The Strongest Hacker

Chapter 221: Liu Chengyin (Part 1)

Chapter 221 Liu Chengyin (Next)

Chapter 221 Liu Chengyin (Next)

"I was alone at night when I was scared at home, so I lay on the window sill and watched the stars. At that time, I was thinking, if the stars in the entire sky are mine, then I will wait for school. I think I will start a company in the future, and the name is called Starry Sky." Zhang Yang can’t remember exactly when Li Keqing told him this sentence, it seems that it was when he was a senior, and it was like when he was a graduate student. .

But these are the things Li Keqing said to Zhang Yang in his previous life. Li Keqing also told him this in his life. Looking at Zhang Yang's serious face, Li Keqing was a little dazed. She was sure that she had never told Chapter 221 Liu Chengyin (next) what Zhang Yang thought about her time. Could it be that God was destined to keep them together ?

"Starry sky? Haha, wouldn't you learn from our group's name." Li Yuxuan froze for a moment, then said with a smug smile.

Zhang Yang choked, and said helplessly: "Look at your company's name, Xingyang Group, it's really unpleasant. Looking at the name I started from, the starry sky, it's a man who wants to have a vast sky like iōng.

"Oh... Brother, I'm still driving. For your own life's sake, don't disgust me." Li Yuxuan's jī pimples rose.

Back at the dormitory, Zhang Yang couldn’t wait to open his computer. The clue m was completely broken. Now, look at the file that gld sent to m. Is there anything needed for Zhang Yang in the file sent to m by the other party? Obviously, the other party has already calculated the time of m, and it is estimated that m has no time to view that file.

Connected to the No. 1 satellite, found the file he stole, and Zhang Yang copied it to his server. After copying in, Zhang Yang directly interrupted the network connection. The whole file is a compressed file of Chapter 221 Liu Chengyin (next). Zhang Yang doesn't know what is inside. In case there are any traps inside, Zhang Yang doesn't want his computer system to be compromised.

After everything is ready, Zhang Yang directly decompressed the compressed file. The decompression of the file is very slow. Obviously this compression is also encrypted. The process of decompressing the file should also be a process of reading and converting the file. It took about ten minutes or so before a folder appeared on Zhang Yang's computer. This was the folder unzipped from this compressed file.

Opening the folder, the files inside are pitiful, but one of the names makes Zhang Yang stunned. There are three folders in this folder, the front is very simple, it says encryption password and software, the second is file information, and the third name is the latest information.

But there is a Peugeot on the folder of the latest information. If Zhang Yang remembers correctly, this Peugeot is on the nubi website. Zhang Yang could not study the first two folders, and directly opened the third folder. In the third folder, Zhang Yang saw a file named, the latest registered hacker evaluation, click on the information in this file, Zhang Yang’s heart Sink directly.

I am grass! Zhang Yang couldn't help but burst a swear word. When he saw this document, Zhang Yang even understood a thing completely. The sign he just saw was right, it was on the nubi website! And all the documents inside are the registration information on the nubi website, and the evaluation materials in it contain all the evaluations on the nubi website!

Zhang Yang almost connected everything in an instant. The word nubi translated into Chinese is Anubis. It is the **** of death in ancient Egyptian mythology. Anyone who has seen the mummy series of movies should not forget to summon it. Grim Reaper, and if translated into Chinese, Tanatos, is the Grim Reaper in ancient Greek mythology! Zhang Yang should have thought about it for a long time, but hackers have always used the names of characters in various myths as their own id.

So Zhang Yang didn’t even think about it, and now Zhang Yang understands this folder, no matter whether it is m or those mysterious hackers, or they have nothing to do with nubi, and nubi is the most hacker in the world. Professionalism, the so-called fairest website, is simply something that people come out to absorb members.

Zhang Yang feels a bit cold in his back. If the feeling that once gave Zhang Yang is powerful and even omnipotent in the network, then the website of nubi may not feel so direct because the nubi managers never come forward , Just doing website maintenance, but this does not mean that the core members of the nubi website are not bullish!

