The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 202: I'm a little major, how? (on)

Walking on the streets of Linhe City, Zhang Yang walked towards the address in his memory. Zhang Yang regretted that he knew he should come with some changed clothes. When he came, he just left for a day, but now it looks like this, Zhang Yang again How can I be patient, I can only stay longer. "I dedication"

If it were not for the two elderly people who were reluctant to leave their hometown, Zhang Yang would also like to take them to city H. In this way, he would have time to take care of them. After all, so far away, Zhang Yang may be able to come back to school now. There is little pity, but speaking of it, it happens to live in a city with Li Keqing's family, and there are many opportunities for Zhang Yang to come in the future.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, the sky in the north had just turned bright, and he greeted the uncle, and Zhang Yang came out. The temperature in the early morning was abnormally low, but Zhang Yang's body was still good, but it was a little cold. A taxi was stopped and Zhang Yang got off the car far away from his destination.

Li Keqing's mother placed an early booth at the door of a factory. Regardless of the cold and hot seasons throughout the year, Li Keqing raised Li Chengqing a little bit by these meager incomes. Across the distance, Zhang Yang saw the early stalls placed at the intersection, just a simple stove composed of a tricycle. The early sale in winter is relatively simple. It is a unique meat clip roast in this city. Zhang Yang has eaten it. The taste is very good.

After the winter, Li Keqing's mother will also put some tables and chairs on the trolley, and also sell some fritters, soy milk and the like. Because it has been doing business here for many years, it is of good quality and cheap, and there are many old customers, so the business is also quite good.

Li Keqing's mother is not very young, less than forty, because he married earlier when he was young, so he was less than 19 years old when he gave birth to Li Keqing.

Although it is less than forty, long-term work makes her look like a 50-year-old middle-aged woman. She has a lot of wrinkles on the corners of her forehead and eyes, and even a lot of white hair in her hair. The smiling kind face, it seems that you can see the beautiful face when you were young.

After standing there for a long time, Zhang Yang hurried to the stall. "Does Comrade Xiaolai want a roast?" When Zhang Yang was seen, Li Keqing's mother's face was a little surprised. Although Linhe City also has a military division, the military division is on the other side of the city. You won't see a soldier here all the year round. However, after being surprised, Li Keqing's mother quickly asked with a smile. Although asked in dialect, Zhang Yang was still able to understand. "I More and More"

Li Keqing followed her mother's surname. Li Keqing's mother was Li Shufang, a common name, but like all mothers in the world, she paid for her children without complaint.

"Well, auntie, give me two." Zhang Yang nodded and said with a smile.

"Oh, okay, lad, wait a moment." Li Shufang smiled slightly and closed her ears before putting on clean plastic gloves to get Zhang Yang earlier. Although the roasted meatloaf is not too big, the two Zhang Yang must be full.

With a "crunch", a Mercedes-Benz parked next to the stall, and a woman in her twenties shook down the window and shouted here: "Come three for me, hurry up."

"Okay, please wait a moment. I'll get it for you when I finish this guy." Li Shufang quickly raised her head and said.

The woman looked at Zhang Yang who was standing next to the stall and said, "Can you get us first? We are still in a hurry."

Li Shufang was a little embarrassed at once. Although it was said that there was no order at this stall, everyone was waiting in line. Zhang Yangwei smiled and said: "Auntie, it's okay, let them get it first, I'm not in a hurry." Anyway, Zhang Yang came to look at it. He had a good face in front of his future mother-in-law, and he was fine.

"That's good. Then trouble you guys, please wait a little longer." Seeing Zhang Yang agreed, Li Shufang immediately smiled apologetically, and then bowed his head and re-baked the two of them. The three roasted meat clips were quickly finished, and Li Shufang packed the three roasted seeds in a plastic bag, and then carried them over.

After receiving the money from the woman, Li Shufang handed the plastic bag out of the window. When she handed it in, the woman didn't pick it up and the plastic bag fell out of the car all at once. In response to the woman’s scream, although I couldn’t see what happened from the angle of Zhang Yang, the meat in the roasted meat pie was cooked with sauce, but there was a lot of oil in the roast, which fell out of the plastic bag, It must have spilled on the woman.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Li Shufang apologized a little while apologizing, while trotting to the car stall and holding a roll of toilet paper to the side of the car. The woman sitting in the co-pilot position had already gotten out of the car. When she got out of the car and looked down at the oil stains on her skirt, the woman's face became very ugly.

