you Sad, if it’s not you, I’m afraid you guys will never come back. Although I was born a few years I haven’t beaten Japanese devils, but I’ve beaten American guys. , I can understand Ji Qiang’s choice. I am proud of him. Anyway, at least my son died. He died under the flag. That’s what I am proud of.”

As the old man said, the old tears lay side by side. Speaking of it, after the two children were settled by their children, Zhang Yang lived here, as if instead of Ji Qiang, the dinner was made by Zhang Yang, the two old people had no appetite, but they were still in Zhang Yang He said that he barely drank a bowl of porridge.

"Uncle and aunt, this card contains a total of two million yuan. It is the pension of Brother Ji Qiang, you hold it. Brother Ji Qiang can't take care of you in the future, we will take care of it. You can do anything. As for your life, we will be responsible." Zhang Yang did not get out the 500,000 card given by Zhao Fei, but directly gave the one million card with his bank card's mobile banking There was another million in it.

The money is not compensation, but Zhang Yang hopes the two elderly people can live a better life. Ji Qiang was to save him from death, so Ji Qiang's parents should be raised to support. A! ! ! ;




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