You know, the hackers on the track have taken over more than 90% of the world’s famous hackers. None of the governments in various countries want to know exactly where this website is. No government department wants to get all of the nubi. Information, but from the appearance of nubi until Zhang Yang's death in his life, no political fǔ successfully found any information about nubi.

As if it appeared abruptly in this world, it stands to reason that if the US politics fǔ want to find, nubi can not hide, after all, in the online world, the United States has the "nuclear weapons in the online world" "Nine of the thirteen root servers in the world are in the United States!

No matter how powerful, as long as it wants to connect to the network, it can't escape through the root server, but American politics can't find it! Zhang Yang did not understand what it was, nor did he know, but Zhang Yang understood that the nubi website may not only deter from the Internet, but may also be deterrent in other aspects, so that the US political fǔ is a deterrent.

Of course, these are all Zhang Yang’s guesses. It is unclear what the actual situation is. However, all this made Zhang Yang come out with a cold sweat. Originally he just wanted to find out, but now he found that he wanted to find It is simply pulling out the radish to bring out the mud, the water inside is too deep.

However, Zhang Yang now has an advantage, that is, he is in the dark, whether it is nubi or not. Compared to Zhang Yang, they are all in the bright place. Zhang Yang can calculate them behind, but they can’t find it. Publicity. Of course, if you want to achieve your goal in the end, I am afraid that Zhang Yangguang has a strong network strength. If he does not have a little power in reality, even if he finds the other party in the end, it may be a monster in reality, and Zhang Yang will still be An ordinary person, how does he play with others?

This is like practicing martial arts. When everyone’s strength is similar, skills are very important. People with tricks can definitely win, but when the strength gap between the two sides is too large, the skills will have no effect at all. This is called The strength will drop ten times.

Zhang Yang didn't even plan to let Zhang Yang die, that was Zhang Yang's destiny, and it didn't mean he was not guilty. I looked at the registration information of this file in my hand, and Zhang Yang quickly saved it and hid it. Although most of them are rookies, there are some basic information about masters. They may be available when they are available, and although Zhang Yang touches It is a few months later, but it does not mean that you will not be online now!

Maybe Zhang Yang will collide with the early collision. Zhang Yang probably looked at the contents in the second folder, which was not useful to him. After doing the same processing as the third folder, Zhang Yang opened the first folder, which is a file encryption Decryption software, and related decryption passwords. After opening this software, Zhang Yang analyzed it with his own analysis software, and he knew that even this encryption software might not even know its detailed information.

The encryption method of the source code of this encryption software itself is definitely not any kind in the world today. I haven't seen this thing in the two lifetimes of Zhang Yang. I am afraid this encryption software is the method used by the nubi organization to pass messages.

Zhang Yang quickly flipped the files he stole from the m computer from his computer last time, and then used this encryption and decryption software to decrypt it. Sure enough, this software can restore this encrypted file. After a few minutes, the files without digital files will be completely restored.

Zhang Yang took a look at the size of the file. The original file of more than 400m is now only a little more than 100m. Obviously this encryption software not only encodes the original data in the encryption process, but also writes in it. Into some useless things, if there is no special decryption software, it is impossible to restore these files.

Some curiously opened these materials, and the content inside slowly appeared in Zhang Yang's sight. When he saw these things clearly, Zhang Yang's heart was full of consternation! Strictly speaking, this file has no confidential information, because it is just something similar to a directory.

These catalogs indicate which company it was developed by which company produced the research, and its general information, etc., and behind it, it is also marked with the words "task". Understand, these things are the core information of companies all over the world!

With the development of computers, it is impossible for all advanced technologies in the world to leave computers, and the biggest goal of all hackers in this organization is to steal their research results from all companies in the world, companies in any industry, and then Give this organization's laboratory to improve their own experiments! What kind of monster will be hatched by the huge gathering of information technology and the horrible financial resources of this organization?

Zhang Yang suddenly admired the founder of nubi. I don’t know who founded nubi. He was able to develop this organization to this point, and it has not been noticed by the intelligence department of any country in the world. This is a miracle. I'm afraid it's more arrogant than any other business miracle.

And nubi is like a steal hidden in the shadow, it is stealing all the materials and technologies that it thinks are advanced in the world. A! ! ! ;




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