He pointed at Li Shufang's nose loudly on the spot: "Your eyes are blind? You don't have long eyes? The skirt I just bought was oiled by you. Can it still be worn?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, otherwise, you go back and change your clothes, I will send you a dry cleaning shop to wash it." Li Shufang said in a panic. Zhang Yang frowned, no one could say who was at fault in this kind of thing, but this woman's words were too excessive, and she spoke quickly and urgently, and in dialect, Zhang Yang didn't listen very much Understand, but probably know what it means.

After a pause, Zhang Yang lifted his legs and walked to the side of the road. This kind of thing may usually happen, but now that Zhang Yang has encountered it, he can't let his future mother-in-law suffer.

"Wash what, wash it, I won't ask you too much. I bought my clothes for 30,000. You can pay me 30,000." The woman frowned and said.

"I'll wipe it for you. I can't make so much money in this stall for a year. This clothes can still be washed and washed." Li Shufang said in a panic while lowering her head to wipe the oil stains on the woman's clothes.

"Wipe it? Can it be wiped? Can't wash it off." The woman pushed Li Shufang with her hand, and Li Shufang, who was unable to quench her, fell back on the ground directly. Zhang Yang's face changed instantly. He quickly ran to lift Li Shufang who was sitting on the ground. Zhang Yang raised his head and looked at the woman coldly: "Are you talking like this? Is this broken skirt worth 30,000 yuan? You Is the whole person worth 30,000?"

"What? What? Why is it unreasonable." At this time the door of the cab was pushed open, and a middle-aged man in his thirties walked out of the car and said aloud.

"Reasonable? tmd, what good reasoning do you guys have?" Zhang Yang understood, the so-called psychology of showing off wealth refers to those who are rich and not rich, but like to act hard. Like Tan Yudie and Li Yuxuan, the real billionaires in other people's households may frown, but their quality will never be so low.

I have seen so many similar videos on the Internet in my last life. The so-called rich people with low quality are almost the same as the people in front of me. Their assets are estimated to be a few million, but they are like two or five hundred thousand. Can’t wait to show off to the people all over the world how much money he has. For those with real assets of tens of millions, or hundreds of millions, how can their vision and mind be such?

"Who are you? What does this matter have to do with you? I advise you not to ask for trouble. It's not so good to be courageous this year." The man looked at the rank on Zhang Yang's shoulder and hesitated, although his face was a little bit Annoyed, but it did not break out. Obviously this man is not stupid. Knowing that such a young man, the rank of a major is definitely not a background.

"Comrade Xiao, forget it...don't be quarreled." Li Shufang's waist was not good. She was just pushed by the woman unpredictably. It was estimated that the fall was not light. When Zhang Yang just helped him up, I didn't have any energy at all, and I was relying on Zhang Yang to support it. At this time, I just relaxed, and immediately pulled Zhang Yang's clothes and whispered.

"You tm just find fault, right? People don't know you at all? Are you her son?" The man finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Zhang Yang angrily and asked aloud.

"That's right, you get away quickly. This matter has nothing to do with you. You just called her aunt. This time you are the son of Chengren's family? Do you recognize your mother like this? We are in a bad mood today~www.mtlnovel. com~ I don’t care about you, a poor soldier, what do you need to do? Do you have to pay for it?” The woman next to him saw the man pointing at Zhang Yang and scolding, between the corners of her mouth. It immediately became unkind.

"Doesn't her son don't care about you? I'm really in control of this matter today. Can't I be her daughter's boyfriend? Lose money? Today I have the ability to pay for this money, and I won't pay you." Zhang Yang sneered, is he really not afraid of this? Lose money? Yes, it’s okay to lose money, but I have to get over it before I lose money. If it weren't for Zhang Yang who didn't have Zhao Fei's skill, otherwise, he would have already started.

"Are you from the military area? You really want to take this beam, I will call your military area political commissar now." The man looked at Zhang Yang and said with a sneer.

Zhang Yang was a little surprised. Didn't expect this man to know the leader of the military division? However, the military division of Linhe City is a military division of a prefecture-level city. Even the commander of the military division is only a large school, which is three levels higher than Zhang Yang. What if it is called? Is Zhang Yang afraid that they will not succeed? Today, even if this matter has reached the horizon, Zhang Yang is not afraid. Besides, the certificate on Zhang Yang’s military card is not from the Inner Mongolia Military Region. The soldiers on their side can’t manage Zhang Yang.

(To be continued) (..) (the strongest hacker)

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